Get ready for one last romp of magical, musical shenanigans because Harry and his pals are back for their senior year at Hogwarts! The gang's in for their biggest adventure yet as they face off against old enemies, new foes and giant snakes! Will they win or will they lose? Either way, this is the end!

Asa is a film which tries to show the confrontation between the dance of a body, the gesture of filming, editing, and moreover, between the sensitive surface of the film and the texture of skin in light.

Bo Burnham is back with a new one-man show full of his patented songs and wordplay, as well as haikus, dramatic readings, blasphemy, and so much more in his first hour-long special, shot live in his home town of Boston.

正是狂风暴雨时节,路飞、娜美、索隆等人登上一艘行将沉没的海盗船,并发现一个巨大的藏宝箱。众人费了九牛二虎之力,终于将箱子带回梅利号。结果发现,箱子里没有任何金银财宝,而是一个长相怪异且有些脱线的老太婆。老太婆唯恐路飞他们杀掉自己,于是许诺愿用金冠的秘密交换的生命。所谓金冠,传说是一顶价值连城的王冠,只有真正的海之王才能拥有。路飞相信了老太婆的话,于是扬帆朝目标之地挺进。   众人来至老太婆所住的机械岛,然而老太婆的儿子兰切特以为路飞等人是劫持了自己母亲的盗贼。他一面救回母亲,一面利用其研制的机械巨兵向梅利号展开攻击。寻找金冠的道路上危机重重……

Léo is the two-year old, son of the acting manager of a factory on the brink of closing. When employees discover the news, Bruno, a more radical Worker who is willing to fight for his job, abducts Léo.

Aurora finds a member of her crime buff group, the Real Murders Club, killed in a manner that eerily resembles the crime the club was about to discuss. As other brutal "copycat" killings follow, Aurora will have to uncover the person behind the terrifying game.

在一片郁金香花园中,住着一位小精灵--桑贝琳娜(Thumbelina)。她和其它的精灵快乐地生活在自然中。花园里就要有新的小精灵出生了,她和她的朋友对此非常兴奋。突然,一架挖土机开始破坏她 们美丽的花园!心宝莲娜被迫和朋友逃出花园,来到了一个奇怪的地方--一座漂亮的现代城市公寓!在那里,她们见到了一个叫麦姬娜的人类女孩,并与她交了朋友,但是她们到底能否拯救美丽的花园呢?你会发现,即使是再渺小的人,也可以战胜强大。

Steve Sinclair is a world-weary former gunslinger, now living as a peaceful farmer. Things go wrong when his wild younger brother Tony arrives on the scene with his new bride Joan Blake.

Jessica Fletcher, lecturing at a writers' conference, finds herself called on to solve the killing of a guest speaker, an arrogant Russian author who'd written a nonfiction, tell-all book about his tenure as head of the KGB.

In the absence of Behzat Ç., a superintendent named Himmet gets replaced as the president of the murder Bureau. When the murder of minister of Interior makes a big impact, Himmet decides to take advantage of it and he makes his team help the fight against terrorism bureau.


Star follows the path of Tito and Jay, two brothers living in the Montreal neighborhood of Park Extension. Accompanying these young people in their daily life marked by complicity and intimidation, Star tackles themes dear to teenagers: identity and friendship.


Star is a young graffiti writer, the best in his city, Paris. His reputation attracts him as much into art galleries than in the police precincts. Accused of vandalism, he faces jail. Despite the threat, he decides to go to Rome with his crew in search of the meaning of his art.

影片《汪星卧底》讲述了纽约警局警犬麦克斯与它的人类搭档FBI探员弗兰克联手破案的惊险经历。本互不相识且性格迥异的一人一犬,因为一宗珍稀动物偷盗案被强行组队。随后更被派遣到拉斯维加斯参加全球知名犬展,通过卧底行动缉拿罪魁祸首。而此次行动对于“厌狗”的探员弗兰克和不修边幅的 麦克斯,远比想象中的艰难…

  香港开埠以来,一直有殭尸出没。城市隐藏著一个捉殭尸的秘密组织— 食环署特别行动组,简称VCD。半夜扫街的清道夫其实是殭尸猎人,巨大的垃圾桶裡藏著刚收伏的殭尸,旁人避而远之的垃圾房…正正就是他们秘密基地!   善心宅男张春天(蔡瀚亿饰)偶然被VCD打救,组织领头(吴耀汉饰)发现他的血能抗尸毒,认定其潜力无限,要武功高强的打手叶之秋(钱小豪饰)、技术支援组老姜(袁祥仁饰)与大旧驹(罗莽饰)向他传授毕生所学,继承组织使命!   一次组织行动,张春天不忍伤害漂亮女殭尸小夏(林明祯饰),违反命令与她共住一室,引来百年老殭尸王的致命攻撃……

位于东京的某区,山野一家三口过着富庶自在的生活。2010年9月3日,姐姐春花(青山伦子 饰)从美国归来,此前她在旅行中遭遇一场车祸,致令双腿严重骨折。弟弟幸一(中村苍 饰)是个开朗阳光的大男孩,他拿着新买的摄像机拍下了山野家生活的点点滴滴。由于父亲公务繁忙,平时只有姐弟二人在家。平静的日子并未持续太久,一丝不安便在屋子内肆意弥漫。春花发现,每当次日醒来床边的轮椅便会发生移动。为了探明真相,幸一决定在姐姐的卧房内安置摄像机,监控夜晚的情况。在屏幕前,不可思议的景象接连发生,姐弟俩似乎也陷入恶魔的诅咒中,无法逃脱……   本片为恐怖片《鬼影实录》的日本版。

Bootlegger/cafe owner, Johnny Franks recruits crude working man Scorpio to join his gang, masterminded by crooked criminal defense lawyer Newton. Scorpio eventually takes over Frank's operation, beats a rival gang, becomes wealthy, and dominates the city for several years until a secret group of six masked businessmen have him prosecuted and sent to the electric chair.

时隔很久出来的同学会和初恋珍熙重逢的圣贤,想坐着气氛和她度过一个火热的夜晚,但是因为太着急,就失败了。感到遗憾的是,出租车上的圣贤在某一瞬间,我意识到他在同学会那天早上就回来了。圣贤是由Wonder 8失败,在反复的一天中为了勾引珍熙,将所有的方法都动员起来。

Mankind has lost a 300-year war against a genetically enhanced race they created and tortured. Now the descendants of that race -- known as the "ghen" -- control the planet from advanced underground cities within Hollow Earth. As rising dictator Crecilius Pryme urges his people to annihilate the remaining human population who toil in his factories above ground, a shocking secret is about to be unearthed that will change the lives of the Pryme family forever