When Draculaura is led to believe she's the rightful heir to the vampire throne, she and her best ghoulfriends are whisked away to Transylvania for a royal coronation to die for. But they soon discover the hunt for the queen is not over yet. The Ghouls must locate an ancient artifact known as the Vampire's Heart in order to discover the identity of the true Vampire Queen. It's a fangtastic adventure that will lead them from the Tower of Londoom, to a haunted river boat in New Goreleans and finally to the glamorous boo-vie lots of Hauntlywood. Could this be the moment when Draculara finally receives her vampire powers and discovers screams really can come true?

When marine wildlife has to adapt to the pollution surrounding it, the rules of survival change.

Rags follows the story of Charlie Prince, an orphan living with his acerbic and unloving stepfather and spoiled, simple-minded stepbrothers. Charlie's dream is to be a singer, and while he is vocally talented and can write music, he can't seem to catch a break. Kadee Worth, on the other hand, is the daughter of music mogul Reginald Worth and is an international pop phenomenon. While the world knows her as a glamorous superstar, she is secretly frustrated with singing other people's songs and wearing clothes other people choose for her. Kadee wants the world to hear and see her true talent. Despite every obstacle that gets thrown in their way, once Charlie and Kadee find one another, they each finally get what they have been looking for – a voice, a stage, an audience and each other.

Zojos Miler, itin protingos ir romantiška meile nesidominčios koledžo studentės, gyvenimas apsiverčia aukštyn kojomis, kai vaikinų futbolo komandos kapitonas Zakas patiria smegenų sukrėtimą. Ištiktas amnezijos jis supainoja Zoją su savo mergina. Siekdama suartėti su Zako pusbroliu Mailu, studentu, kurio intelektas panašus į Zojos, ši prisijungia prie Zako šeimos ir savaitgaliui patraukia į slidinėjimo išvyką. Atsidūrusi tarp dviejų vaikinų, bet išlaikydama apsimetėlės merginos įvaizdį, Zoja vietoj suderinamumo ima ieškoti romantiškos meilės.

Dueling cat-and-mouse team Tom and Jerry hit the high seas on a hunt for buried treasure in this pirate adventure. The tale begins when crew member Tom sets sail with an infamous pirate and finds a treasure map along with stowaway Jerry. The furry swashbucklers race to a deserted island where X marks the spot, but along with battling each other, they must outwit ruthless buccaneers, angry monkeys and a giant octopus to strike it rich.

Nors praėjo jau dveji metai, Mira Rei vis dar negali atsigauti nuo tragiškos savo sužadėtinio mirties. Kad bent kiek sumažintų skausmą, mergina kone kasdien rašo žinutes į jo senąjį telefono numerį. Ko Mira nežino – kad tas numeris neseniai buvo vėl aktyvuotas. Gavęs pirmąją žinutę iš nepažįstamo numerio, Robas Burnsas sutrinka, bet netrukus ją užmiršta. Tada gauna kitą. Vėliau – dar vieną. Netrukus vaikinas supranta, kad žinutės nėra atsitiktinės ar „paklydusios“. Dar daugiau – Robas suvokia, kad tos žinutės jam kelia naujus jausmus. Vieną dieną vaikinas tvirtai nusprendžia išsiaiškinti paslaptingojo numerio savininkę. Bet ar visiškai nepažįstamas žmogus pateisins jo lūkesčius? O galbūt jo laukia nusivylimas? Ir svarbiausias klausimas – ar toji nepažįstama mergina galės atsakyti į jo jausmus?

Seven years after their first infatuated encounter, Abril and Manuel meet again. Despite the fact that they are both married, it is soon apparent that their attraction has only grown.

Between her roles as mayor and teacher in the small village of Kerguen, Alice's days are very full. When an unexpected new student, 60-year-old Emile, finally decides to learn to read and write, her daily life threatens to become unmanageable. Especially since Alice will also have to save her village and her school...

In this office satire, Orson, a straight-laced employee, retreats to a blissfully empty corner office to get away from his lackluster colleagues. But why does this seem to upset them so much?

Suspected of murdering her best friend, a teenage computer-hacker goes on the run to find the real killer.

Weeks before Christmas, interior designer Laura is sent to her hometown of Santa Fe, New Mexico to remodel a landmark hotel. As Laura is kept busy with the renovations, her 8-year-old daughter Nicole is introduced to the art of salsa dancing at a local dance studio. Laura is surprised to find that the studio’s owner is Ricardo, her old high school sweetheart and former salsa dance partner. When Laura and Ricardo reconnect, sparks fly on and off the dance floor. The beautiful Christmas traditions of New Mexico become the backdrop for spirited dancing and unexpected romance.

A real estate developer is given the opportunity of his career to transform an old shopping complex into a prime location. Unfortunately, there is one tenant who is holding out—the Christmas shop owner he met by happenstance just days ago.

The story of Javier who, at the age of 16, while kissing a girl for the first time, realized that he had a gift of romantic clairvoyance. Javier can see the future... and he finally knows who the love of his life is.

Emilia arrives at her Aunt Inés' hostel located on the Argentina-Brazil border, looking for her missing brother. In this lush jungle a dangerous beast which takes the form of different animals seems to be roaming around.

A retired assassin is pulled back into action when his friend uncovers a dangerous conspiracy at the heart of the South African government.

Good-hearted teenager William always lived in hope of following in his late father’s footsteps and becoming a storm chaser. His father’s legacy has now been turned into a storm-chasing tourist business, managed by the greedy and reckless Zane Rogers, who is now using William as the main attraction to lead a group of unsuspecting adventurers deep into the eye of the most dangerous supercell ever seen.

Newly appointed CEO of Robinson Tech, Wes Robinson, is looking for new ideas to boost the company's sales. Vivian Blair, a program developer, shares a dating algorithm she has been working on called My Perfect Match. Wes sees potential and an opportunity to turn the company around and launches the service. When the pair is challenged to use My Perfect Match themselves to find love, this algorithm shows some interesting results.

Ally Morgan is a workaholic ER doctor struggling for work-life balance with boyfriend, Josh. On the night they breakup. Ally is miserable alone before a chance encounter with handsome barista, Gabe leads her to fulfill a Christmas bucket list of fun activities she never would have done on her own. Ally's best friend and fellow ER doctor, Dawn has never seen Ally so engaged outside of work and is rooting for a Gabe-Ally relationship. Now, the saintly Maureen must redirect Gabe's heartfelt intentions if Josh and Ally have any chance at reconciliation this Christmas.

Stiflerio pusbrolis Erikas jau trejus metus draugauja su Treise, tačiau jis vis dar nekaltas. Tokio niekingo dalyko, kaip jaunas ir nekaltas vaikinas, Stiflerio giminėje negali būti. Mergina leidžia Erikui aplankyti pusbrolį...