Brooklyni sõbralik kangelane Ämblikmees saab taas kokku Gwen Stacyga ning ta paisatakse läbi multiversumi, kus ta kohtub Ämblikinimeste meeskonnaga, kelle ülesandeks on kaitsta oma rahva püsimajäämist. Kangelaste vahel tekib konflikt, kui nad ei suuda leida üksmeelt uue ohuga tegelemise suhtes. Miles, sattunud vastuseisu teiste Ämblikega, peab ümber mõtestama, mida tähendab olla kangelane, et päästa endale kõige armsam rahvas.

The story of J. Robert Oppenheimer's role in the development of the atomic bomb during World War II.

Peter Parker is unmasked and no longer able to separate his normal life from the high-stakes of being a super-hero. When he asks for help from Doctor Strange the stakes become even more dangerous, forcing him to discover what it truly means to be Spider-Man.

Esimese maailmasõja haripunktis antakse kahele noorele Briti sõdurile, Schofieldile ja Blake’ile esmapilgul võimatuna näiv ülesanne. Nad peavad kiiresti üle vaenlase territooriumi minema, et kohale viia teade, mis hoiaks ära surmava rünnaku sadadele sõduritele, kelle hulgas on ka Blake’i enda vend.

Harry Potter on pealtnäha täiesti tavaline, pisut tagasihoidlik poiss, kes peale ema ja isa traagilist surma on sattunud elama oma tädi juurde. 10 aastat on ta pidanud taluma tädi Petunia, onu Vernoni ja nende poja Dudley terroriseerimist. Ühel päeval aga hakkavad saabuma salapärased kirjad ning ilmub välja hiiglasekasvu, kuid sõbralik Hagrid, kes Harryle räägib, et ta polegi tavaline poiss, vaid hoopis võlur. Nii asubki Harry õppima Sigatüüka kooli, kus ta õpib võlukunsti erinevaid vorme, leiab endale sõbrad Ron'i ja Hermione'i ning peab vastu astuma igasugustele ohtudele.

Deadpool on Marveli universumi kõige omapärasem antikangelane, endine eriväelane ja palgasõdur Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds), kellel diagnoositakse vähk. Kuna tal pole midagi kaotada, liitub mees äärmusliku eksperimendiga, mille tulemusel omandab kiire paranemisvõime ja võtab kasutusele alter ego Deadpool. Relvastatuna oma uute võimete ning erakordselt väärastunud huumorimeelega, asub Deadpool jahtima meest, kes oleks ta elu peaaegu täielikult hävitanud.

Adopted from South Korea, raised on different continents & connected through social media, Samantha & Anaïs believe that they are twin sisters separated at birth.

When Tony Stark tries to jumpstart a dormant peacekeeping program, things go awry and Earth’s Mightiest Heroes are put to the ultimate test as the fate of the planet hangs in the balance. As the villainous Ultron emerges, it is up to The Avengers to stop him from enacting his terrible plans, and soon uneasy alliances and unexpected action pave the way for an epic and unique global adventure.

In a world where families are limited to one child due to overpopulation, a set of identical septuplets must avoid being put to a long sleep by the government and dangerous infighting while investigating the disappearance of one of their own.

A noir thriller set in Miami, the film follows an enforcer who discovers his femme fatale boss has branched out into cyber sex trafficking, putting a young runaway he’s befriended at risk. He sacrifices everything to save the young girl from the deadly organization he’s spent his life building.

Grey is an office worker with a bit of a shopping addiction. One day, just after being fired, she comes across a gorgeous pair of shoes that she couldn‘t possibly afford. Before she fully understood what she was doing, she‘s stolen the shoes, and in a desperate bid to escape, she climbs into a truck. As fate would have it, the truck is also a stolen good, and the person who stole it is none other than the person currently driving it, small-time crook Shrek.

A Shrek parody of Michael Jackson's Thriller song and music video, with Donkey singing.

SHREK'S THRILLING TALES is the ultimate Halloween DVD compilation for your family. Shrek's Thrilling Tales review Featuring the scariest, ugliest, and funniest characters from DreamWorks Animation's successful SHREK and MONSTERS VS. ALIENS franchises. DVD includes 'The Pig who Cried (Were)Wolf' and 'The Ghost of Lord Farquaad' from the Shrek movies, and 'Night of the Living Carrots' from Monsters vs. Aliens, featuring B.O.B.

Connie is a wife and mother whose 11-year marriage to Edward has lost its sexual spark. When Connie literally runs into handsome book collector Paul, he sweeps her into an all-consuming affair. But Edward soon becomes suspicious and decides to confront the other man.

Shrek and his friends enjoy themselves with some Karaoke partying.

After their high school basketball coach passes away, five good friends and former teammates reunite for a Fourth of July holiday weekend.

Fionaga abielludes polnud Shrekil aimugi, et seetõttu peab ta ühel päeval võibolla kuningaks hakkama. Kui Shreki äiapapa, kuningas Harold korraga lahkub, ootab teda just see au. Välja arvatud juhul, kui Shrek (koos oma ustavate kaaslaste Eesli ja Saabastega Kassiga) leiaks enda asemele sobiva kuninga. Kõige lubavam kandidaat oleks Fiona nõbu Artie, keskkoolis õppiv ebakuninglik hädavares, kellest väärilise troonipärija kasvatamine näib olevat üks raskemaid ülesandeid, millega Shrek ja sõbrad eales silmitsi seisnud on.

In 1988, young sisters Katie and Kristi befriend an invisible entity who resides in their home.