Рјота Нономија је успешан привредник кога покреће новац. Сазнаје да је његов биолошки син замењен другим дететом након рођења. Он мора донети животну одлуку и изабрати свог правог сина или дечака којег је одгајио као својег.

In early 20th-century Naples, a theatrical parody lands beloved thespian and playwright Eduardo Scarpetta in court, facing a malicious lawsuit that could compromise his freedom of expression and the economic security of his extended family—including his son's, young Eduardo De Filippo.

„Батлер“ приповеда причу о батлеру из Беле куће који је био у служби седморице америчких председника у периоду дужем од три деценије. Филм приказује драматичне промене које су задесиле америчко друштво тога времена, од покрета за грађанска права до Вијетнама и даље, и то како су оне утицале на живот овог човека и његове породице.

In the early days of daylight bombing raids over Germany, General Frank Savage must take command of a 'hard luck' bomber group. Much of the story deals with his struggle to whip his group into a disciplined fighting unit in spite of heavy losses, and withering attacks by German fighters over their targets.

A look at India's second confidential nuclear test series at Pokhran lead by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, during the time of PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee's tenure.

Slowed by age and failing eyesight, crack baseball scout Gus Lobel takes his grown daughter along as he checks out the final prospect of his career. Along the way, the two renew their bond, and she catches the eye of a young player-turned-scout.

Craig, a fiercely determined New Brunswick farmer, sets out to build a more suitable house for his ailing wife, Irene, despite their children's concerns. As he starts building, he is blindsided by the bureaucratic codes and officials. As Irene becomes increasingly ill, Craig fights back. Based on a true story.

A brother's journey to unravel the truth about the mythic death and little known life of Kitty Genovese, who was reportedly murdered in front of 38 witnesses and has become the face of urban apathy.

A mysterious woman comes to compete in a quick-draw elimination tournament, in a town taken over by a notorious gunman.

After her girlfriend is imprisoned on fraud charges, Chela is forced to face a new reality. Driving for the first time in years, she begins to provide a local taxi service to a group of elderly wealthy ladies. As Chela settles into her new life, she encounters the much younger Angy, forging a fresh and invigorating new connection.

Ray Tango and Gabriel Cash are two successful narcotics detectives who can't stand each other. Crime lord Yves Perret, furious at the loss of income they have caused him, plots an elaborate revenge against them.

Kenya McQueen, a corporate lawyer, finds love in the most unexpected place when she agrees to go on a blind date with Brian Kelly, a sexy and free-spirited landscaper.

Људски век је продужен, а квалитет живота побољшан захваљујући изузетно софистицираним и скупим механичким органима које прави компанија под именом „Унија“. Друга страна медаље је што је нова технологија изузетно скупа и ако неки од пацијената не плати рачун, „Унија“ пошаље агенте из изузетно увежбане јединице за заплену. Проблем је што припадници тог одреда не бирају средства да би узели оно што припада њиховој фирми, чак и по цену људског живота.

Reunited at a wedding after many years, former lovers again feel the pull of a mutual attraction neither is willing to admit. Escaping the reception for the privacy of a hotel room, the unnamed pair explore the choices of the past that led them to the present.

A drama based on an ancient Chinese proverb that breaks life down into four emotional cornerstones: happiness, pleasure, sorrow and love. A businessman bets his life on a horse race; a gangster sees the future; a pop star falls prey to a crime boss; a doctor must save the love of his life.

Tilo is an Indian shopkeeper in America with an ability to see the future and a magical connection to powerful spices, which she uses to help her customers satisfy their various needs and desires. One day she falls in love with an American man. But the spices forbid it.

In an effort to prevent family history from repeating itself, meddlesome mom Daphne Wilder attempts to set up her youngest daughter, Milly, with Mr. Right. Meanwhile, her other daughters try to keep their mom's good intentions under control.

У овој натприродној акционој авантури Џеф Бриџиз и Рајан Рејнолдс глуме двојицу полицајаца које је Рајска полиција послала да служе народу и штите га од рушилачки настројених духова који се крију међу безазленим Земљанима. Кад открију заверу која може окончати живот какав познајемо, нови партнери морају да међусобне замерке и размирице претворе у врхунски тимски рад и поново успоставе космичку равнотежу – или да посматрају како тунел загробног живота шаље бесне душе на веома погрешан пут.

A group of wealthy boys in Los Angeles during the early 1980s establishes a get rich quick scam that turns deadly.

Senior investment banker Naomi Bishop’s world of high-power big money is brutal and fierce, and one she thrives in. When a controversial IPO threatens the fragile balance of power and confidentiality, Naomi finds herself entangled in a web of politics and deception.