Делија је типична домаћица у послератној Италији, чија је породица у превирању због предстојећих веридби вољене прворођене Марчеле. Међутим, долазак мистериозног писма ће запалити Делијину храброст да се суочи са својим насилним мужем и замисли бољу будућност.

Кики је 13-годишња девојчица, добра вештица, која мора да се привикне на живот у новом граду са својом мачком која говори. Иако је вештица, њене једине моћи су летење метлом и разговор с мачком.

Before he was a protector, Kenshin was a fearsome assassin known as Battosai. But when he meets gentle Tomoe Yukishiro, a beautiful young woman who carries a huge burden in her heart, his life will change forever.

Danila goes to his successful brother, Victor, in Petersburg to start a new life. Unknown to Danila, Victor is a contract killer, but is in hiding after asking for too much money to assassinate a Chechen mob boss. To avoid exposure, Victor convinces Danila to kill the boss instead.

Immediately after their miscarriage, the US diplomat Robert Thorn adopts the newborn Damien without the knowledge of his wife. Yet what he doesn’t know is that their new son is the son of the devil.

Isabella, a young model, is murdered by a mysterious masked figure at a fashion house in Rome. When her diary, which details the house employees' many vices, disappears, the masked killer begins killing off all the models in and around the house to find it.

Julie finally gets an interview for a job where she can raise her children better only to run into a national transit strike.

Дипломирани студент медицине са Харварда заузима положај у менталној институцији и ускоро постаје опседнут женским пацијентом, али он нема појма о недавном и застрашујуће кадровске промене.

Граничарка Тина има невероватан осећај да препозна кријумчарење. Једнога дана са трајекта силази човек сумњивог изгледа, кога није у могућности да прочита. Када не успе да дозна шта крије, она постаје опседнута њиме и његовом узнемирујућом ауром. Започиње истрагу која ће открити много више него што је очекивала: ускоро ће морати да се суочи са застрашујућим истинама о себи и човечанству.

Three stories adapted from the work of Edgar Allen Poe: 1) A man and his daughter are reunited, but the blame for the death of his wife hangs over them, unresolved. 2) A derelict challenges the local wine-tasting champion to a competition, but finds the man's attention to his wife worthy of more dramatic action. 3) A man dying and in great pain agrees to be hypnotized at the moment of death, with unexpected consequences.

Three scouts and lifelong friends join forces with one badass cocktail waitress to become the world’s most unlikely team of heroes. When their peaceful town is ravaged by a zombie invasion, they’ll fight for the badge of a lifetime and put their scouting skills to the test to save mankind from the undead.

Professor Phillip Goodman devotes his life to exposing phony psychics and fraudulent supernatural shenanigans. His skepticism soon gets put to the test when he receives news of three chilling and inexplicable cases -- disturbing visions in an abandoned asylum, a car accident deep in the woods and the spirit of an unborn child. Even scarier -- each of the macabre stories seems to have a sinister connection to the professor's own life.

Десетогодишњи Луис Барнавелт почиње да живи са својим ујаком у старој и тајанственој кући. У тој је кући пре њих живео брачни пар који је покушао уништити свет. Непосредно пре смрти, направили су сат који је скривен унутар зидова, а сваки његов откуцај означава да је апокалипса све ближе. Врло брзо ће се испоставити да је и Луисов ујак вештац и дечак ће се наћи окружен магијом и опасношћу, поготово када открије сат унутар зидова куће који је креиран да призове судњи дан.

Marc, a bipolar and paranoid filmmaker, cannot tolerate seeing his current project picked apart by his producers. The clips he’s been able to sneak a look at lead him to fear the worst. With his editor as an accomplice, he manages to spirit away the rushes to his aunt’s place in the Cévennes, to finish the film as he envisions it. Instead, its completion is constantly postponed, as he creates endless diversions and impasses, which alternate between the comic and the downright disturbing.

A group of very different people set sail on an old warship. The passengers include a senator with his son, a newly-wed couple, a mysterious old man, a group of sex workers and a gang of violent criminals. At first the aggressive behaviour of the thugs and their leader is directed at the first class passengers, but then more and more indiscriminately against the rest of those on board. Rape is followed by murder and it’s not long before the first of numerous and increasingly brutal mutinies takes place.

A cybercrime investigator tracks a man suspected of force-feeding women to death.

Three friends decide to play The Red Book game. What they don't know is that in the house evil is waiting to be released. A long time ago a witch died as part of a satanic ritual. Every question they ask, they get closer and closer to her. The book will reveal the answers to all your questions… but what if your host is an evil entity with a thirst for blood?

Zack Connors and Rachel Meadows were born with incredible psychokinetic capabilities. When word of their supernatural talents gets out, they find themselves the prisoners of Michael Slovak, a deranged doctor intent on harvesting their powers.

A teachers assistant, trapped in a small town with a strange illness, takes on a local missing persons case aided by a Pale Man down the hall.