Four women are waiting for the blue circle and a possible change of their lives.

With help from Meme Oshino, the apparition specialist, Koyomi defeats the three powerful vampire hunters: Dramaturgy, Episode and Guillotinecutter. Koyomi takes back all the limbs of Kiss-shot Acerola-orion Heart-under-blade in order to become a human again.

In 1812, Napoleon's Army invades Russia. Kutuzov asks Bolkonsky to join him as a staff officer, yet the prince requests a command in the field. Pierre sets out to watch the upcoming confrontation between the armies. During the Battle of Borodino, he volunteers to assist in an artillery battery. Bolkonsky's unit waits in the reserve, but he is hit by a shell. Both Anatol and Bolkosnky suffer severe wounds. The French Army is victorious and advances on Moscow.

After a battle with Dr. Animo in a power plant, Ben notices something strange is happening with the Omnitrix but doesn't tell anyone. Tetrax arrives and tells them the Omnitrix is broadcasting a self-destruct signal. Tetrax and Ben go to find the creator of the Omnitrix to fix it before it destroys itself and the universe along with it. Gwen stows away to help her cousin.

The film takes place one year after the events of Captain America: The First Avenger, in which Agent Carter, a member of the Strategic Scientific Reserve, is in search of the mysterious Zodiac.

“My eyes are imprisoned/ Weeping with great longing”. Soèdade (saudade) — “longing” or “yearning” — is a Portuguese word that does not have a precise translation in English. It has been described as a “…vague and constant desire for something that does not and probably cannot exist…”

Before he can get close to the real enemy, Manji faces challenges from two powerful opponents : Da Cang - a master of using body pulse, and Hai Wen Xiang - a sea witch who is extremely loyal to Kuiba. When Manji is unwillingly engaged in an intense battle with Hai Wen Xiang. Kuiba reveals its mysterious appearance.

Tapahtumat sijoittuvat avaruusalus Enterpriseen, joka on matkalla kaukana avaruudessa, tuntemattomassa ja uhkaavassa tulevaisuudessa. Kapteeni Kirk ja hänen uskollinen miehistönsä ovat juuri saaneet tiedon, että tuntematon voima uhkaa maata. Tulevan katastrofin estämiseksi on vain yksi keino - Enterprisen on matkustettava ajassa taaksepäin, kaukaiseen vuoteen 1987. Jonkin verran pökerryksissä sankarimme saapuvat San Fransiscoon. Edessä on suuri tehtävä maan tuhon estämiseksi.

“2048: Nowhere to Run” takes place one year before the events of Blade Runner 2049. The short film focuses on Sapper, a man who is trying to make it through life day-by-day without turning back to his old ways. We’re introduced to both the gentle nature of Sapper and the violence he’s capable of when set off.

Busy chocolatier Charlotte has left her boyfriend James at the altar three times and now she needs to prove to him that she really does want to marry him. Things are complicated when James’ ex-girlfriend Nicole, who is also the owner of Chocolate Monthly Magazine, arrives on the scene and says she wants him back.

The Making-of James Cameron's Avatar. It shows interesting parts of the work on the set.

Two teenagers are playing by night in a dirty parking lot. After they are driving on an empty road, they start to tease each other on the way to the sea, but they seem to be too young to drive and the road is a bit strange.

Benny and Claire, a down-on-their-luck couple, find a discarded Chitauri weapon referred to as 'Item 47'.

A true-crime comedy exploring a failed music festival turned internet meme at the nexus of social media influence, late-stage capitalism, and morality in the post-truth era.

Based on the original animated series Ben 10. Ben becomes targeted by an evil Mechamorph Warrior, named "Retaliator," who mistakenly blames Ben for something he did not do and attempts to destroy all aliens.

When Vincent finds himself a victim of outing in his high school, he must accept to live with the drastic changes it provokes, and redefine his relationships with his friends and family.

Kurt Longson tries to avenge his daughters death. To succeed he has to battle with his conscience and morality to realize true love.

Oletko valmis villiintymään satojen alastomien opiskelijoiden kanssa, kun he osallistuvat yhteen kaikkien aikojen hulluimmista opiskelijatraditioista? Siinä tapauksessa tulet pitämään tästä uudesta, ratkiriemukkaasta Stiflerin tapaan tarjoillusta American Pie -viipaleesta: American Pie 5: The Naked Mile! Kun Erik Stifler tajuaa, että hän on ainoa Stiflerin perheen jäsen, joka saattaa valmistua lukiosta neitsyenä, hän päättää tehdä oikeutta perinnölleen. Jimin isän antamia, hyvää tarkoittavia neuvoja viisaampana Erik on valmis kokeilemaan onneaan vuotuisessa, pahamaineisessa Alaston maili - juoksukilpailussa, jossa hänen innokkaat ystävänsä ja jokunen estoton opiskelijatyttö tekevät viikonlopusta mitä rohkeimman. Superseksikkäillä tytöillä ja Stiflerin tutulla, rakastettavan hullulla käytöksellä täytettynä tämä Amerikan Pien viipale maistuu järkyttävän ja sydäntälämmittävän hauskalle aina maalilinjalle asti!

Hongkongilaisen teknologiajohtajan tytär katoaa ilmeisen rutiininomaisessa lunnastapauksessa. Kun Breslin tiimeineen sukeltaa syvemmälle, syylliseksi paljastuu johtajan entisen yhtiökumppanin häiriintynyt poika, joka on siepannut myös Breslinin naisystävän ja vienyt uhrinsa massiiviseen latvialaiseen vankilaan, Paholaisen asemalle.

Rob, Nathan ja Lube ovat koulukavereita, jotka ovat päättäneet päästä unelmiensa tyttöjen pöksyihin. He löytävät sattumalta legendaarisen, entisten oppilaiden kirjoittaman seksioppaan, joka on piilotettu koulun kirjastoon. Mutta oppaan pari puuttuvaa sivua aiheuttavat hupaisia yllätyksiä kaikille.