After receiving a patch, a blender suddenly gains consciousness. As it grapples with existential questions, it becomes the sole companion to the grieving wife of a missing man.

With a gun at his belt and a truncheon in his hand, Pento has just joined the Seine-Saint-Denis anti-crime brigade. With his teammates, he develops specific methods.

Several roasters, and the master himself Kevin Hart, make fun of Justin Bieber.

The story of a minibus driver and a fairytale princesss nestling under the wing of timeless friendship in an ordinary neighborhood.

Elegant, retired architect Shauna (70) crosses paths with Pierre, a happily married doctor in his 40s, who first made an impression on her in a brief meeting 15 years previously. Both are quite troubled to meet again and begin an affair. While Pierre’s family life is soon turned upside down, Shauna struggles with feelings she thought belonged to the past.

All the couples are back for a wedding in Las Vegas, but plans for a romantic weekend go awry when their various misadventures get them into some compromising situations that threaten to derail the big event.

Having recently lost her sight, Ingrid retreats to the safety of her home—a place where she can feel in control, alone with her husband and her thoughts. After a while, Ingrid starts to feel the presence of her husband in the flat when he is supposed to be at work. At the same time, her lonely neighbor who has grown tired of even the most extreme pornography shifts his attention to a woman across the street. Ingrid knows about this but her real problems lie within, not beyond the walls of her apartment, and her deepest fears and repressed fantasies soon take over.

Twenty-three years old Romain would like to be a writer, but, for the moment, he's night watchman in a hotel. His sixty-two years old father is retired and seems to not give a damn about anything. He shares an apartment with a twenty-four-year-old guy whose sole purpose in life is to seduce a woman, no matter who, and no matter the cost. His eighty-five years old grandmother is living in an old people's home, and she wonders what on earth she is doing with stuck with all these old people. One day, Romain's father turns up in a fluster. His grandmother has disappeared. In fact, she kind of escaped. Romain sets out to find her, somewhere in his memories.

The semi-autobiographical story centers on the complexities of love and commitment in a family torn apart when faced with an unexpected tragedy.

Džeimsas (Will Ferrell) – milijonierius, rizikos fondo valdytojas, kuriam gyvenime, panašu, sekasi viskas. Tačiau vieną dieną netikėtai jis apkaltinamas sukčiavimu ir nuteisiamas keliems metams San Quentin kalėjime. Laimei, teisėjas skiria Džeimsui 30 dienų susitvarkyti savo reikalus. Bijančiam, kad išgyventi kalėjime jam nepavyks, Džeimsui šauna idėja, kad gyvenimui už grotų jis privalo pasiruošti - jis turi tapti “kietas”. Pagalbos Džeimsas kreipiasi į Darnelį (Kevin Hart), kuris, jo manymu, tikrai sėdėjo kalėjime. Deja, Darnelis yra tik žodžio kišenėje neieškantis automobilių plovyklos savininkas, kuris net baudos už automobilio parkavimą neleistinoje vietoje nėra gavęs... Bet ko g nepadarysi dėl solidaus honoraro! Sukirtę rankomis, vyrai versis per galvą, kad tik “mokymų” pabaigoje Džeimsas tikrai būtų “kietas”. Na ir kas, kad paaiškės, jog daugelio dalykų jie neįvertino; tuo pačiu ir vienas kito.

A straight-laced pharmacist's uneventful life spirals out of control when he starts an affair with a trophy wife customer who takes him on a joyride involving sex, drugs and possibly murder.

After his daughter persuades him to move into a new apartment, aged widower Fred strikes up a friendship with his eccentric 74-year-old neighbour Elsa, who convinces him it's never too late to keep enjoying life. Although he seemed resigned to a miserable bedridden existence, Fred embraces Elsa's youthful enthusiasm as she introduces him to the path of life and entertains him with outlandish stories about her past life. But when he discovers Elsa's terminally ill, Fred decides to accompany her on the trip of her dreams to the eternal city of Rome to help her fulfil a lifelong ambition.

A stubborn idealist spies a bride on her way to her wedding and immediately falls in love with her.

Veiksmas vyksta pilietinio karo metu, Amerikoje. Dvi seserys ir juodaodė vergė gyvena vienose namuose. Tačiau kartą į šių namų duris pasibeldžia nelaukti svečiai, kurie priverčia šias drąsias moteris išmokti kovoti ne tik dėl savo garbės, bet ir gyvybės.

A chronicle of Donatella Versace's triumph over tragedy by carrying on her brother's powerful legacy after his 1997 murder.

Everyone hates Ward’s wife and wants her dead, Ward most of all. But when his friends’ murderous fantasies turn into an (accidental) reality, they have to deal with a whole new set of problems — like how to dispose of the body and still make their 3 p.m. tee time.

A slacker hatches a million-dollar idea. But, in order to see it through, he has to learn to trust his attractive corporate counterpart. Based on Max Barry's novel.

Roberto is a young and ambitious lawyer who is going to marry Sara. His whole life is perfectly planned out. During a expropriation which he is in charge of, he meets Micol, a gorgeous and provocative young woman from a small village in Tuscany. This is when things start to get complicated... Fabio, a famous anchorman, has been the perfect husband for twenty five years. At a party one night, he meets Eliana, a femme fatale full of surprises. This one-night stand proves to be more than what he bargained for when she refuses to leave... Adrian is an American art history professor who moved to Rome after his divorce. He is friends with Augusto, the building's concierge, whose ebullient daughter Viola is about to disrupt his peaceful existence and relight his fire

Po visą pasaulį sukrėtusios jaunos merginos žmogžudystės į Italijos miestą Perudžą atvažiuoja jaunas režisierius, kad pasiruoštų juostos pagal nusikaltimo motyvus filmavimui. Ten jis susipažįsta su amerikiete žurnaliste Simona Ford, kuri neseniai apie tai parašė prieštaringą knygą. Mieste siaučia išprotėję reporteriai iš viso pasaulio. Vaikydamiesi rėksmingų antraščių, jie iš televizijos ekranų žiūrovus užverčia krūvom „purvinų apatinių“. O nužudytą merginą visiškai pamiršta...

Comical trip to Corse reminiscent of A very bad trip.