Furuhata is called in to investigate a murder committed by the well-known Japanese boy band SMAP.

Here he comes to swinging seventies' London, seeking a cure to his malady. Unfortunately, he meets Dr. Jekyll who injects him with a serum that turns him into the lascivious killer Mr. Hyde. In his top hat and black cloak, Hyde haunts the fleshpots of Soho, while two gorgeous women fight for possession of his wolfman soul...

Set in 70s Hong Kong, Just One Look actually tells of Fan (Shawn Yu), whose policeman father commits suicide in a cinema toilet, but Fan believes he was murdered by a gangster nicknamed 'Crazy' (Anthony Wong). Ten years later Fan contemplates avenging his father's death. Meanwhile, he and best friend Ming (Wong Yu Nam), who are movie fans and sell their family wares outside the local cinema, decide to enlist for kung fu lessons after spotting the master's beautiful daughter (Charlene Choi). But Fan falls for a mysterious girl who lives in the countryside (Gillian Chung).

Rowe McDonald is a headstrong missionary who has life after his mission all figured out. When a fatal car crash interrupts his plans, he is given sixty days to return to life and finish his work. Now he must choose whether to lead the life he planned, or reach beyond himself to change the lives of others. What will he do? Who will he touch? How will he prepare to leave it all behind?

A bit of godless jungle exploration and deadpan homo-eroticism explode deep in the tropics. Blood... sex... Satan... dodos... all on one distant, forgotten island.

Ten years after the fall of Lehman Brothers, learn of the historic bankruptcy and cascade of events over a September weekend in 2008 that led to the worst financial crisis in generations. Andrew Ross Sorkin, CNBC anchor and author of the groundbreaking best-seller "Too Big to Fail," reports on how the nation and the world came as close as ever to a full economic collapse.

В основе фильма — реальный факт из истории обороны Ленинграда. Осенью 1941 года под огнем вражеской артиллерии и налетами авиации небольшой отряд доставил из Кронштадта порох, необходимый для обороны города…

'Just Like Me' is the story of Bobby Green, a comedian who thinks he has to be more serious, and Marv Holtz, a serious Psychologist who thinks he needs to lighten up. They both meet Barbara Kelly who isn't quite sure what she wants. It all leads up to some funny circumstances when the three come face to face with each other.

A lady takes a challenge of Bloody Mary. We all know the legend… but do we dare say her name three times? Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary..... See what happens Next.........

Острова Кюрасао и Аруба будут уничтожены. Воздушное пространство закрыто, все подходы с моря контролируют дроны. У трех элитных бойцов спецназа есть считаные часы, чтобы проникнуть на запретную территорию и освободить заложников.

She was one of the world's most famous faces, yet no one knew who she was. Her image appeared on the front of magazines and books, posters, lapel pins, and even rugs, but she didn't know it. Now, after searching for 17 years, National Geographic has once again found the Afghan girl with the haunting green eyes.

A conman persuades his married lover to murder her husband for the inheritance, only for his reckless spending and infidelity to drive her away.

One decision results in a tragedy that threatens to rip a young couple apart at the seams while essentially destroying everything and everyone who means the most to them.

Biel works at a carpenter’s workshop. He lives a routine and boring life, he doesn’t feel alright. Everything changes when he runs into a stranger on the subway, who makes him discover the little details around him, to see the daily spaces from another perspective and discover himself.