Clara doesn't know what she wants to do with her life, until one day she meets Guilherme who helps her to find her own path.

To 1975 o Μπομπ Ντίλαν ξεκίνησε μια περιοδεία, συνοδεία εκλεκτών μουσικών, με τίτλο «Rolling Thunder Revue», στην οποία επέλεξε συνειδητά να απέχει από τα μεγάλα στάδια. Αυτό το σύντομο, αλλά σαγηνευτικό κεφάλαιο στην ιστορία του σπουδαίου Αμερικανού τραγουδοποιού/ποιητή ζωντανεύει στο δεύτερο ντοκιμαντέρ του Μάρτιν Σκορσέζε με αντικείμενο τον Ντίλαν μετά το «No Direction Home» του 2005. Χρησιμοποιώντας το αρχειακό υλικό από την ομώνυμη περιοδεία του 1975 και διανθίζοντάς το με συνεντεύξεις των πρωταγωνιστών της, κάποιοι εκ των οποίων βέβαια δεν ήταν καν εκεί – περισσότερα σχετικά με αυτό παρακάτω – ο Σκορσέζε παραδίδει ένα mockumentary, που λειτουργεί περισσότερο σαν concert film και λιγότερο σαν αντικειμενική παράθεση των γεγονότων. Βέβαια, ο τίτλος σε προϊδεάζει: «a Bob Dylan story by Martin Scorsese»

Chronicles the rise, fall and attempted rise again of a stand up comedian plagued by his own demons (

Ten-year-old Johnny stands out from his family and his tough neighborhood in Eastern France. He's sensitive, intelligent and interested in all kinds of things way beyond his years. With curiosity, he observes the ups and downs of his young single mother's turbulent love life. Things change when a new teacher, fresh from the big city, takes over Johnny's class. Mr. Adamski believes in Johnny and wants to open a new world to him. The sophisticated young teacher also intrigues the boy.

Η πρόσφατα διαζευγμένη Αντριάνα προσπαθεί να εκδικηθεί τη γυναίκα που της πήρε τον άντρα της, πηγαίνοντας μαζί τους σε μια ευρωπαϊκή κρουαζιέρα.

Ο Κέρμιτ και η παρέα του ανοίγουν πανιά και τα βάζουν με επικίνδυνους πειρατές. Απώτερος σκοπός η ανεύρεση ενός κρυμμένου θησαυρού...

The immature and cheap douche bag Fábio Clóvis marries the pseudo-intellectual Miá and they travel in a cruise to Europe on board of a fancy passenger vessel. Fabio and Miá are invited to have dinner with the wealthy Beto Assunção and his gorgeous wife Laura in a VIP restaurant on the vessel. Soon Fábio discovers that Beto was Miá's boyfriend and Miá learns that Fábio had a crush on Laura that was his classmate. Meanwhile the cynical chamber maid Suzana Mello and her estranged husband, the entertainer Wilson, make a bet that Fábio and Miá will split before the end of the trip and poison their relationship. When the ship arrives in Casablanca, Fábio meets his bothersome childhood friend Cabeça that affects their honeymoon.

Malu, Lúcia and Maria found the ideal man to marry. Until they discover that in reality this man is the same person: Samuel, who was dating all of them over the past years. The three will have to decide if they will fight amongst each other for exclusivity or will unite in revenge.

Alice owns a network of sex shops and workaholic who, in trying to reconcile the harsh routine of work and family life, suffers nervous breakdown, she is forced by her husband to go to spa. Precisely at this time, appears unique opportunity to expand its business in New York. Using fun gimmicks, risks his health, leaves spa party there with family to ride, but actually in order to facilitate their professional interests. In trying to reconcile the agendas, engage in hilarious situations and mistakes that culminate in the possible separation of the couple.

