Two women, black and white, in 1955 Montgomery Alabama, must decide what they are going to do in response to the famous bus boycott led by Martin Luther King.

When eccentric candy man Willy Wonka promises a lifetime supply of sweets and a tour of his chocolate factory to five lucky kids, penniless Charlie Bucket seeks the golden ticket that will make him a winner.

An acclaimed writer, his ex-wife, and their teenaged children come to terms with the complexities of love in all its forms over the course of one tumultuous year.

In Japanese-occupied Korea, three freedom fighters are assigned a mission to assassinate a genocidal military leader and his top collaborator. But the plan goes completely awry amidst double-crossings, counter-assassinations, and a shocking revelation about one of the assassins' past.

Temeljen na istinitoj priči, otac Stu prati život Stuarta Longa, boksača koji je postao svećenik koji je nadahnuo bezbroj ljudi oko sebe tijekom svog putovanja od samouništenja do iskupljenja kroz svoju sve veću vjeru.

Upustite se u uzbudljivu avanturu sa nezaboravnim likovima: Dama, ljubavlju razmažena koker španijelka; Skitnica, mješanac zlatnog srca iz siromašne četvrti; Jock i Trusty, Damini najbolji prijatelji; i Si i Am, dvije najprepredenije mačke ikada dospjele na platno.

Srednjovjekovna Francuska 1184. godine. Markantni Balian (O. Bloom) mladi je kovač koji nakon tragične smrti djeteta i samoubojstva supruge dozna da je njegov pravi otac utjecajni križarski plemić Godfrey od Ibelina (L. Neeson). Prisiljen zbog ubojstva svećenika pobjeći, Balian se pridruži ocu te s njim krene na dugo putovanje prema Messini. Uči rukovati mačem i boriti se, te naposljetku primi i titulu križarskog viteza. Godfrey je u jednom sukobu smrtno ranjen, a posljednja mu je želja da Balian u pratnji njegova odanog pomoćnika Hospitalera (D. Thewlis) ode u Jeruzalem.

Mike discovers that being the top-ranking laugh collector at Monsters, Inc. has its benefits – in particular, earning enough money to buy a six-wheel-drive car that's loaded with gadgets. That new-car smell doesn't last long enough, however, as Sulley jump-starts an ill-fated road test that teaches Mike the true meaning of buyer's remorse.

Iako se čini da život bivšeg tajnog agenta, Joea Hallenbecka, ne može biti gori, preljub njegove supruge i prezir maloljetne kćerke dovedu ga na sam rub egzistencije. Kada Hallenbeck dobije novi, naočigled jednostavan zadatak zaštite striptizete Cory, on niti ne sluti da će ga slučaj odvesti do najvećeg životnog iskušenja. Kada Cory ipak izgubi život, Hallenbeck kreće u istragu zajedno sa striptizetinim dečkom, bivšim igračem ragbija, Jimmyjem Dixom, i uskoro otkriva kako je prste u ubojstvu imao korumpirani vlasnik tima, Sheldon Marcone...

Matt, a loner alcoholic, struggles to maintain sobriety and honor his mother's dying wish to see him get sober. His AA sponsor offers him refuge at his farm where Matt finds Yup'ik, a stray husky with a unique talent. Their relationship struggles at first, but with the help of their Montana community, the two strays find a connection and discover what it takes to pull thru to the finish line.

Lincoln Rhyme je policajac koji je bio u invalidskim kolicima otkad je greda pala na njega tijekom istrage i ostavila ga četriplegičara. Serijski ubojica iza sebe ostavlja tragove koje samo Lincoln može dešifrirati, a on će imati pomoć Amelije Donaghy da riješi misteriju koju je stvorio ubojica.

In 1984, a young programmer begins to question reality as he adapts a dark fantasy novel into a video game. A mind-bending tale with multiple endings.

Jenna is a pregnant, unhappily married waitress in the deep south. She meets a newcomer to her town and falls into an unlikely relationship as a last attempt at happiness.

Advertising executive Nick Beame learns that his wife is sleeping with his employer. In a state of despair, he encounters a bumbling thief whose attempted carjacking goes awry when Nick takes him on an involuntary joyride. Soon the betrayed businessman and the incompetent crook strike up a partnership and develop a robbery-revenge scheme. But it turns out that some other criminals in the area don't appreciate the competition.

In New York City, Thom is broke and jobless, illegally working as a taxi driver. Claire is a successful business-woman, but personally she's in shambles - then comes the phone call that her estranged father is in the hospital. Not knowing what to do, Claire hops in Thom's cab and orders him to just drive and so he does. They find themselves in Pennsylvania and Claire makes the rash decision to drive across the country to California. On the road, there are many detours as the obstacles and secrets force them to learn about themselves and each other.

After a one night stand with Alex, Isabel realizes that she is pregnant and they decide to get married. However, along with the marriage comes compromise of one's own cultural traditions.

A woman finds a romantic letter in a bottle washed ashore and tracks down the author, a widowed shipbuilder whose wife died tragically early. As a deep and mutual attraction blossoms, the man struggles to make peace with his past so that he can move on and find happiness.

Najbolji prijatelji Rick i Fred su obojica u braku već dugi niz godina. Kada su kod kuće počeli pokazivati znakove nemira, njihove žene zauzele su odvažan stav kako bi oživjele svoj brak: daju dečkima dozvolu za tjedan dana slobode kako bi radili što god žele. Bez ikakvih pitanja nakon toga. Isprva, to za Ricka i Freda zvuči kao ostvarenje snova, ali ubrzo otkrivaju kako su njihova očekivanja od samačkog života potpuno i urnebesno neusklađena s realnošću.

When mild-mannered Martin Harvey finds out that he has inherited a vintage yacht, he decides to take his family on a Caribbean vacation to retrieve the vessel. Upon arriving on a small island and realizing that the ship is in rough shape, Martin and his family end up with more than they bargained for as the roguish Captain Ron signs on to sail the boat to Miami. It doesn't take long before Ron's anything-goes antics get the Harveys into plenty of trouble.

Kada su se Jay (Jason Segel) i Annie (Cameron Diaz) tek upoznali, imali su intenzivnu ljubavnu vezu, ali nakon deset godina i dvoje djece, plamenu njihove ljubavi potrebna je nova iskra. Kako bi uzburkali stvari, odluče se snimiti kako iskušavaju sve položaje iz UŽITKA SEKSA u jednoj maratonskoj trosatnoj sesiji. Čini se to sjajnom idejom – sve dok ne otkriju da je njihova najintimnija snimka završila u javnosti. U panici započnu ludu noćnu avanturu – slijedeći tragove, angažirajući prijatelje i mažući oči Anneinu šefu – sve kako bi se domogli snimke, spasili svoju reputaciju, svoje mentalno zdravlje i najvažnije, svoj brak.