The trial story of Viviane Amsalem's five year fight to obtain her divorce in front of the only legal authority competent for divorce cases in Israel, the Rabbinical Court.

During WWII, the valet to the British Ambassador to Ankara sells British secrets to the Germans while trying to romance a refugee Polish countess.

Drawing on the collections of major Russian institutions, contributions from contemporary artists, curators and performers and personal testimony from the descendants of those involved, the film brings the artists of the Russian Avant-Garde to life. It tells the stories of artists like Chagall, Kandinsky and Malevich - pioneers who flourished in response to the challenge of building a new art for a new world, only to be broken by implacable authority after 15 short years and silenced by Stalin's Socialist Realism.

In 1980s East Germany, Barbara is a Berlin doctor banished to a country medical clinic for applying for an exit visa. Deeply unhappy with her reassignment and fearful of her co-workers as possible Stasi informants, Barbara stays aloof, especially from the good natured clinic head, Andre.

Two convicts—a white racist and an angry black man—escape while chained to each other.

Canadian actress and filmmaker Sarah Polley investigates certain secrets related to her mother, interviewing a group of family members and friends whose reliability varies depending of their implication in the events, which are remembered in different ways; so a trail of questions remains to be answered, because memory is always changing and the discovery of truth often depends on who is telling the tale.

În regia lui John Mackenzie, ”Lunga zi de vineri” este o strălucită dramă încărcată de suspans care spune povestea unui gangster ce pierde totul în doar câteva zile. Bob Hoskins este Harold Shand, un gangster din Londra care se bucura de mare succes și a cărui lume se prăbușește în timpul unui singur weekend. Shand este cel care controlează toate docurile din Londra, iar acum plănuiește o mare afacere imobiliară care urmează să fie finanțată cu bani de la mafia americană. Viața lui este ca a oricărui om foarte bogat: locuiește într-un apartament de lux, conduce un Rolls Royce, are un iaht și o amantă sensibilă și inteligentă (Helen Mirren).

During the Nazi occupation of Czechoslovakia, surgeon Dr. Franticek Svoboda, a Czech patriot, assassinates the brutal "Hangman of Europe", Reichsprotektor Reinhard Heydrich, and is wounded in the process. In his attempt to escape, he is helped by history professor Stephen Novotny and his daughter Mascha.

The principal of an elementary school calls a special parents meeting after it’s alleged that the seemingly empathetic and kindly-looking teacher Mrs. Drazděchová uses her students to manipulate their parents.

Cu Chris Evans în rolul principal, Puncture urmărește povestea unui tânăr avocat foarte priceput pe nume Mike Weiss, care este însă dependent de droguri și care trebuie să revină cu picioarele pe pământ când dă în judecată o mare companie de servicii de sănătate.

Sharing the same psychologist, kleptomaniac Roberto, who writes stories a bit too realistic and scary for kids, and a narcoleptic Beatrice, who documents everything in her life, begin to think that love could be the cure for their problems. But nothing comes easy to either of them, and, just like in one of Roberto's stories, the happy ending really needs to be sought after. Will they find their own?

Cosimo is Italian, Nicole French. They meet in Genoa during the G8 protests and immediately fall in love. Swept off their feet by an overwhelming and uncontrollable passion, they decide never to part. After much wandering they decide to return to Genoa, where they start working for a friend of theirs who organises concerts. Things seem to be going well until a tragic accident almost sours their relationship, as a result of which they’re faced with two options that can change their future. Forever.

Several lonely hearts in a semi-provincial suburb of a town in Denmark use a beginner's course in Italian as the platform to meet the romance of their lives. The film, which unspools the connections and family drama shared between the students, complies with several aesthetic principles of Dogme 95 movement.

Adele are o fire visătoare, modernă, cochetă. Fiica ei Ann are o fire realistă, tăcută, directă. La suprafață, sunt ca uleiul și apa, dar în adâncul lor sunt la fel. „Susan Sarandon face spectacol” (The New York Times) și „Natalie Portman se propulsează” (NY-1) în această poveste amuzantă și emoționantă despre o mamă care știe tot și fiica ei, care știe și mai mult!

Jérémie, 34, wakes up in an apartment he doesn't know, next to a woman he doesn't know. She is Adna, a stunning Swedish woman who is as funny as she is sweet. Is this the beginning of a fairy tale? Not quite, since Jérémie is about to get married—to Antoine.

An aspiring poet in 1950s New York has his ordered world shaken when he embarks on a week-long retreat to save his hell raising hero, Dylan Thomas.

Bahadır, an aspiring 35-year-old director, spends his life making cheap television films inspired by the stories of folk songs. On the other hand, he has a great ambition to make films like his idol, Tarkovsky. He stands between his dreams and the real, tragicomic conditions.

In 1971, Jonas Mekas was permitted by the Soviet authorities to visit his mother in Lithuania whom he had not seen for 27 years. On his return trip, he went to Vienna for the first time. He kept the footage he shot during this visit and waited 30 years for the right time to release it.

A girl is approached by a strange boy outside her high school. He asks her to follow him to hear stories where gods fall in love with human beings.

Aliens invade, this time delivering a clear ultimatum. The fate of humanity hangs in the balance as the U.S. President and citizens decide if these aliens are to be trusted… or feared.