Eight years after saving the SPD from Agent Abrella's scheme, the Dekarangers parted ways with Ban joining the Fire Squad, Jasmine marrying Hikaru Hiwatari, and Swan working independently while Tetsu, Hoji, Sen, and Umeko continue working under Doggie Kruger. But after an incident occurred that hospitalized Kruger on planet Revaful wherein he was labeled as a dirty cop for an apparent dealing with the Qurlian Crime Family, which went awry with the death of a civilian witness, Tetsu takes over the Earth Branch. Two years later, joined by rookie officers Assam Asimov and Mugi Grafton, who had taken over the positions of Deka Red and Deka Yellow respectively, Hoji, Sen and Umeko encounter a Clementian named Carrie who is being hunted by Mechanoids.

Фильм второй - «Прорыв» посвящен битве за Днепр и наступательной операции советских войск в 1944 г. В центре этого фильма судьба батальона, сражавшегося на этом плацдарме. Идёт освобождение Орла и Белгорода, а также оставление немцами Харькова. Впереди форсирование Днепра. Реальный факт создания ложного плацдарма на правом берегу Днепра с тем, чтобы оттянуть на него крупные силы немцев. Плацдарм был полностью окружён, и большая часть его защитников погибла. Лишь немногим удалось прорвать окружение и выйти к основной переправе советских войск. В этот список авторы включили и своих героев - капитана-артиллериста Цветаева и майора Орлова. В это же самое время Бенито Муссолини был арестован в ходе заговора маршала Пьетро Бадольо. По приказу Адольфа Гитлера дуче освободила специальная группа Отто Скорцени. Немецко-фашистские войска вторглись в Италию. Фильм заканчивается Тегеранской конференцией.

"This piece, with the generic title Film, is a series of short videos built around one protocol: a snippet of news from a newspaper of the day, is rolled up and then placed on a black-inked surface. On making contact with the liquid, the roll opens and of Its own accord frees itself of the gesture that fashioned it. As it comes alive in this way, the sliver of paper reveals Its hitherto unexposed content; this unpredictable kinematics is evidence of the constant impermanence of news. As well as exploring a certain archaeology of cinema, the mechanism references the passage of time: the ink, whether it is poured or printed, is the ink of ongoing human history." –Ismaïl Bahri

Аврора, библиотекарь и по совместительству основательница книжного клуба загадочных убийств, обнаруживает, что людей, связанных с клубом, одного за другим убивают точно так же, как в книгах, основанных на реальных событиях, которые они прочли. Возможно ли, что убийцей является член клуба? Ведь никто кроме них не знает, какие дела они обсуждают. Сможет ли Аврора раскрыть эту тайну?

A day in the life of John Lennon, alive and well in modern-day New York City. The former Beatle squabbles with a security guard, commiserates with his best friend over lunch, and upsets a bully.

The story begins when Geki Red battles Nunchaku Banki after returning from his trip around the world for Natsume's birthday, with Geki Yellow and Geki Blue arriving to provide backup. After sending the Gekirangers into another dimension, the Go-ongers arrive before the Savage Machine Beast departs after his quarry. After clearing a misunderstanding with Geki Violet and Geki Chopper, the two bring them to SCRTC to see Master Xia Fu, with Hant revealing he met Miki at one of his past jobs at the Kyoryuya Curry Shop.

Tension has long simmered between Turkish soldiers and Kurdish separatists in southeastern Anatolia and, in 2015, the conflict escalated into a military lockdown.  Given the lack of media coverage, locals began filming the empty streets in single-take, one-hour clips which were posted to the internet and then vanished.  Coinciding with this event is the falling of the Leonids, a spectacular meteor shower which emblazons the black skies with impermanent light. 

Gilles, who operates a money losing garage, teams up with his friends Max, who operates a scrap yard, and lawyer Xavier to open a brothel catering to women. They get the idea from Gilles' secretary Irma, a former prostitute. They are assisted in the implementation by Max's wife Juliette and Sabine who is mad for Gilles. Unfortunately Gilles has fallen for Florence the daughter of the conservative Prime Minister and his wife. When the Prime Minister tries to shut down the brothel Gilles decides to stand against him in the election.

One mother's fight against the global sugar mafia.

Oswald takes Miss Rabbit out for a ride in his jalopy and soon finds himself in a race with a chasing police car.

As the star of his church choir, there's nothing that brings Billy more joy than the opportunity to sing for an audience. However, as his desire to perform grows, the stalwart youth finds that waiting until Sunday to get his fix just simply isn't enough. Going against the advice of his pastor, Billy follows his girlfriend into the world of secular entertainment, joining the local community theatre troupe. There, Billy is introduced to a whole new world, where his fellow thespians dabble in drugs, sexual perversion, and table-top game-play. Yet, for all the newly minted depravities Billy encounters, none could prepare him for the darkest truth of them all: The theatre group is actually a front for a Satanic cult intent on raising Dracula from the grave!

The young Claudia wants to escape from the gray life of the province and aims rich men but each time with unhappy results. Only the brother will eventually succeed in shaking her from this purpose.

A lifestyle photographer, a student activist, and a relationship that developed amidst contrasting ideals and principles.

Two brothers, one wanted for murder, are shipwrecked on an island inhabited by nubile young women who have amassed a valuable cache of pearls.

Day 2 HoneyWorks stage for “Capture the Moment” Savor it. Treasure it. Continued growth since 1st fes. Cherished memories. Emotions. A future that is built to last. And this moment is no less precious. Treasure every moment, most importantly this very one. Here, now. In staying true to those ideals, hololive 5th fes. will take place on a three-sided stage – an unprecedented and monumental first for hololive production! Connecting past, present, and future, we aim to hold a performance the likes of which have never before been seen.

During 2018's presidential election in Brazil, a young woman expects her mother for dinner. But a homophobic social media post makes her rethink this mother-daughter relationship.

After Pastor Carl Slayton's daughter is kidnapped by the Snuff filmmaker 'Twitch,' Carl learns that his wife Rita has a secret past and that the kidnapping was not random. Twitch wants something from Rita, and the clock is ticking. Will Carl and Rita be able to resolve their differences and work together to defeat Twitch?