三位阴间使者江林(河正宇 饰)、解怨脉(朱智勋 饰)、德春(金香起 饰)即将带领第49位「贵人」金秀鸿(金东旭 饰)进行地狱审判,他们同时发现人间有一位家神(马东锡 饰),试图把早该阳寿已尽的老人强留人间。阴间使者为了带走该名老人,开始与家神展开激烈决斗,而在这个过程之中,三位阴间使者千年以前的前世之谜也将被一一揭开…


After being violently pushed from a window, Mary wakes up in the hospital, almost completely paralyzed. Trapped inside the prison of her own body, Mary's only way to communicate is by blinking her eyes. She tries to warn the nurse that a sinister, inhuman force is trying to kill her. But when strange things begin happening around her, she realizes it may be too late to stop it.

  看似人烟罕至的野外,随着镜头推移,却发现这竟是一栋疏于打理的豪宅别墅。游泳池的水浑浊不堪,布满了落叶和绿藻。青蛙在水中自在游弋,引来岸上丑陋肥胖的蟾蜍的注意。不远处的树枝上,一只美丽的蝴蝶轻盈落下,近处的青蛙则盯上这华美的佳人,它步步紧逼,全然不顾周遭四伏的危险。装潢考究的卧室,衣物用品凌乱不堪,仿佛经历过一场又一场的纵欲狂欢。餐厅中央杯盘狼藉,蚊蚋飞舞。提醒肥硕的蟾蜍大快朵颐,饕餮无度。   画面仿佛不经意间扫过房屋每一个角落,毁坏的监视器,门窗上的弹孔,消失的主人,无不暗示了一场血之盛宴……


仗义友善的瓢虫父子Cox和Junior为帮好友黑蚂蚁Mandible逃脱红蚂蚁的堵截,不幸从冰天雪地的法国流落至夏日炎炎的南美加勒比。他们用自己的勇敢、机智逃脱了热带雨林里螳螂及蜘蛛的魔爪,并结识了当地瓢虫,并与毛毛虫共同协力赶走了入侵他们家园的人类。与此同时Junior的勇敢也是它收获了爱情,希望留在美丽的加勒比。面对父子分别, Cox和Junior将会做什么样的选择呢?


Tomek and Ania finally decide to get married. The wedding, according to the wishes of Ania, will take place at the family members of Tomek with whom he has had no contact for years. It turns out that his brothers and his mother are like an Italian family where every conversation threatens to lead to an explosion and where a loving relationship and a quarrel are close together. Also the mother of Ania does not make a good impression on the mother of Tomek when she appears at the wedding with a much younger partner. The unexpected arrival of Tomek's father, whom he has not seen for years, is the drop that makes the bucket overflow .

Kimberly, a teenager suffering from agoraphobia, has not left the house since her mother's unsolved murder. On the eve of Thanksgiving, she begins to suspect that the safe harbor of home and her doting father may be a dangerous mirage.


天真处男卢克(杰瑞米·雷尼耶 Jérémie Renier 饰)与漂亮少女爱丽丝(娜塔莎·雷尼埃 Natacha Régnier 饰)纯纯恋爱,却在后者故意的挑逗教唆下,将同班帅气男生萨伊(沙利姆·克齐欧彻 Salim Kechiouche 饰)乱刀杀死。两人走进森林准备埋尸之际,剧情峰回路转,神秘猎人(马诺伊洛维奇 Miki Manojlović 饰)出现,将他们俘虏和禁锢。所有人的地位发生改变:少女被践踏折磨,初尝受人操控的滋味;男孩与猎人竟上演了一幕惊心的禁室培欲,迎来人生的第一次高潮……


耿浩(黄渤 饰)与一心想发大财的好兄弟大飞(沈腾 饰),经营着各自惨淡的“事业”,然而“天外来客”的意外降临,打破了二人平静又拮据的生活。神秘的西方力量也派出“哼哈二将”在全球搜查外星人行踪。啼笑皆非的跨物种对决,别开生面的“星战”,在中国某海边城市激情上演。

The Board of Directors launch an experimental educational program, introducing authoritarian Assistant Headmaster Mr. Wizzle to the boys of Macdonald Hall and the miserable Assistant Headmistress Ms. Peabody to whip the girls of the Scrimmage Academy into shape. With new dress codes, psychological testing, and early-morning wake-up calls with track laps as punishment, the boys and girls decide Wizzle and Peabody have to go. But how? As they pull out all the stops, they ultimately turn to the theory that “love conquers all” to oust the pair once and for all.


Ava is recovering from demonic possession. With no memory of the past month, she must attend a Spirit Possessions Anonymous support group to figure out what happened. Ava's life was hijacked by a demon, now it's time to get it back.



Insulted by Rosario, a rich businessman, Jai Kishen a Matchmaker teaches him a lesson by getting his daughter married to Raju, a Coolie, who poses to be a millionaire. They sense something fishy and Raju's deceptions are discovered. In an attempt to cover it up, he cooks up a story of having a filthy rich twin. One lie leads to another and things start to go awry culminating in a comedy of errors.
