Радња приче се дешава у Филаделфији, некада главном граду САД. Ендру Бекет (Том Хенкс) је познати адвокат у великој филаделфијској фирми, који покушава да постане партнер. Али ту постоји једна препрека, а то је Ендуова сексуална опредељеност. И зато Ендруов живот почиње нагло да се мења, и креће силазном путањом.

In a bad neighborhood, on his way to a laundromat to do his laundry, Frank Castle witnesses a ruthless street gang harassing several people.

The Comedians of Comedy is an occasional stand-up comedy tour featuring Patton Oswalt, Zach Galifianakis, Brian Posehn and Maria Bamford that was documented in a 2005 film and 2005 Comedy Central television series of the same name, both directed by Michael Blieden.

A briefcase with undisclosed contents – sought by Irish terrorists and the Russian mob – makes its way into criminals' hands. An Irish liaison assembles a squad of mercenaries, or 'ronin', and gives them the thorny task of recovering the case.

Најсмртоноснији чудни пар на свету - телохранитељ Мајкл Брајс (Рајан Ренолдс) и убица Даријус Кинкејд (Семјуел Л. Џексон) - поново су заједно, у још једној мисији опасној по живот. Још увек без дозволе и под лупом, Брајса на акцију присиљава још нестабилнија Даријусова супруга, озлоглашена међународна преваранткиња Соња Кинкејд (Салма Хајек). Док Брајса до нервног слома доводе његова два најопаснија штићеника, трио се до гуше уплиће у глобалну заверу и ускоро открива да су само они ти који стоје између Европе и тоталног хаоса.

A mentally disturbed man takes residence in a halfway house. His mind gradually slips back into the realm created by his illness, where he replays a key part of his childhood.

The greatest Olympic Wrestling Champion brother team joins Team Foxcatcher led by multimillionaire sponsor John E. du Pont as they train for the 1988 games in Seoul - a union that leads to unlikely circumstances.

Set in the South just after the US Civil War, Laurel Sommersby is just managing to work the farm without her husband, believed killed in battle. By all accounts, Jack Sommersby was not a pleasant man, thus when he suddenly returns, Laurel has mixed emotions. It appears that Jack has changed a great deal, leading some people to believe that this is not actually Jack but an imposter. Laurel herself is unsure, but willing to take the man into her home, and perhaps later into her heart.

A chronicle of Russia's transition from communism to capitalism.

John Henry returns to his hometown in hopes of repairing his relationship with his estranged father, but a local gang is terrorizing the town. John Henry is the only one who can stop them, however he has abandoned both his gun and reputation as a fearless quick-draw killer.

The third installment in the successful Bad Ass action-comedy franchise. Bad Asses on the Bayou reunites the dynamic duo, Frank Vega (Danny Trejo) and Bernie Pope (Danny Glover), as they travel to Louisiana to attend the wedding of their dear friend Carmen Gutierrez (Loni Love). What was pictured as a wedding weekend escape to the south turns violently ugly as madness and mayhem ensue, pressing our senior heroes to once again serve justice.

Galifianakis dreamed of becoming a star. But when Will Ferrell discovered his public access TV show, 'Between Two Ferns' and uploaded it to Funny or Die, Zach became a viral laughing stock. Now Zach and his crew are taking a road trip to complete a series of high-profile celebrity interviews and restore his reputation.

Bad Grandpa .5 gives you a whole new perspective on the world of Irving Zisman with bonus scenes and pranks also featuring Spike Jonze as "Gloria" and Catherine Keener as Irving's wife "Ellie", plus a look at the evolution of Johnny Knoxville's naughty alter-ego, the makeup effects, and a behind-the-scenes peek at the idiocy it takes to make a hidden camera movie in public.

After receiving an unsettling voicemail, Jordan (Wiggins) returns home, looking for answers, only to find her estranged father and even more questions. A demonic force has attached itself to the town and no one is safe. The only one who seems to know anything is the small town's Reverend.

Decorated Vietnam hero, Frank Vega returns home only to get shunned by society leaving him without a job or his high school sweetheart. It's not until forty years later when an incident on a commuter bus makes him a local hero where he's suddenly celebrated once again. But his good fortune suddenly turns for the worse when his best friend is murdered and the police aren't doing anything about it.

Десет година након херојске победе над чудовиштем Кракеном, Персеј полубожански син Зевсов, покушава да живи мирним животом рибара са својим 10-годишњим сином Хелиусом. У међувремену, бесни битка за превласт између богова и титана. Богови, знатно ослабљени недостатком вере људи у њих, губе контролу над титанима и ослобађају се са својим вођом Кроносом, оцем владајуће браће богова, Зевса, Хада и Посејдона, који су га свргли и оставили да труне у дубинама испод Тартаруса, у тамници пећинског подземља.

У време чаролија, кад су се легенде и магија стапали, једини преостали ратник мистичног реда отићи ће на пут да пронађе легендарног хероја рођеног са невероватним моћима, последњег Седмог сина. Одвучен од мирног живота на фарми, млади херој ће се упустити у опасну авантуру са својим ментором који је очврснуо у биткама како би поразили мрачну краљицу и њену војску натприродних убица које је раштркала по целом краљевству.

Када подкастер Волас Брајтон нестане у шуми код Манитобе док интервјуише тајанственог поморца по имену Хауард Хоув, његов најбољи пријатељ Теди и девојка Алисон удружују се с бившим полицајцем да га траже.

Every college campus has its rivalries and UTS is no different. At this university, the Geeks run the campus and the greatest Steppers are king of the hill. When a local radio station announces the beginning of the step competition season, the campus fraternities and sororities fight to recruit the best talent that will help them win the big-money prize.

Taking inspiration from The Human Centipede films, the warden of a notorious and troubled prison looks to create a 500-person human centipede as a solution to his problems.