Usamljeni i šutljivi Neil McCauley predvodi bandu pljačkaša koja zahvaljujući njegovoj inteligenciji uspješno bježi pred zakonom. Tijekom jednoga prepada novi član McCauleyeve družine izgubi živce i puca u zarobljene čuvare. Nakon što se sklone na sigurno, McCauley pokuša likvidirati psihotičnog novog člana, no ovaj uspije pobjeći. Policijskom istragom rukovodi poručnik Vincent Hanna, profesionalac koji je potpuno predan poslu, zbog čega mu strada privatni život, pa je već treći put pred rastavom. Hanna i njegovi ljudi ubrzo identificiraju McCauleyevu ekipu i kreću u akciju.

As a young and naive recruit in Vietnam, Chris Taylor faces a moral crisis when confronted with the horrors of war and the duality of man.

Regan, kći glumice Chris MacNeil odjednom postaje opsjednuta dok je s majkom na lokaciji za snimanje u Washingtonu D.C.-ju. Kad velečasni Merrin i velečasni Karras započnu rijedak običaj egzorcizma kako bi je riješili demona, „demonsko posjedovanje“ postaje divljačko, destruktivno i šokantno.

This movie chronicles the life and times of R. Crumb. Robert Crumb is the cartoonist/artist who drew Keep On Truckin', Fritz the Cat, and played a major pioneering role in the genesis of underground comix. Through interviews with his mother, two brothers, wife, and ex-girlfriends, as well as selections from his vast quantity of graphic art, we are treated to a darkly comic ride through one man's subconscious mind.

Philip Marlowe (E. Gould) privatni je detektiv i očaran je tajanstvenom ljepoticom Eileen Wade (N. Van Pallandt), ali je u nemilosti njezina muža, pisca i alkolohičara Rogera (S. Hayden). Tu su i neizostavni zli momci i židovski gangster, koje mora svladati kako bi riješio slučaj.

Leeja, (Bruce Lee) člana hrama Shaolina, majstora fizičkih i duhovnih disciplina borilačkih vještina, posjeti britanski agent Braithwaite (Geoffrey Weeks) kako bi ga nagovorio da se prijavi na ekskluzivni turnir u borilačkim vještinama na otoku koji je u vlasništvu tajanstvenog Hana (Kien Shih). Han je milijarder, bivši član Shaolina, ali je krenuo putem kriminala pa Braithwaite vjeruje kako je turnir samo paravan za ilegalne poslove krijumčarenja droge i prostitucije. Lee baš i nije siguran želi li prihvatiti zadatak, ali kada sazna kako je upravo Han odgovoran za smrt njegove sestre, na čijem se grobu zakleo u osvetu, spremno odlazi na turnir.

The new warden of a small prison farm in Arkansas tries to clean it up of corruption after initially posing as an inmate.

A love potion works its devious charms on fairies, elves and the swamp-dwelling Bog King as they all try to possess the potion for themselves.

Prometnica u kalifornijskoj pustopoljini. Bezglavo jureći automobil bivšeg zatvorenika "Smilera" Grogana (J. Durante) pretječe vozila jedno za drugim. Na oštrom zavoju Grogan izgubi nadzor nad automobilom i sunovrati se u provaliju. Vozači i putnici koji su se našli u blizini prometne nezgode odmah pohitaju pomoći nesretnom čovjeku, ali je on već na samrti. Smogavši ono malo snage koliko mu je preostalo do kraja života, Grogan ljudima oko sebe otkrije nevjerojatnu priču. Naime, prije petnaest godina opljačkao je banku i plijen pred policijom sakrio u parku u Santa Rositi ispod "duplog V". Izašavši tek nedavno iz zatvora krenuo je iskopati ukradenih 350.000 dolara, međutim, nije imao sreće. Zaprepašteni prolaznici, među kojima su Russell (M. Berle), Melville (S. Caeser), Benjy (B. Hackett), Ding (M. Rooney) te Sylvester (D. Shawn), odluče zataškati policiji ono što su čuli, pa se, ne mogavši se među sobom dogovoriti o podjeli novca, upuste u furioznu potragu za blagom.

