Things take a turn for the worse when a down-on-their-luck band has a chance encounter in the pine barrens of NJ.

Mentalist Derren Brown zeigt in einem gewagten Gesellschaftsexperiment, wie man einen normalen Menschen durch Manipulation zu einer schockierenden Tat bewegen kann.

‘Theatre is my life,’ Yıldız Kenter admits in her biography written by Dikmen Gürün. This is the story of a star, who has dedicated her whole life to her theatre company, students, the stage. Recounting the prizes received as well as the prices paid for pursuing your passion, Sweetie is a testimony to the transforming cultural landscape of the country as it tells Kenter Theatre’s story and thus how a private theatre has managed to survive. Including interviews by family members, students, fellow actors, as well as rare archival images and footage, Sweetie is an homage to the ‘North Star of Turkish theatre.’ The documentary was written by Zeynep Miraç, scored by Murat Evgin, and features Dikmen Gürün as advisor.

Fall in love again with André Rieu and his Johann Strauss Orchestra as they bring you a colourful concert with over two-hours of beautiful melodies under the star-studded summer skies. Once again André Rieu transformed the Vrijthof square in his hometown Maastricht into a grand, romantic open-air concert hall with room for about ten thousand people for his traditional summer evening concerts. André returns to Maastricht bringing with him two wonderful guest choirs – the Harlem Gospel Choir and the Soweto Gospel Choir – and a very special guest: Oscar-winning actor Sir Anthony Hopkins! The Hollywood-based star is a great admirer of André Rieu and wrote a piece called “And The Waltz Goes On” specially with Rieu in mind. André Rieu performed it in Maastricht for the first time for such a large crowd.

A re-interpretation of Ramayana, the Thai animation film tells the story of a giant robot, Kiew, who's left wandering in a barren wasteland after a great war. Kiew meets Peuk, a puny tin robot who's lost his memory and is now stuck with his new big friend. Together they set out across the desert populated by metal scavengers, to look for Ram, the creator of all robots.

Schweren Herzens trennen sich die Teenager Zoe (Mia Kirshner) und Luke (Barry Watson) nach einem langen Sommer, den sie gemeinsam im Feriencamp Pine Lake verbracht haben. Jahre später ist Luke ein erfolgreicher Geschäftsmann, der von seinem Onkel das inzwischen marode Feriencamp übernommen hat und sich nicht davon trennen möchte. Auch Zoe schwimmt auf der Erfolgswelle und hofft auf eine Beförderung. Dafür muss sie nur Camp Pine Lake erwerben, damit an dessen Stelle ein exklusives Resort gebaut werden kann. Als Zoe daraufhin das Camp besucht und auf ihre Jugendliebe Luke trifft, ahnt dieser nichts von ihren Absichten…

Lieutenant Don Caldwell ist Anführer der Ledernacken: Ein verwegener Haufen von Einzelkämpfern, mit denen er unerbittlich eine heiße Fährte verfolgt - mitten in der grünen Hölle des Vietnamkrieges. Don ist seit langem einer Gruppe von Waffenschmugglern auf der Spur. Drahtzieher dieses schmutzigen Geschäftes ist ein Franzose. Die Aufgabe, ein vietnamesisches Dorf zu beschützen, nutzt Don immer wieder zu gefährlichen Operationen in feindliches Gebiet. Die Informationen, die er aus gefangenen Vietcongs herauspresst, gibt er ans Hauptquartier weiter - ohne Resonanz. Stattdessen taucht Captain Barrett im Camp auf. Chef der Spionage-Abwehr, mit einem Top-Secret-Auftrag. Barrett, Don und einer seiner Männer dringen im Alleingang in den Dschungel vor, wo überall der Vietcong lauert.

Toro (Mario Casas) war einst als rechte Hand und Vollstrecker für den brutalen Paten Romano (José Sacristán) unterwegs, bis er den Entschluss fasste, dem spanischen Mob den Rücken zu kehren und auszusteigen. Er musste jedoch noch einen letzten Auftrag annehmen, der schließlich in einem blutigen Fiasko endete, seinen jüngeren Bruder das Leben kostete und ihn selbst ins Gefängnis brachte. Als er nach mehreren Jahren freigelassen wird, möchte er endlich ein neues Leben beginnen. Doch schon bald wird Toro von der Vergangenheit eingeholt: Sein Bruder López (Luis Tosar) hat Schulden bei Romano und bittet Toro um Hilfe. Der ehemalige Soldat muss es also noch einmal mit seinem einstigen Mentor aufnehmen und all seine Fähigkeiten reaktivieren, um seinen Bruder und das Leben seiner Nichte zu retten…

John Meehan created a terrifying trap of seduction, deceit and betrayal for countless victims. The illuminating revelations into his backstory showcase a series of events that flipped switches to create a monster wired for psychopathy. Goffard exposes John’s troubled background that built the foundation for his ominous fantasy world of lies and manipulation. In addition to hearing the Newell family’s terrifying tale, John’s first wife Tonia Bales and her daughters Emily and Abigail Meehan speak out, along with other women from his past who were caught in his web of lies.

A retired hitman must reawaken all his deadly skills and fight a one-man war against his former employer.

Kika K is a successful star with millions of fans, but behind the scenes, she is in personal and professional crisis: she has to deal with an obsessive fan, a boyfriend with no concept, professional appointments scheduled by the businesswoman and her obsessive-compulsive disorder

French and Saunders, Britain’s most celebrated female comedians, bring their final ever sell-out Still Alive tour to DVD! Catch the last chance to watch the infectious duo in their side-splitting comedy tour featuring the best of their characters and sketches from the past three decades, together with brand new material written by the first ladies of comedy. Filmed at Cardiff, the Still Alive tour is a lively, fun and celebratory farewell from French and Saunders to their fans and to each other after 30 years of comedy genius – don’t miss it!

Far away, in spectacular countryside, there's a fantastic place called Horseland - a complex of stables, arenas, barns, rolling green pastures, and riding trails through verdant mountain forests. A lot of kids board horses here. We follow the adventures of three girls and one boy, all 11-12 years old. They become best of friends as they learn all about horsemanship: the intricate dance of dressage, the thrills (and spills) of show jumping, and the care and grooming of their animals. We'll also meet two spoiled sisters with attitudes, and an older boy who serves as mentor for them all. But what makes Horseland such a special place is that the horses and stable animals talk... at least, to each other. The animals' rich, exciting lives complement and illuminate the experiences of our human cast - and help make 'tween life a little less confusing.

During one of Oregon's most violent storms, a young cellist seeks solitude and comfort in the safety of her large apartment, but soon realizes she might not be home alone.