Σε μια παραδεισένια παραλία στη βορειοανατολική Βραζιλία, εξελίσσετε ένα τεράστιο μουσικό ψυχεδελικό φεστιβάλ (rave Party), και παρακολουθούμε τις εμπειρίες των τριών νεαρών πρωταγωνιστών της ταινίας μας: του Nando (Luca Bianchi), της DJ Erica (Nathalia Dill) και της Lara της καλύτερη της φίλη (Livia Bueno). Χωρίς να το συνειδητοποιήσουν, τα κομμάτια τους ενώνονται από ένα χαοτικό παιχνίδι της μοίρας, και η συνάντηση αλλάζει ριζικά τις ζωές τους για πάντα. Μία καυστική ταινία με μήνυμα, συνέπεια και νόημα για όσους γνωρίζουν. Ο σκοτεινός κόσμος της ψυχεδέλειας και τον ναρκωτικών, και η κατάληξη της τραγικής παράνοιας σε ένα πακέτο.

Valdomiro gets involved in yet another scheme, this time involving the same people that tricked him into losing everything - and he brings everyone from Ms. Jô's hostel along.

Three young friends, Tita, Mari and Aninha decide to change their situations and travel to a beach place for a weekend. On the road, they meet Estrella, a hippie that wants a hide to try to find her unknown father. Together, they will live hilarious, absurd and moving situations. More than a change the air, they change themselves.

After waking from a coma, Tino learns his future in-laws have given him a high-powered financial job, for which he is woefully unqualified.

For forty years, the public functionary and family man Lineu and his beloved wife Nenê celebrate their first date going to the same ball where Lineu borrowed the jacket his competitor Carlinhos. In the present days, Lineu feels uncomfortable when his colleague Pacheco dies and goes to the doctor for health examination. When the result of his tomography arrives, his doctor says that he had seen some blur in his lungs and with that report he would give the correct diagnosis. Lineu steals the document afraid of having a tumor, but he believes he will die sooner. Meanwhile, Nenê meets Carlinhos in the supermarket where he is the manager and invites him to have dinner with her family. Lineu hides his concerns to Nenê, and his attitudes in the dinner misguide Nenê, and she believes Lineu has a lover and does not love him anymore

Brazilian politician João Ernesto surrenders to justice and is arrested for corruption, before attempting to overturn with sincerity and real proposals.

After all the trouble in the first film, Tino and Jane have more fun adventures. Still tasting bitter failure, they see a light at the end of the tunnel with uncle Olavinho’s unexpected inheritance. However, the will carries an unusual request: the rich uncle wants his ashes to be scattered throughout the Grand Canyon. The couple takes the opportunity of the trip to fulfill this wish and decides to go to Las Vegas and end up getting into comical situations. Big time spender Tino will fall into the greatest temptations and indulge in the casinos of the gambling city.

Δύο είναι οι μεγαλύτερες αγάπες της Φίμπι: τα Χριστούγεννα και οι παραδόσεις. Όμως, όταν γνωρίζει τυχαία τον όμορφο Έρικ, συνειδητοποιεί πως οι παραδόσεις δεν είναι τόσο σημαντικές όσο οι άνθρωποι με τους οποίους τις μοιραζόμαστε.

Ana and Duda, a couple who's in the verge of taking a break from their marriage, throw a New Year's party at their house. The party gets overcrowded with all kinds of people, and it's in the bathroom that most things will happen between them both and many other guests.

Alliances are tested when seven college pals reunite to watch two of their own say “I do” at a seaside wedding. But the maid of honor and the groom share a passionate history, and the bride isn’t the only one who’s wondering if it’s all in the past.

Ο Νταν Λάτσμαν έχει αυτοανακηρυχτεί πρόεδρος της επιτροπής των παλιών του συμμαθητών. Καθώς προετοιμάζεται για την επετειακή 20ή reunion της τάξης του, του έρχεται η ιδέα να ταξιδέψει ως το Λος Άντζελες και να καλέσει τον Όλιβερ Λόουλες, τον πλέον δημοφιλή της τάξης. Με αυτό, είναι σίγουρος πως θα έρθουν και οι υπόλοιποι.