The four old friends meet on the grave of the fifth of them, Perozzi, who died at the end of the first episode. Time has passed but they are still up for adventures and cruel jokes, and while they recall the one they created together with the late friend, new ones are on their way, starting right there at the cemetery.

Set in 1980s Toronto, a young boy shuffles between the homes of his recently divorced parents.

A man tries to make a film but gets sick.

Over the course of her stay at the remote residence, Ana becomes more and more familiar with Holden’s idiosyncratic methods that require the participating artists to abandon their own identities and live emotionally and psychologically as their characters. Captivated by her artistic investigation, Ana immerses herself wholly into the method and starts living as Violeta, until her fiction loses control.

Feature Zombie debut made by three kids in 1991, a parody of "Resident Evil," where a young Chris and Leon take refuge in an abandoned building during a zombie outbreak, and must overcome the challenges around every corner. Bloody fun for the entire family... Originally filmed in 1997. Digitally Remastered in 2020.

Winner of the Grand Jury Documentary prize at the Sundance Film Festival, Syrian filmmaker Feras Fayyad’s breathtaking work — a searing example of boots-on-the-ground reportage — follows the efforts of the internationally recognized White Helmets, an organization consisting of ordinary citizens who are the first to rush towards military strikes and attacks in the hope of saving lives. Incorporating moments of both heart-pounding suspense and improbable beauty, the documentary draws us into the lives of three of its founders — Khaled, Subhi, and Mahmoud — as they grapple with the chaos around them and struggle with an ever-present dilemma: do they flee or stay and fight for their country?

The two small-time crooks Tom and Richy want to escape from Europe to a tropical paradise with one last coup. Unfortunately things go wrong. On the run, they hijack a tour bus. As participants on a journey of mourning, the inmates are busy dealing with a great loss. There is a lot of crying on board. However, for very different reasons.

Film "Adam and Dog" to historia przyjaźni, która tworzy się w mitycznym ogrodzie Eden, pomiędzy pierwszym na Ziemi mężczyzną, a pierwszym psem. Początkowo oboje są sobą zafascynowani i szybko stają się nierozłączni. Wszystko ulega zmianie, gdy tytułowy Adam spotyka kobietę.

Od bitwy o Naboo minęło dziesięć lat. Jedność galaktycznej Republiki jest znowu zagrożona. Podstępny książę Dooku (Christopher Lee) staje bowiem na czele zbuntowanych planet, które sprzeciwiają się demokratycznym rządom. Padme Amidala (Natalie Portman) nie jest już królową Naboo. Jako wpływowa pani senator walczy z separatystycznymi dążeniami. Sprzeciwia się jednak rozbudowie armii. Jej poglądy przysparzają Amidali licznych wrogów. Dwaj Rycerze Jedi, Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) i Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen) zostają przydzieleni do jej ochrony. Wkrótce między Amidalą i Anakinem rodzi się uczucie. Młodzi muszą się jednak z tym kryć, bo zasady Jedi zabraniają Rycerzom angażować się uczuciowo. Tymczasem Obi-Wan wpada na trop tajnej bazy, gdzie powstaje armia, która może zagrozić bezpieczeństwu Republiki.

The King is Born is a video classic about the birth of Jesus based on the Bible. Beginning with Gabriel announcing God's blessed plan for Mary, this video brings all the elements of this timeless store to life. Journey with Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem and witness the humble birth of our Savior together with the shepherds.

Based on the original animated series Ben 10. Ben becomes targeted by an evil Mechamorph Warrior, named "Retaliator," who mistakenly blames Ben for something he did not do and attempts to destroy all aliens.

Zwierzęta zamieszkujące Instytut Życia Morskiego opowiadają o Dory.

After thirty years in the big corporation, Ugo Fantozzi retires. Suddenly, he needs things to do in everyday life and he tries a number of activities: helping Pina shopping; babysitting grand-daughter Uga; a trip to Venice; learning golf. He then fakes documents to get a new job, but in the end he becomes a hypochondriac and doesn't even take a long-awaited chance with Miss Silvani.

Damien is a pawn in a primary school, and leads a quiet life. To rescue one of his young students, Bahzad, and his mother from imminent expulsion from the land, Damien reconnects with his parents' militant past and convinces his sister Mélanie, who has become a formidable business lawyer, her best friend Rudy and a bunch of unlikely pals to accompany him in his new fight. Together, they will break the law by solidarity. And very quickly to be completely exceeded.

Otto is Friesland's answer to Rambo and stands between two worlds, two women and two animals. While he's trying to cure a dog with bite inhibition and a cat with suicidal tendencies, the dream of his sleepless nights crosses his path: Gaby. Otto falls instantly in love, but Gaby thinks only of Amboss, a real guy with muscles of steel and a brain of rubber. Well, Otto on the other hand is not exactly well built and attractive. But he's determined to get the lady's attention, even if it means taking part in body-building competitions...

Jean-Louis is an naive, amiable orphan who spent his life with his elderly and very strict grandfather. Jean-Louis was a 25-year old virgin when a free-spirited young Parisian woman was temporarily stranded in his village after a bus broke down. She left him a changed man, and she also left a match book from a fast food restaurant called Fast Burger. Soon after his grandfather passes away, the innocent rube Jean-Louis hops on his bike and embarks upon a quest to Paris to find this enigmatic woman. But he is not prepared for the size of Paris, and instead ends up working at a Fast Burger outlet himself. Jean-Louis is a simple soul and freely expresses himself without guile. For some reason this endears him to the staff and management; soon he has been promoted into the upper echelons of the company. One day he meets a rather ditzy Metro security guard, Henriette, who is also at sea in the big city. The kindred spirits click and a sweet romance ensues.

Były dziecięcy gwiazdor Adrian liczył na świetlaną przyszłość. Zbliżając się jednak do trzydziestki, powoli zaczyna zdawać sobie sprawę, że nic nie idzie zgodnie z jego planem. Nie dość, że nie układa mu się w życiu miłosnym, to został wyrzucony z mieszkania i musi wrócić do swoich rodziców. Jego kariera aktorska jest w tarapatach i dokucza ma bardzo zły nastrój. Pewnego dnia Adrian spotyka na komisariacie młodą i śliczną Leę oraz dowiaduje się o przesłuchaniu do roli francuskiego bohatera Charlesa de Gaulle'a...

Grupa brutalnych rabusiów napadających na banki w trakcie ucieczki po jednym ze skoków dociera wraz z piękną zakładniczką Erin w góry Arizony. Lecz gdy w okolicy zaczyna grasować legendarna bestia, która zagraża każdemu, kto wejdzie jej w drogę, przestępcy na czele z Travisem i Vinem muszą połączyć swoje siły, nie tylko z zakladniczką, ale także ze ścigającymi ich policjantami i miejscowym traperem, aby mieć jakiekolwiek szanse na przeżycie. Zaczyna się pełna niebezpieczeństw walka o przetrwanie...