Scenariul, destul de complicat, este centrat pe existența lui Jerry Lundegaard, un vânzător de mașini ratat a cărui nevoie disperată de bani îl determină să angajeze doi criminali profesioniști care să-i răpească soția. Jerry se gândește că bogatul lui socru va plăti răscumpărarea cerută, pe care el va pune, evident, mâna. Bineînțeles că lucrurile o iau razna, iar planul lui Jerry se duce de râpă când doi turiști nevinovați sunt uciși.
Documentary filmmaker Genya Tachibana has tracked down the legendary actress Chiyoko Fujiwara, who mysteriously vanished at the height of her career. When he presents her with a key she had lost and thought was gone forever, the filmmaker could not have imagined that it would not only unlock the long-held secrets of Chiyoko’s life... but also his own.
O actriță franceză și un arhitect japonez au o aventură scurtă și intensă după Hiroshima, fascinația lor reciprocă împingându-i să-și exorcizeze propriile amintiri cicatrizate despre iubire și suferință.
O familie distanțată de foști copii minune se reunește când tată lor anunță că are o boală terminală.
Doi asasini britanici au experiențe ciudate, care le schimbă viață, în timp ce se ascund în orașul medieval Bruges, din Belgia.
În Napoli, Adelina trebuie să vândă tutun de contrabandă pentru a-și întreține familia. Amenzile neplătite pentru desfășurarea acestei activități o fac să trăiască sub amenințarea constantă a închisorii. La Milano, bogata și volubilă Anna face o evadare cu noul ei iubit în Rolls-Royce al soțului ei. La Roma, Mara, o prostituată cu inimă bună, va face promisiune că va întoarce un tânăr seminarist captivant pe calea cea bună. Trei povești cu actrița Sophia Loren în rol principal care arată voința, decizia și caracterul practic al italiencei în fața slăbiciunii bărbaților din jurul ei.
When a beautiful first-grade teacher arrives at a prep school, she soon attracts the attention of an ambitious teenager named Max, who quickly falls in love with her. Max turns to the father of two of his schoolmates for advice on how to woo the teacher. However, the situation soon gets complicated when Max's new friend becomes involved with her, setting the two pals against one another in a war for her attention.
Monika from Stockholm falls in love with Harry, a young man on holiday. When she becomes pregnant they are forced into a marriage, which begins to fall apart soon after they take up residence in a cramped little flat.
In 1979, a young girl stumbles upon a possessed tape player. She unknowingly unleashes a demonic entity that haunts her family while slowly dragging the small town of Clarkston to Hell.
Murat and Duygu are deeply in love and when they graduate from College Murat takes the leap and asks Duygu for her hand in marriage but he doesn't get the answer he was looking for. They both agree that if they're both single in five years they will tie the knot, but life has other plans for them.
O altă variantă a poveștii „O colindă de Crăciun” scrisă de autorul englez Charles Dickens, doar că de data aceasta sub alt nume cu Bill Murray în rolul principal.
Pu Zhe , the younger brother of the Emperor of Manchukuo, Pu Wen, marries Ryuko the daughter of a long-established aristocratic family - all in the interest of the Japanese rulers , which legitimizes the relationship between Japan and its Chinese puppet state. To the surprise of all , a deep love between Pu Zhe and Ryuko develops. It is put to the test when Japan loses the war, Manchukuo is dissolved and the imperial court must flee. The lovers now have to separate: Pu Zhe tries to escape to Japan with his brother , while Ryuko flees with her daughter Eisei over the country. A film on the relationship between Pujie (1907-94) , brother of the " last emperor " Puyi and his second wife, Marquise Hiro Saga (1914-87).
On the rocky path to sobriety after a life-changing accident, John Callahan discovers the healing power of art, willing his injured hands into drawing hilarious, often controversial cartoons, which bring him a new lease on life.
Polițiștii prieteni Riggs și Murtaugh s-au întors pentru o rundă nouă de acțiune cu miză mare, de data aceasta amândoi ei trebuie sa rezolve un caz de trafic cu arme confiscate in care e implicat un fost coleg de breasla.
Teenager Les Anderson thinks his life can't get any worse after he flunks his driver's exam, but he's wrong. Even though he didn't receive his license, Les refuses to break his date with the cool Mercedes Lane, and he decides to lift his family's prize luxury car for the occasion. Unfortunately, Mercedes sneaks some booze along and passes out drunk, and a confused Les makes the bad decision of enlisting his rebellious friend, Dean, to help.
Un geniu criminal și cei doi colegi ai săi de celulă vor să fugă din pușcărie, să fure bijuteriile unui maharajah și să se furișeze înapoi chiar înainte de eliberare.
Murphy este un american la Paris care intră într-o relație foarte tensionată atât sexual cât și emoțional cu Electra, o tânără ușor instabilă. Fără să știe ce efect ar putea avea asupra relației lor, cei doi o invită în patul lor pe atrăgătoare lor vecină.
Popeye is a super-strong, spinach-scarfing sailor man who's searching for his father. During a storm that wrecks his ship, Popeye washes ashore and winds up rooming at the Oyl household, where he meets Olive. Before he can win her heart, he must first contend with Olive's fiancé, Bluto.
A freak lived his entire lifetime closed down in a cellar far in the country. But one day the Monkey Boy, after the death of his "keeper", an old lonely woman, is forced to explore the world outside. The story is set during one night only, a short time to discover the world, but enough time to find Agata, an autistic young girl, the only creature that seems to be able to communicate with him in that dark night full of weird lonely and unhappy characters called human beings.
A hit-man tries to seduce the mother of a child who witnessed his most recent kill.