Oona, a recent graduate in anthropology, has returned to her dead mother’s seaside cottage in southern England to prepare it for sale. Her arrival disturbs Mani, a wary vagrant who has been squatting on the property.

Mia is happy to be able to spend a vacation with her dad, but Lupe, Mercedes, Juanma and Alvaro arrive by surprise at the same resort... and bring the school drama with them!

Lu and Feng are a devoted couple forced to separate when Lu is arrested and sent to a labor camp as a political prisoner during the Cultural Revolution. He finally returns home only to find that his beloved wife no longer remembers him.

Johnny Utah on kapinallinen. Aina menossa, täysillä... Kun loukkaantuminen katkaisee lupaavasti alkaneen ammattijalkapalloilijan uran, pestautuu Johnny FBI:hin. Mutta hänen on vaikea sopeutua arkeen. Johnny saa siirron Los Angelesiin selvittämään täydellistä rikosta hipovaa pankkiryöstö-sarjaa. Jäljet johtavat Etelä-Kalifornian rannikolle ja Johnny soluttautuu surfaajien pariin. Siellä hän törmää Bodhiin, hengen ja kehon jättiläiseen, joka vähitellen ajaa ystäväänsä (ja vihollistaan) kohti lopullista taistelua...

The story of Venezuelan revolutionary, Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, who founded a worldwide terrorist organization and raided the OPEC headquarters in 1975 before being caught by the French police.

After twelve years in prison, Walter returns home. His family has abandoned him, save for his brother-in-law. Few know he's a sex offender and pedophile. Walter finds an apartment and is regularly visited by his parole officer. He gets a job at a lumber mill and starts seeing a coworker. Then his new world begins to unravel; as his past becomes known, he strikes up a high-risk friendship with a young girl and realizes that a man loitering near a schoolyard is a child molester prowling for his next victim.

Mavela, 15 years old, is a Black Bronx. She falls madly in love with Marwan, an extremely charismatic member of a rival gang, the 1080s. The young couple is forced to make a brutal choice between gang loyalty and the love they have for one another. An impossible dilemma.

Tells the story of Jesus Christ at age seven as he and his family depart Egypt to return home to Nazareth. Told from his childhood perspective, it follows young Jesus as he grows into his religious identity.

After being dumped at the alter on her wedding day, Maggie Conway moves to the island town of Friday Harbor in Washington State, where she meets Mark Nagle, the local coffee shop owner.

Entinen kenraali, pahamaineinen sotarikollinen, joka pakoilee kansainvälisiä viranomaisia, siirretään äkisti uuteen piilopaikkaan, jossa hänelle kehittyy suhde kotiapulaiseen. Mutta kun kenraali huomaa naisen olevan turvatoimiin palkattu agentti, hän tekee päätöksen, joka muuttaa molempien elämän täysin.

With her wedding day rapidly approaching, an anxious bride-to-be has doubts about her pending marriage. At a romantic island resort, she encounters a handsome kindred spirit and must now decide if her "perfect" fiancé is really her true love.

As her marriage dissolves, a Manhattan writer takes driving lessons from a Sikh instructor with marriage troubles of his own. In each other's company they find the courage to get back on the road and the strength to take the wheel.

27-vuotias aina uutta hittiä jahtaava A&R-mies Steven Stelfox raivaa tietään armottomasti ylös musiikkibisneksen tikkaita maailmassa jossa ”kukaan ei tiedä mitään” ja jossa ar tistin ura riippuu sattumasta ja aina arvaamattomasta yleisöstä. Ahne, kunnianhimoinen ja huumeiden ajama Stelfox yrittää etsiä seuraavaa hittiään, mutta hittiputken loputtua ja koko alan mullistuessa hän tekee järkyttävän teon pelastaakseen oman uransa. John Nivenin bestselleriin perustuva Kill Your Friends on synkän satiirinen ja huikean hauska läpileikkaus 90-luvun musiikkibisneksestä.

Bad Grandpa .5 gives you a whole new perspective on the world of Irving Zisman with bonus scenes and pranks also featuring Spike Jonze as "Gloria" and Catherine Keener as Irving's wife "Ellie", plus a look at the evolution of Johnny Knoxville's naughty alter-ego, the makeup effects, and a behind-the-scenes peek at the idiocy it takes to make a hidden camera movie in public.

Lou, a creative and dreamy 12-year-old girl, lives alone with her mother in an orange building with tons of little balconies that give access to the roof. Mina has been her best friend since kindergarten, and Lou has been in love with Tristan, one of her neighbors, since elementary school. Her mother has relinquished her own personal happiness of late so as to devote herself to her daughter, but their little bubble bursts when Mom meets a man and Lou at last dares speak to Tristan.

Catherine (Nicole Kidman) ja Matthew (Joseph Fiennes) saapuvat syrjäiseen Australian autiomaakaupunkiin. Heillä on piinaava epäilys lastensa kohtalosta, kun heidän kaksi teini-ikäistä lastaan katoavat salaperäisesti pölymyrskyyn.

Rakastu tähän suurisydämiseen ja kuolaavaan 80-kiloiseen bernandilaiseen Beethoveniin, tässä hau-hau-hauskassa seikkailussa. Vaikka Eddie työskenteleekin erilaisen eläinten kanssa, on hänellä tiukka "EI LEMMIKKIELÄIMIÄ" -periaate kotona eikä hänen poikansa Billy saa pitää löytämäänsä kulkukoira Beethovenia ja tämän pentuja. Mutta kun koiranappaajat vievät Eddien kouluttaman elokuvan koiratähden, joutuvat studiopomot etsimään tilalle uuden sijaisen ja äkkiä. Estradille astuu Beethoven! Tämä hurtta elämää suurempine luonteineen ja arvaamattominen tempauksineen valloittaa pian niin Hollywoodin kuin Eddienkin!

A horror film that depicts St. Nicholas as a murderous bishop who kidnaps and murders children when there is a full moon on December 5.

Max Salinger, writer divorced, flamboyant and self-absorbed, refuses to welcome her daughter for 15 years under its roof. In revenge, she steals his last manuscript and file class of snow. To retrieve his property, Max has then no choice but to land in the ski resort to improvising "accompanying parent. Only problem: the famous writer, who is not already an exemplary parent, is not really a qualified nor attendant! EPIC descents in infernal hiking, the life of Max in the mid-teens was not all rest Announces...

Nuori nainen muuttaa asuntoon, jossa kummittelee. Hänen tarkoituksenaan on selvittää tapahtumat, jotka johtivat hänen sisarensa outoon kuolemaan.