USSR. The time of the monetary reform of 1961. One hundred rubles turned into ten overnight. But the reform did not affect copper money. Enterprising administrator of the Park of culture and recreation Prokhor Ignatievich, wanting to increase his capital, tries to exchange a big amount of money for small copper with the help of simple-minded driver Zhora Grakin and ex-convict Roland Babaskin...


'J' tells the story of a man who lives an isolated life before encountering a woman that will open up, for a while, his controlled world. In 'J', time is at first an internal condition and, as the story unfolds, the effect of a mysterious mirror, where solitude is a condition of space itself and nearness and love are but a position of an impossible witness. Can space hold all the memories of a life without witnesses?


某个宁静冬日,京都贵船的料理旅馆老店藤屋。站在贵船川旁的服务生美琴(藤谷理子 饰)被女将(本上真奈美 饰)叫回去工作。可是,两分钟后,她发现自己再次站在河边。而且不止她,旅馆里的其他员工和住客都开始觉得奇怪,他们发现自己被困在两分钟的循环之中。两分钟后,时间倒转,一切又回到原处,但他们的记忆却依然保留。众人决定合力找出事件背后的原因,但美琴却心情复杂…


Paulette 意识到她对女儿 Linda 处罚过于严厉,为了弥补过错,她承诺要为她做一只辣子鸡,尽管她完全不会做饭。但问题是,在罢工日当天所有商店都关闭,她该从哪里找到鸡呢?



落魄北漂文艺青年吴迪(胡歌 饰),工作感情双双失意,沮丧返乡。吴迪“突袭”返乡的行为打破了一家人原本平静的生活,他不仅需要重新面对与家人的“亲密”相处,还要为自己的未来寻找更多的可能。在现实面前多番碰壁后,一次偶然的机会下他与高中同学冯柳柳(高圆圆 饰)相遇,随后生活也发生了意想不到的转变。

Stranded in the open sea after a fatal accident, a young woman and her two friends are rescued by a fishing vessel's captain, unaware that the ship harbors a chilling secret.

艾米莉·汉密尔顿(Emily Hamilton)(塞伯格饰)是国际刑警组织特工,艾伦·汉密尔顿(Alan Hamilton)(梅森饰)的一位无聊的家庭主妇。直到她在意大利时发现装满了尸体的汽车后备箱后,她才陷入国际阴谋。她感到恐惧和兴奋,她求助于陌生人布拉德·基利安(Brad Killian)(博伊德饰),他是一名非正统的义警,一个只为所有毒品走私者的血腥和残忍死亡而活着的人。布拉德穿着一件相配的皮裤和夹克(又称赤膊),在阿富汗和其他异国气候中穿梭,毒贩和色情小贩满眼的胸毛和满腹的铅。这让艾米丽的丈夫非常懊恼,尽管他也有一种乐观的职业道德(电影开始时艾伦用猎枪直射一名男子的脸)。这种态度在道德上是腐败的,暴力是无偿的,尸体是无法计数的,而且大多数其他的剥削手段都是以一种过度和荒谬的方式使用的(例如,来自伦敦上流社会的10岁海洛因成瘾者)。

毒杀手(也就是众所周知的《杀,杀,杀》)是编剧兼导演罗曼·加里(Romain Gary)的创意。加里是唯一两次赢得贡科特文学奖的人,是女演员让·塞伯格(Jean Seberg)的丈夫。加里的前一部电影《秘鲁的鸟》(Les Oiseaux vont mourir au Pérou)是第一部获得MPAA“X级”评分的电影。独特的摄影是由埃德蒙德·理查德(Edmond Richard)执导作品,他的作品包括奥森·威尔斯(Orson Welles)的《审判》(The Trial)(1962年)、马塞尔·卡内(Marcel Carné)的《默维莱之旅》(La Merveilleuse Visite)(1974年)和路易斯·布尼埃尔(Luis Buñuel)的《资产阶级的谨慎魅力》(1972年)。制片人是亚历山大·萨尔金德(Alexander Salkind),他制作了《三个火枪手》(1974年)、《超人》(1978年)和亚历杭德罗·乔多罗夫斯基(Alejandro Jodorowsky)的《彩虹贼》(The Rainbow Thief)等经典作品。

Samir lives in the projects of a second zone city in France. He is bored, rebellious, and on the verge of becoming a small-time criminal. Until his dad brutally dies and he has to become a plumber to be the breadwinner for his family. But accompanying his younger sister to the public library, he stumbles upon a surfing magazine and has a revelation: he too shall ride the waves professionally one day. The hiccup? He doesn’t even know how to swim. Enters an ex-bodybuilding champion and local loser who takes him under his wing and decides to help. Samir then leaves for the French surfing beaches, determined to make his dreams come true.

1989 年,物理学家鲍勃·拉扎 (Bob Lazar) 爆料了 51 区和美国政府在外星飞船上工作的故事。他吹响了哨子,震惊了世界,然后沉默了——直到现在。

France has been living alone in her apartment since the death of her husband. When she hears on the radio that the Singa association puts homeless migrants in contact with people who can take them in, she decides, against the advice of her family, led by her son, to take in Reza, a young Afghan broken by war and exodus. This is the story of two worlds that collide, get used to each other and end up reaching out to each other.

故事发生在如今的罗马,乍看这下, 已经年过半百的文森特还保留着法国口音,他的伴侣玛利亚比他年轻15岁,他们俩人看着和其他的情侣没有两样。当他们搭地铁的时候,他们会坐在一起,手挽着手,回家之后他们做爱,就像其他爱情故事开始一样,他们爱得如胶似漆。日子就这么一天一天过去了,他们几乎不招待客人,似乎也没有这个必要。但是细看下去,就会发现一个不和谐因素的存在,玛利亚非常脆弱,经常把她的不安表现出来。他们之间的问题变得越来越严重,他们的秘密生活面临着失控的危险。

小说威尼斯的改编是不是在意大利伊万·卡伯拉克,由翁在2015年出版:埃米尔是十五。他住在蒙达尼,甜蜜疯狂的父亲和母亲谁一直把头发染成金色,因为,现在看来,他更美观像之间。当谁喜悦的事比什么都邀请他去威尼斯的假期的女孩,他大喜过望。唯一的问题是,他的父母决定陪他 - 这是出生于一个无法归类的家庭,一个初恋的故事,神奇的和脆弱的一个少年的故事。这是一个具有开创意义和令人难以置信的旅程,人生往往需要措手不及的故事,但是在威尼斯,这将是在会合。


Nicke loves practical jokes. When his best friend Pelle is getting married, Nicke is hosting the bachelor party. It will start with the kidnapping of Pelle. Everything goes wrong when Pelle is kidnapped for real by a terrorist group.

Maryam, a rebel leader in an archaic world governed by ruthless religion, is set to prove that the god hovering in the sky is a lie. But she is stopped by a holy warrior that turns out to be her lost father. Soon their lives change as they are about to find out a secret only a god can keep.