In the middle of October 1998, Tomoe Enjou is attacked by bullies from his old school and saved by Shiki Ryougi. He asks her to hide him at her place and admits that he killed someone. Several days after the incident there are still no broadcasts about the murder as if it didn't happen.

After another spat with her kids, Dona Hermínia decides to take some time off from them and hides away in her aunt's house, where she reminisces about her kids in an age when they still needed her.

Harry se vraća na svoju drugu godinu u Hogwartsu, ali otkriva da se loše događaju jer je Slytherin nasljednik otvorio mjesto pod nazivom Komora tajni i učinit će da se Mugglesova djeca, nečista, očigledno očiste monstruozne životinje.

Dok Harry Potter započinje šestu godinu u školi magije Hogwarts, otkriva staru knjigu označenu kao „vlasništvo princa miješane krvi“ te počinje saznavati više o mračnoj prošlosti dječaka koji je odrastao u Lorda Voldemorta.

Nakon što Smaug napusti Usamljenu planinu, ljudi Lake-towna osjećaju veliku prijetnju. Orci, patuljci, vilenjaci i ljudi pripremaju se za rat. Bilbo vidi da Thorin počinje ludjeti te mu pokuša pomoći. U međuvremenu, Gandalf biva spašen iz zatvora Necromancera, a njegovi spasitelji ubrzo shvate tko je zapravo bio Necromancer.

Zločesti dečki Mike Lowrey (Will Smith) i Marcus Burnett (Martin Lawrence) ponovno su zajedno u još jednoj ludoj vožnji u dugo očekivanom nastavku „Zločesti dečki zauvijek”. Ovaj put naši zločesti dečki jesu nešto stariji ali su jednako ludi i opaki. Iako Marcus svom dugogodišnjem partneru Mikeu najavljuje skorašnji odlazak u mirovinu, Mike ga nagovora na još jednu ludu misiju.

Red , Chuck, Bomb i Mighty Eagle regrutiraju Silver, Chuckovu sestru, i formiraju savez sa svinjama Leonardom, njegovom pomoćnicom Courtney i svinjom-hakerom Garryem kako bi uspostavili krhko primirje i formirali nevjerojatni super tim koji će spasiti njihove domove.

Maria José i Alfredo spremaju se proslaviti 20. godišnjicu braka, ali nikako se ne podnose. Uloživši ušteđevinu, njihova djeca odlučuju im pokloniti putovanje u isti hotel u kojem su proveli medeni mjesec. No, čarolija će natjerati supružnike da iznova proživljavaju dan godišnjice sve dok se ne sjete razloga zbog kojih su se jednom odlučili vjenčati.

Kung fu majstor Po napokon će pronaći svojeg izgubljenog oca s kojim će poći na zabavno putovanje. Ono će ih odvesti u tajnovito selo, mali raj koji je dom brojnih urnebesno smiješnih pandi, jednako nestašnih i nespretnih kao što je i sami Po.

Smještena u 1820. godinu, radnja filma 'U srcu mora' prepričava slijed događaja u kojima se našao brod Essex i njegova posada nakon što su krenuli u potragu za velikim bijelim kitom. Nevjerojatnu pustolovinu kojoj je prošao, po prvi puta u pero mladome piscu diktira jedini preživjeli s toga puta četrdeset godina kasnije.

Mysterious Wakanda lies in the darkest heart of Africa, unknown to most of the world. An isolated land hidden behind closed borders, fiercely protected by its young king: Black Panther. But when brutal alien invaders attack, the threat leaves Black Panther with no option but to go against the sacred decrees of his people and ask for help from outsiders.

Naruto, Shikamaru, and Sakura are executing their mission of delivering a lost pet to a certain village. However, right in the midst of things, troops led by the mysterious knight, Temujin, attack them. In the violent battle, the three become separated. Temujin challenges Naruto to a fight and at the end of the fierce battle, both fall together from a high cliff...

An army major goes undercover as a college student. His mission is both professional and personal: to protect his general's daughter from a radical militant, and to find his estranged half-brother.

As seniors in high school, Troy and Gabriella struggle with the idea of being separated from one another as college approaches. Along with the rest of the Wildcats, they stage a spring musical to address their experiences, hopes and fears about their future.

Checco, an uneducated but self-satisfied fellow from Milan, who has always dreamed of becoming a police officer, fails his entrance exam for the third time. It must be said that at the oral examination Checco said that the reason why he wanted to join the police was benefits in kind and cronyism! But the young man has connections and he soon finds himself a security agent at the Milan Cathedral. Of course the bumbling idiot proves a living catastrophe! Spotted by Sufien, an Arab terrorist who is preparing an attack against the cathedral, Checco appears as the perfect sucker. To manipulate him, he sends his charming sister Farah to him, with the mission to seduce him...

Prošle su dvije godine od tragičnih događaja u Woodsborou. Sidney Prescott i Randy Meeks pokušavaju nastaviti sa svojim životima, a trenutačno su oboje studenti na koledžu Windsor. Cotton Weary izašao je iz zatvora i pokušava unovčiti svoje nesretno robijanje. Gale Weathers napisala je bestseler „Ubojstva u Woodsborou“, koji je adaptiran u film „Ubod“ u kojem Sidney glumi Tori Spelling. Kako se datum premijere filma primiče, ciklus smrti ponovno počinje. Dewey Riley odmah dohrli iz Woodsboroa da pokuša zaštititi Sidney, svoju „surogat-sestru“. No u ovom nastavku horor-filma iz 1997. broj osumnjičenika samo opada dok broj trupala polako raste!

After a botched scam, Clóvis bumps into Lohane, his estranged foster sister. In a bind, they soon realize the only way out is to band together.

Freddy Lupin, heir to a proud family line of werewolves, is in for a shock when on his 14th birthday his first 'warfing' goes awry, turning him into a ferocious poodle. The pack elders give Freddy until the next moonrise to prove he has the heart of a wolf, or risk being cast out forever. With the help of an unlikely ally in a streetwise stray named Batty, Freddy must prove he's 100% Wolf.

As a result of a successful conspiracy against Menshikov, Peter II is prematurely recognized as an adult and is in a hurry to be crowned in Moscow. The Dolgoruky brothers gather for this celebration. There were eight of them - all-powerful and influential representatives of the ancient Rurikovich family - and among them the beautiful Ekaterina, the daughter of the huntsman Alexei.

Kud god otišli za Božić, nema mira. Baxterovi se sele iz Kalifornije u Maine. U novom domu desetogodišnji Finn Baxter uživa igrati videoigrice, dok njegova starija sestra Alexis ne ispušta telefon iz ruku. Njihov otac Curtis i majka Catherine žele da im se sin druži s vršnjacima pa se Finn sprijatelji sa susjedom Masonom, koji Finna uvjerava da duh gangstera Gravana opsjeda novi dom Baxterovih.