Blast off to adventure in this animated feature where our favorite space-age family, The Jetsons, meet the superstars of WWE! When George unearths WWE’s Big Show, who has been frozen for 100 years, the futuristic face-off begins! Once thawed, Big Show wastes no time in taking the WWE belt from the current robot champ as well as taking total control of Orbit City. It’s up to The Jetsons to travel back in time and enlist help from WWE’s brightest stars: Sheamus, Alicia Fox, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins and the Uso brothers. Can this cosmic tag-team prevail and set this twisted time-warp straight? Tune in and see with The Jetsons and WWE!

Florence Carala je manželkou majetného podnikateľa Simona Caralu. Julien je milenec Florence a zároveň Simonov podriadený. Milenci spoločne naplánujú Simonovu vraždu, ktorej vykonávateľom má byť sám Julien. Všetko prebieha podľa plánu až do chvíle, keď sa im postaví do cesty osud. Julien, v snahe odstrániť zabudnutý usvedčujúci dôkaz z miesta činu, ostane uväznený v kabínke výťahu…

The life of a married Munich technical draftsman with a son.

School for fairies Alfea celebrates the inauguration of the new school year when the party is interrupted by Icy, Darcy and Stormy, the perfidious Trix. The Winx without Bloom, are forced to remedy the confusion created by the witches who, having ruined the party, steal a powerful and mysterious object. Meanwhile, Bloom is on Domino, which is experiencing the best moments of his new life as a princess. He finally found his parents and Sky asks her to marry him. But not all gold that glitters, the three Witches are Ancestors in fact come back to haunt Stella, Aisha, Tecna, Musa, Flora and Bloom. Moreover, Erendor, Sky's father, forbids his son to marry the princess of Domino. A dark secret lies in the realm of Eraklyon and now that Sky, the legitimate ruler of the kingdom, as known.

„Jsou zpátky, mají hlad, a nejsou vegetariáni!" Zombie ko­medie od scenáristy Vetřelce (1979) a filmu Total Recall (1990) přináší karnevalově rozjařený mix gore efektů, situačního humoru a čistokrevného osmdesátkového braku. A vedle toho odpovídá na zásadní otázku, proč oživlé mrtvoly tolik lační po mozcích živých.

Bruno and Sonia, a young couple living off her benefit and the thefts committed by his gang, have a new source of money: their newborn son. Bruno, 20, and Sonia, 18, live off the young girl's allowance and the petty thefts committed by him and his gang. Sonia has just given birth to Jimmy, their child. The carefree Bruno, who until then had only cared about the here and now, must now learn to become a father.

Shinji and Masaru spend most of their school days harassing fellow classmates and playing pranks. They drop out and Shinji becomes a small-time boxer, while Masaru joins up with a local yakuza gang. However, the world is a tough place.

Dolly Leviová je vdova a živí sa ako dohadzovačka. Je veľmi schopná, šarmantná a výrečná. Využíva svoju inteligenciu na to, aby dala dohromady ľudí zo všetkých spoločenských vrstiev a stretáva milionára Horacia Wandelgeldera (Walther Matthau), ktorý sa má oženiť. Zariadi mu stretnutie s krásnou klobučníčkou, ale zároveň pošle do New Yorku dvoch mladých úradníkov, ktorých Horace zamestnáva, a mladú neter, ktorá sa chce proti vôli svojho strýka vydať za mladého maliara. Všetci sa potom vyberú na veľkú tanečnú súťaž do Harmony, kde sa odohrá muzikálová ...prepletené...

Martin, who believes himself to be a vampire, goes to live with his elderly and hostile cousin in a small Pennsylvania town where he tries to redeem his blood-craving urges.

Told from the perspective of two children, and in four parts which run parallel to seasons, The Small Town describes the relationships between members of a small-town family. Both brother and sister witness the complexities of the adult world, as well as the mysteries of life and nature.

Major Ronan Jackson, skúsený stíhací pilot izraelských obranných síl a syn amerického senátora, je pri prelete sýrskym vzdušným priestorom zostrelený. Po tom, čo sa mu zázrakom podarí prežiť, zajmú ho bojovníci protiizraelského hnutia Hizballáh. Príslušníci amerických jednotiek, ktoré operujú neďaleko na spoločnom vojenskom cvičení, musia nečakane zmeniť svoje plány a vyraziť do ostrej záchrannej akcie, aj keď na to nie sú pripravení ani špeciálne trénovaní. Elitní americkí vojaci pod vedením seržanta delostrelectva Davea Torresa riskujú svoje vlastné životy v nádeji, že zachránia spojenca, ktorého vlastne nepoznajú a s ktorým sa nikdy nestretli.

James “Brick” Davis, a struggling attorney, owes his education to a mobster, but always has refused to get involved with the underworld. When a friend of his is gunned down by a notorious criminal, Brick decides to abandon the exercise of the law and join the Department of Justice to capture the murderer.

Ashley na Vianoce uviazla na letisku, v zúfalstve preto prijíma ponuku na odvoz do Seattlu od Dasha, ktorý si práve prenajal posledné auto. Ashley sa živí predajom remeselných výrobkov, zatiaľ čo Dash tvrdí, že je maliar izieb. Hoci spočiatku to medzi nimi škrípe, počas dlhej jazdy si k sebe postupne nachádzajú cestu. Ako dvojica smeruje na sever, ich dobrodružstvá zahŕňajú problémy s autom, adopciu šteniatka a tajné sledovanie federálnych agentov, ktorí sa domnievajú, že Ashley je hľadaná teroristka. Skutočný dôvod Dashovej cesty do Seattlu však môže prekaziť ich rodiaci sa vzťah.

A movie crew invades a small town whose residents are all too ready to give up their values for showbiz glitz.

With the holiday season in full swing, Jen Taylor is about to score a big promotion at the San Francisco ad agency where she works. But her life is unexpectedly turned upside down when she inherits a cozy inn in Alaska from her aunt. When she goes to inspect the property and meets handsome town attorney Steve Anderson, she's surprised to find that nothing is what she expected. The small town community is full of fun and festive Christmas traditions and soon, Jen starts wondering if the inn might just be the place she belongs, and if Steve could be the Mr. Right she has been waiting for.

Dr. Beck, who has changed his name, saves a young teenage girl drowning in Mexico, whom he falls in love with. As always, there are some complications in his way, but he has plans to possibly get past them and get the girl of his dreams.

Divers go to work on a wrecked ship (the battleship Maine that was blown up in Havana harbour during the Spanish-American War), surrounded by curiously disproportionate fish.

Harry is an industrialist who loves his daughter Bijlee, and the bond they share with Harry's man friday, Matru. Bijlee's plan to wed the son of a politician, however, brings twists and turns in the lives of Matru, Bijlee and Mandola.

A group of friends are planning how to spend their summer vacation. One plans to go to the Seychelles with his American girlfriend. At the airport she dumps him for another guy. He has no money so he steals a backpack and goes camping. Somehow he meets a pretty girl and convinces her to share his tent. But a famous singer sees the girl and wants her too. He convinces the luckless guy to act like a fool and the girl leaves him and goes with the singer to the French Rivera.

A look at how a painter and a successful actor spend their last day together before the world comes to an end.