Življenje 78-letnega upokojenca Karla je vedno potekalo mirno in neopazno, zato se na stara leta odloči uresničiti svoje sanje ter izpolniti dolgoletno obljubo. S pomočjo tisočih balonov, ki jih naveže na svojo hišo, poleti naproti fantastičnim avanturam, a s seboj nevede odnese tudi radovednega tabornika. Čeprav čemerni možakar v mladeniču sprva vidi le nadlego, se nenavadni par počasi spoprijatelji in skupaj se spopadeta z divjimi viharji, spoznata govorečega psa in se soočita z norim znanstvenikom.

Zvezdniška igralska zasedba na čelu z oskarjevcem Colinom Firthom v akcijski komični pustolovščini Matthewa Vaughna o tajni vohunski organizaciji, ki v svoje vrste rekrutira najstniškega prestopnika.

Adventurous filmmaker Carl Denham sets out to produce a motion picture unlike anything the world has seen before. Alongside his leading lady Ann Darrow and his first mate Jack Driscoll, they arrive on an island and discover a legendary creature said to be neither beast nor man. Denham captures the monster to be displayed on Broadway as King Kong, the eighth wonder of the world.

Gre za zgodbo o upanju, človeštvu, o borbenosti in preživetju. Naj se bojimo smrti ali ne, obišče nas zagotovo, in v tistem trenutku je naše telo 21 gramov lažje. Je to teža, ki jo predstavlja naša duša? Je to teža, ki jo nosijo tisti, ki nas preživijo? Film raziskuje tako čustveni kot fizični obstoj treh ljudi v obdobju nekaj mesecev. Nesreča nepričakovano združi njihova življenja in usode, ter jih popelje v svet ljubezni, maščevanja in obljubljene odrešitve. 21 gramov je novi film režiserja Alejandra Gonzáleza Ińárrituja, oskarjevega nominiranca za film Amores perros. Glavni igralci so trikratni oskarjev nominiranec Sean Penn, oskarjev nagrajenec Benicio Del Toro, ter večkrat nagrajena Naomi Watts. Film je svojo premiero doživel na beneškem filmskem festivalu in nihče od omenjenih igralcev ni odšel praznih rok. Sean Penn je prejel nagrado za najboljšega igralca, Benicia Del Tora in Naomi Watts pa je za najboljšega igralca oziroma igralko izbralo občinstvo.

When the Valley of Peace is threatened, lazy Po the panda discovers his destiny as the "chosen one" and trains to become a kung fu hero, but transforming the unsleek slacker into a brave warrior won't be easy. It's up to Master Shifu and the Furious Five -- Tigress, Crane, Mantis, Viper and Monkey -- to give it a try.

Siblings Lucy, Edmund, Susan and Peter step through a magical wardrobe and find the land of Narnia. There, they discover a charming, once peaceful kingdom that has been plunged into eternal winter by the evil White Witch, Jadis. Aided by the wise and magnificent lion, Aslan, the children lead Narnia into a spectacular, climactic battle to be free of the Witch's glacial powers forever.

Fired from his band and hard up for cash, guitarist and vocalist Dewey Finn finagles his way into a job as a fifth-grade substitute teacher at a private school, where he secretly begins teaching his students the finer points of rock 'n' roll. The school's hard-nosed principal is rightly suspicious of Finn's activities. But Finn's roommate remains in the dark about what he's doing.

"V mojih nebesih" je zgodba o družini po okrutnem umoru, pripoved o življenju in o tem, kar mu sledi, predstavljena z druge strani. Po uspešnem romanu avtorice Alice Sebold prirejeni film govori o Susie Salmon, ki je imela šele 14 let, ko so jo na poti iz šole decembra 1973 umorili. Po smrti še naprej opazuje domače, njen morilec pa ostaja na prostosti. Susie, ujeta v čudovitem, a skrivnostnem posmrtnem svetu, mora izbrati med maščevanjem in željo, da bi njeni najdražji preboleli njeno smrt in živeli naprej. Zgodba, ki se začne kot srhljiv umor, se razvije v napeto in vizualno bogato popotovanje preko meja spomina, ljubezni in upanja – do presenetljivega in čustvenega razpleta.

Explore the mysterious and dangerous home of the king of the apes as a team of explorers ventures deep inside the treacherous, primordial island.

Ford Brody, a Navy bomb expert, has just reunited with his family in San Francisco when he is forced to go to Japan to help his estranged father, Joe. Soon, both men are swept up in an escalating crisis when an ancient alpha predator arises from the sea to combat malevolent adversaries that threaten the survival of humanity. The creatures leave colossal destruction in their wake, as they make their way toward their final battleground: San Francisco.

A slacker and a career-driven woman accidentally conceive a child after a one-night stand. As they try to make the relationship work, they must navigate the challenges of parenthood and their differences in lifestyle and maturity.

An oil company expedition disturbs the peace of a giant ape and brings him back to New York to exploit him.

Frank Martin puts the driving gloves on to deliver Valentina, the kidnapped daughter of a Ukranian government official, from Marseilles to Odessa on the Black Sea. En route, he has to contend with thugs who want to intercept Valentina's safe delivery and not let his personal feelings get in the way of his dangerous objective.

A genetically engineered assassin with deadly aim, known only as "Agent 47" eliminates strategic targets for a top-secret organization. But when he's double-crossed, the hunter becomes the prey as 47 finds himself in a life-or-death game of international intrigue.

During a space voyage, four scientists are altered by cosmic rays: Reed Richards gains the ability to stretch his body; Sue Storm can become invisible; Johnny Storm controls fire; and Ben Grimm is turned into a super-strong … thing. Together, these "Fantastic Four" must now thwart the evil plans of Dr. Doom and save the world from certain destruction.

Perseus tries to live a quieter life as a village fisherman while – dangerously weakened by humanity's lack of devotion – the gods are losing control of the long-imprisoned Titans and their ferocious leader, Kronos.

French nuclear tests irradiate an iguana into a giant monster that viciously attacks freighter ships in the Pacific Ocean. A team of experts, including Niko Tatopoulos, conclude that the oversized reptile is the culprit. Before long, the giant lizard is loose in Manhattan as the US military races to destroy the monster before it reproduces and it's spawn takes over the world.

400 years into the future, disease has wiped out the majority of the world's population, except one walled city, Bregna, ruled by a congress of scientists. When Æon Flux, the top operative in the underground 'Monican' rebellion, is sent on a mission to kill a government leader, she uncovers a world of secrets.

Okrutni Memnon zavlada puščavskim plemenom. Z vojsko neusmiljenih barbarov zavzame gore in ravnine, pobije nasprotnike in zasužnji skoraj vsa ljudstva. Le nekaj uporniških plemen ima toliko poguma, da se mu uprejo. Najamejo izurjenega vojščaka in morilca Mathayusa, da bi ubil Memnona oziroma lepo čarovnico Cassandro, zaradi katere je nepremagljiv.

Travel writer Lemuel Gulliver takes an assignment in Bermuda, but ends up on the island of Liliput, where he towers over its tiny citizens.