When Lois Lane is killed, an unhinged Superman decides to take control of the Earth. Determined to stop him, Batman creates a team of freedom-fighting heroes. But when superheroes go to war, can the world survive?

A group of tenants living in an old house are confronted with having to move out due to a renovation project the city has undertaken. The tenants decide to unite and come up with a strategy, but in the process—while the landlord and his aggressive attorney are chasing them—the tenants transform into the opposite of who they once were.

A biographical portrait of a pre-fame Jane Austen and her romance with a young Irishman.

After the tragic death of star volleyball player Caroline "Line" Found, a team of dispirited high school girls must band together under the guidance of their tough-love coach in hopes of winning the state championship!

In an ordinary Moscow there is an unusual House — with a strange apartment in which not a single resident has stayed for long. And as soon as an independent mother and her lovely 8-year-old daughter moved there, the new residents find out that their living space is not that ordinary, and that the real House Elf lives there. But the House Elf has long been offended by the whole human race and would do all imaginable filth in order to remain alone in the ill-fated apartment.

The oral history of a team of geeks and misfits in the back of a Chicago factory creating the biggest video games of all time. Midway Games pioneered the concept of live-action gaming, kick-starting a new arcade boom and grossing billions of dollars with hits like Mortal Kombat and NBA Jam.

Young Nigel Slater has big culinary aspirations, even though all his mother knows how to make is toast. When his mother dies, relations grow strained between Nigel and his father, especially when he remarries a woman who wins his heart with a lemon meringue pie. Nigel enters culinary school, starts working in a pub, and finds himself competing with his stepmother - both in the kitchen and for his father's attention.

For a long time, wealth adviser Elke and car mechanic Wastl were happy together. Until Elke gets involved more and more in dubious financial transactions that bring her success down the line. When her husband wants to stop these windy business, she separates from him. And goes even further - the accusation that her husband has beaten her, brings Wastl for a long time in a psychiatric hospital.

Alexandra "Alex" Delgado, a pairs figure skater, found her career come to an abrupt halt after her partner (on and off the ice) became injured. As their love affair cooled, a heartbroken Alex stopped competing and turned to teaching. Enter James Van Behr the smoldering bad boy of speed skating, who has had fiery Alex in his sights as a skating partner ever since he was banned from speed skating. There aren't many girls who say no to him but she may well be the first. However, he pushes her buttons, challenging her like no one else - and her fighting spirit returns. She agrees to be his partner and they begin a grueling practice regimen fueled (and occasionally derailed) by their own tempestuous relationship, which heats up as they get closer to competition. But will their passion destroy Alex's chance to bring home the gold again?

Десет година након што је апокалиптични догађај оставио свет кога прогањају духови, Рони добија претећу поруку. Придруживањем силама са мистериозним другаром, Кирком, Рони се спушта у свет сенки који замагљује границе живих и мртвих - и почиње очајну трку с временом да заустави лукавог убицу.

An Alaska State Trooper partners with a young woman who escaped the clutches of serial killer Robert Hansen to bring the murderer to justice. Based on actual events.

As a lark before a party on Halloween, two teenagers dig up a gargoyle statue. However, they unleash a murderous demon.

Докторка Кери Џесуп, чија је каријера сведочења стручњака углавном заснована на чврстом веровању да је тзв. „поремећај вишеструке личности“ превара или мит - и да не постоји. На основу њених излагања на смрт је осуђено преко шест убица, и Кери остаје дубоко убеђена у своја веровања о науци и Богу. Међутим, њена веровања ће бити потресена до сржи када њен муж бива убијен, а отац је упознаје са најизазовнијим пацијентом, проблематичним младим човеком по имену Адам - који наизглед пати од поремећаја вишеструке личности, од којих је свака идентитет жртве убиства. Ускоро, Кери се налази у трци са временом да открије да ли су све њене осуде под знаком питања или је само пион у психотичној и смртоносној игри.

Дон и Елие Грифин су већ дуго разведени када су изненада приморани да се претварају да су још увек заједно јер на венчање њиховог усвојеног сина долази његова врло конзервативна биолошка мајка. Грифини ће ускоро схватити да уопште није лако глумити срећан брачни пар, што такође врло тешко пада и Доновој девојци Беб. Њихова деца се усред те шараде суочавају са сопственим проблемима. Лyла се бори са тајном коју крије од своје породице, Џаред размишља о свом љубавном животу, или тачније непостојању таквог, Алехандро покушава да надгледа све шта се догађа и да одржи породицу на окупу, укључујући и своју будућу жену Мисy која, желећи да удовољи својим родитељима, пристаје да их свештеник венча према традиционалном католичком обреду.

Tired of their mother's alcoholism and a string of her abusive boyfriends, two sisters plot to kill her.

On his 50th birthday, a man who's been watching his weight, health and temper all his life suffers a heart attack. He's been doing everything he was told he should do and it still didn't help. He decides to turn the page and let loose.

Реч је о готској причи о 14-годишњој девојчици Кит Гордy која с пријатељима покушава да спозна тајне уклете школе. Школа се налази далеко изван земље, а када је Кит тамо дошла, осетила је неко зло. Како време пролази, Кит се суочава с натприродним појавама у институцији и тамним силама управнице школе.

Филм је прича о смртоносном зомби вирусу који је почео да хара светом. Када Меги, млада жена, постане заражена од вируса, њен отац је доводи кући да буде са својом породицом. Док се Мегино стање погоршава, њихови односи се стављају на тест, да ли је очева љубав јача од болести. Овај срцепарајући преокрет зомби апокалипсе даће људско лице једном незамисливом хорору.

A young psychology student is drawn into the dark and fearful world of a diabolic and mysterious App that starts to terrorize her, distributing compromising photographs, videos and text messages about herself and delves deeper and deeper into her personal life, flawlessly exposing all of her deepest secrets.

1920, rural Ireland. Anglo-Irish twins Rachel and Edward share a strange existence in their crumbling family estate. Each night, the property becomes the domain of a sinister presence (The Lodgers) which enforces three rules upon the twins: they must be in bed by midnight; they may not permit an outsider past the threshold; and if one attempts to escape, the life of the other is placed in jeopardy. When troubled war veteran Sean returns to the nearby village, he is immediately drawn to the mysterious Rachel, who in turn begins to break the rules set out by The Lodgers. The consequences pull Rachel into a deadly confrontation with her brother - and with the curse that haunts them.