Ember is a 21-year-old photography student, stubborn, confident and independent. Her biggest dream has always been to move out of her hometown - she hated it for as long as she could remember and never felt comfortable there. But as Ember fulfils her dream and moves away to a different city, she keeps coming back to the memories of her past life and introspecting her connection with her hometown.

Kaji is sent to the Japanese army labeled Red and is mistreated by the vets. Along his assignment, Kaji witnesses cruelties in the army and revolts against the abusive treatment against the recruit Obara. He also sees his friend Shinjô Ittôhei defecting to the Russian border, and he ends in the front to fight a lost battle against the Russian tanks division.

Moderná interpretácia oidipovského mýtu sleduje osudy Mammy Romy, zostarnutej prostitútky, ktorá po rokoch špinavej práce na ulici má konečne šancu zanechať najstaršie remeslo a začať sa venovať predaju ovocia a zeleniny. Dúfa, že tak konečne bude môcť poskytnúť i svojmu šestnásťročnému synovi Ettoremu dôstojné spoločenské postavenie. Začína sa však chorobne na svojho dospievajúceho syna fixovať a situácia sa jej vymyká z rúk.

A Russian poet and his interpreter travel to Italy to research the life of an 18th-century composer.

Akbar, 18, has been held in a rehabilitation centre for committing murder at the age of sixteen. Now, Akbar is transferred to prison to await the day of his execution. A’la, a friend of Akbar, tries desperately to gain the consent of Akbar’s plaintiff so as to stop the execution.

Jacek climbs into the taxi driven by Waldemar, tells him to drive to a remote location, then brutally strangles him, seemingly without motive.

A couple vacationing in Morocco with their young son accidentally stumble upon an assassination plot. When the child is kidnapped to ensure their silence, they have to take matters into their own hands to save him.

A young governess for two children becomes convinced that the house and grounds are haunted by ghosts and that the children are being possessed.

A man and his son take an allegorical stroll through life with a talking bird that spouts social and political philosophy.

A gardener is watering his flowers, when a mischievous boy sneaks up behind his back, and puts a foot on the water hose. The gardener is surprised and looks into the nozzle to find out why the water has stopped coming. The boy then lifts his foot from the hose, whereby the water squirts up in the gardener's face. The gardener chases the boy, grips his ear and slaps him in his buttocks. The boy then runs away and the gardener continues his watering. Three separate versions of this film exist, this is the original, filmed by Louis Lumière.

Artemio je obyčajný vidiecky farmár, dokonalý typ burana a vidláka. Stará sa o svoje políčko, kydá hnoj, odháňa všivavé vrany, uniká nástrahám vydajachtivej uhrovej Marie-Rosy a býva so svojou matkou v dome, ktorý sa len ťažko dá nazvať sladkým domovom. Keď opäť nastane čas jeho narodenín a Artemio s hrôzou zisťuje, že už štyridsiatych, uvedomí si, že doteraz bol najďalej za humnami. Tak sa rozhodne na traktore vyraziť do Milána za svojim úspešným príbuzným Severinom Cicerchiou. To že je Severino zlodej zistí až vo chvíli, keď sa s ním delí o ukradnuté kabelky. Lenže Artemio je čestný, tak sa rozhodne kabelku vrátiť a tak spozná Angelu, svoju veľkú lásku. Lenže zabývať sa v neznámom nepriateľskom meste a získať srdce svojej dámy je pre dedinského naivku náročnejšie, než to na prvý pohľad vyzeralo.

Holden and Banky are comic book artists. Everything is going good for them until they meet Alyssa, also a comic book artist. Holden falls for her, but his hopes are crushed when he finds out she's a lesbian.

When a housewife finds out she is pregnant, she runs out of town looking for freedom to reevaluate her life decisions.

Jimi, a computer game designer, finds that his latest product has been infected by a virus which has given consciousness to the main character of the game, Solo. Tormented by the memory of his fled girlfriend Lisa and begged by Solo to end its useless "life", Jimi begins a search for people who can help him both to discover what happened to Lisa and to delete his game before it is released.

Renowned filmmaker John Wilson travels to Africa to direct a new movie, but constantly leaves to hunt elephants and other game, to the dismay of his cast and crew. He eventually becomes obsessed with hunting down and killing one specific elephant.

Led by Kim Philby, Plan Aurora is a plan that breaches the top-secret Fourth Protocol and turns the fears that shaped it into a living nightmare. A crack Soviet agent, placed under cover in a quiet English country town, begins to assemble a nuclear bomb, whilst an MI5 agent attempts to prevent it's detonation.

A hard-nosed Chicago journalist has an unlikely love affair with an eagle researcher.

A man has a fantastical nightmare involving, among other things, a grinning malevolent moon.

The rise of Charles Manson and his "family," who are responsible for a series of famous murders in the late 1960s. Manson, a magnetic and mysterious man, attracts road-weary single mother Linda Kasabian to join his collection of outcasts on a ranch outside of Los Angeles. After murdering actress Sharon Tate, Manson and his followers are investigated by district attorney Vincent Bugliosi.

While investigating the horrifying death of her boyfriend, Mai Takano learns about a videotape haunted by the spirit of a disturbing girl named Sadako, which kills anyone who watches it exactly one week later. When her boyfriend’s son, Yoichi, starts to develop the same psychic abilities as Sadako, Takano must find a way to keep the boy and herself from becoming the next victims.