In 1980s Italy, a relationship begins between seventeen-year-old teenage Elio and the older adult man hired as his father's research assistant.
Two young women are raped on their way home. The story follows the lives of both women and the different ways they deal with the crime.
Detektiv se nadmeće s lopovom koji je uvijek korak ispred policije. Kada se u priču uključi nepredvidljiva pregovaračica, situacija izmakne kontroli.
Marvelov film Black Panther prati T’Challu koji se nakon smrti svog oca, kralja Wakande, vraća kući u zatvorenu, tehnički naprednu afričku državu kako bi zasjeo na prijestolje i postao novim kraljem. Ali tad se ponovo javi stari neprijatelj, a T’Challin je karakter kralja i Black Panthera stavljen na kušnju kad se uvuče u strašan sukob zbog kojeg je ugrožen opstanak Wakande i cijelog svijeta. Suočen s izdajom i opasnošću, mladi kralj mora okupiti svoje saveznike i osloboditi moć Black Panthera kako bi porazio svoje neprijatelje i omogućio sigurnost svom narodu i njihovom načinu života.
Mladi Bilbo Baggins uz pomoć čarobnjaka Gandalfa Sivog i čak trinaestorice neustrašivih patuljaka mora pronaći izgubljeno kraljevstvo Erebor, nad čijim zidinama bdije zastrašujući zmaj Smaug. Na svom putu susrest će se sa goblinima, trolovima, vilenjacima, a Bilbo Baggins će upoznati stvorenje koje će mu zauvijek promijeniti život – Golluma.
Adopted from South Korea, raised on different continents & connected through social media, Samantha & Anaïs believe that they are twin sisters separated at birth.
A documentary about the closure of General Motors' plant at Flint, Michigan, which resulted in the loss of 30,000 jobs. Details the attempts of filmmaker Michael Moore to get an interview with GM CEO Roger Smith.
U post-apokaliptičnom svijetu bez sunca, uništenom nepoznatom katastrofom, ljudi preživljavaju izuzetno teško, ugroženi ljudožderima i prirodnim nepogodama. To je ekstremno negostoljubiv svijet bez životinja i usjeva, a malobrojni preživjeli bore se i protiv hladnoće i gladi. Među onima koji se svakodnevno bore za opstanak su i grubi Otac (V. Mortensen) i njegov 10-godišnji Sin (K. Smit-McPhee), koji se žele domoći toplijih južnih krajeva u kojima je život navodno bolji i lakši. Kao jedino oružje za obranu od svih opasnosti koje im prijete posjeduju samo pištolj, a da nevolja bude veća obojica su opterećeni samoubojstvom supruge i majke (C. Theron). Tijekom dugog i iscrpljujućeg putovanja dvojac će privremeni zaklon pronaći u podzemnom skloništu, upoznati izgladnjelog i gotovo sasvim slijepog starog Elija (R. Duvall) te doživjeti mnoštvo sukoba i smrtnih opasnosti.
Rey nastavlja razvijati novootkrivene moći pod vodstvom Luke Skywalkera koji je ujedno nezadovoljan snagom njezinih moći. U međuvremenu, Otpor se priprema za bitku s Prvim redom.
When a depressed woman is burglarized, she finds a new sense of purpose by tracking down the thieves alongside her obnoxious neighbor. But they soon find themselves dangerously out of their depth against a pack of degenerate criminals.
Melbourne, 1886. Two gentlemen climb into a hansom cab late one murky night. One man climbs out, the other travels on to St Kilda. On arrival, the driver finds the second man dead; murdered. The ‘high-society’ killing sends shockwaves through the young city, still flush from its gold-rush boom.
Edward Wilson, the only witness to his father's suicide and member of the Skull and Bones Society while a student at Yale, is a morally upright young man who values honor and discretion, qualities that help him to be recruited for a career in the newly founded OSS. His dedication to his work does not come without a price though, leading him to sacrifice his ideals and eventually his family.
When she’s deported to México, Claudia must choose between reconciling with her estranged father or partnering with a dangerous smuggler to return to the U.S.
A teacher from New York moves to a small town in Texas, gets fired for being gay, and returns disguised in drag to get revenge on the people who were nasty to him.
April 5, 1943: a battalion of the Foreign Legion arrives in El Ksour, Tunisia, to escort a fortune in gold bars to the home front. A German ambush awaits, and all but four die. Thanks to the street smarts of Sergeant Augagneur, the Legionnaires successfully counter attack. The bank manager and his seductive wife arrive, and so does a German lieutenant, whom the French arrest. Augagneur wants to steal the gold; warrant officer Mahuzard wants to do his duty. A series of alliances form and break apart, the group dwindles in number, and the gold heads south toward Betahoua. But in whose possession?
Thirty-something Hillary Burns has spent her life trying to get the approval of her parents, in the shadow of her more successfully-attached siblings. So when Hillary's fiance, workaholic lawyer Jason King, dumps her because she isn't willing to relocate for his potential promotion, she panics because she had been promising to bring him home to meet her expectant family, whom she does not want to let down! As a last-minute idea, her best friend Sophie convinces her to actually hire someone to "play the role" of Jason for her return home on Thanksgiving.. leading to an interesting combination of sparks & revelations for all involved.
Oštra i napeta vestern-drama Ubojita Jane prati hrabru Jane Hammond (Natalie Portman) dok traži pravdu za smrt svog supruga Billa (Noah Emmerich), ubijenog od strane nemilosrdne bande Bishopa (Ewan McGregor). U očajničkom pokušaju da zaštiti ono što je ostalo od njezine obitelji, Jane se obraća za pomoć svom bivšem zaručniku Danu Fosteru (Joel Edgerton), čime ponovno rasplamsava stari plamen i otvara vrata prošlosti koja ih oboje proganja.
Nakon što su otac i sin tokom lova vidjeli kako jedan pljačkaš banke puca u drugog, pljačkaš otme dječaka kao taoca, kako bi došao do ključa za ormarić u kojem je plijen iz pljačke banke. Šef policije Howell nastoji riješiti slučaj no vremena je sve manje. istovremeno i otac kidnapovanog djeteta biva prisiljen staviti sve na kocku kako bi spasio svog sina.
Maggie Cooper thinks it would be really cool if her son Lloyd were gay. So cool, in fact, that she outs him to the entire school.
Anne Edmonds is the rock star of Australian comedy and everybody knows it. Welcome to her debut special. In just one hour, she’s going to tell you what’s wrong with you and everyone else.