Zemlja je u 2022. godini u potpunosti drugačija od današnje, prije svega zbog prenapućenosti. Populacija New Yorka iznosi vrtoglavih 40 milijuna. Efekt staklenika podigao je temperaturu do same granice izdržljivosti. Kako bi se spriječile goleme migracije, one su onemogućene zakonom. Bogati žive odvojeni od ostalog svijeta u luksuzno uređenim stanovima, u kojima su žene gotovo dio namještaja. No ni oni nisu pošteđeni opće nestašice prirodnih resursa, prije svega hrane. Meso, voće i povrće je vrlo rijetki luksuz pa većina stanovnika jede proizvode korporacije Soylent. Njih najnoviji proizvod je Zeleni Soylent, mala hranjiva pločica koja se navodno proizvodi od rijetke vrste planktona. Detektiv Robert Thorn radi na neobičnom slučaju ubojstva člana Soylent korporacije. Uskoro, detektiv doznaje pravo porijeklo njihovih proizvoda, a to nisu niti planktoni, niti soja kako se do tada mislilo.

A struggling musician realizes he's the only person on Earth who can remember The Beatles after waking up in an alternate reality where they never existed.

Private detective and former football player Harry Moseby gets hired on to what seems a standard missing person case, as a former Hollywood actress whose only major roles came thanks to being married to a studio mogul wants Moseby to find and return her daughter. Harry travels to Florida to find her, but he begins to see a connection between the runaway girl, the world of Hollywood stuntmen, and a suspicious mechanic when an unsolved murder comes to light.

After a shoot-out kills five FBI agents in Kansas City the Bureau target John Dillinger as one of the men to hunt down. Waiting for him to break Federal law they sort out several other mobsters, while Dillinger's bank robbing exploits make him something of a folk hero. Escaping from jail he finds Pretty Boy Floyd and Baby Face Nelson have joined the gang and pretty soon he is Public Enemy Number One. Now the G-men really are after him.

This short film, first broadcast on BBC TWO in 1989, is a chilling depiction of a series of violent killings during the Troubles in Northern Ireland.

Jericho Stewart je nestabilna osoba sumnjive prošlosti. Njega podvrgavaju eksperimentalnom postupku u kojem su mu usađena sjećanja, tajne i vještine pokojnog operativca CIA-e u njegov um. Svrha toga jest kako bi saznali gdje se nalazi osoba ključna za misiju koja uključuje zaustavljanje luđaka od zavijanja svijeta u tamu.

One-time Maori speed-chess champ, Genesis Potini, lives with a bi-polar disorder and must overcome prejudice and violence in the battle to save his struggling chess club, his family and ultimately, himself.

What if Apollo 11 never actually made it? What if, in reality, Stanley Kubrick secretly shot the famous images of the moon landing in a studio, working for the US administration? This is the premise of a totally plausible conspiracy theory that takes us to swinging sixties London, where a stubborn CIA agent will never find Kubrick but is forced to team up with a lousy manager of a seedy rock band to develop the biggest con of all time.

The Krays is a film based on the lives and crimes of the British gangsters Ronald and Reginald Kray, twins who are often referred to as The Krays and were active in London in the 1960s.

A story about the continuity and collapse of history, the power of suppression, and the terror of reconciliation; loyalty, treason and revenge. In a brave cinematic game, Heinrich Böll’s story Billiards at Half-Past Nine is split up into cracks, blocks, breaks and sudden turns, as the life story of a German family, covering numerous generations, is propelled forward.

Altiero Molino is a twenty-six-year-old digital entrepreneur who’s returning to Ventotene with his model husband in order to gather his old friends together around his ailing father so as to treat him to one last holiday in this place which is so special to him. He didn’t expect to find the island all abuzz with Sabry Mazzalupi’s marriage to her partner Cesare. This young woman, who’s the awkward daughter of Roman shopkeeper Ruggero, has become an online celebrity and her wedding is a global event attracting the media as well as mysterious emissaries from the new political regime. These two tribes of vacationers, two seemingly irreconcilable sides of Italy, are destined to come together during the Ferragosto holiday for an ultimate showdown.