A hitman is tasked to take out ex-mobsters when he suddenly hears a voice that questions his morality.

Frightening events unfold that may or may not be figments of Marigold’s imagination.

Since some bird chicks hatched in the neighborhood, the bat hasn't got any sleep.

The blood-soaked land of Kolar Gold Fields (KGF) has a new overlord now - Rocky, whose name strikes fear in the heart of his foes. His allies look up to Rocky as their Savior, the government sees him as a threat to law and order; enemies are clamoring for revenge and conspiring for his downfall. Bloodier battles and darker days await as Rocky continues on his quest for unchallenged supremacy.

Lately, Dr Ghosh has been seeing things...

A writer's career — and entire life — suddenly goes off script when he falls prey to a dangerous web of criminals right before moving to Barcelona.

An early Josh Becker short starting Bruce Campbell with appearances by Ted Raimi, Sam Raimi and Scott Spiegel.

A short animation by Haruka Suzuki based on the poem "Asa" by Ikuko Shirakuma

A short, graphically dynamic work contrasting contradictory views of perception and interpretation, by way of society's assumptions vis-a-vis phallocentrism and fetishism.

Luisa, a 20-year-old law student, joins a cell of the Antifa group when she and her friends Alfa and Lenor get to know about an upcoming attack planned by a local neo-Nazi gang. As they try to find out more, the three youngsters delve deeper into the scene linked to right-wing movements and their political connections, to the point where they will understand how much they are willing to go further, in order to defend their own beliefs.

When growing up in a community where gang violence is a way of life and Basketball is a way to escape it.

Set in the 1800s, the film is about a "dacoit" tribe who take charge in fight for their rights and independence against the British.

A collection of short parodies of the Mobile Suit Gundam saga. Episode 1 pokes fun at key events that occurred during the One Year War. In episode 2, Amuro, Kamille and Judau fight over who runs the better pension when Char comes in to crash their party. Episode 3 is the SD Olympics, an array of athletic events pitting man with mobile suit.

Buvusi burleskos šokėja, anksčiau vedusi ryškų ir aktyvų gyvenimą, netgi susitikinėjusi su tikru banditu, bando visa tai palikti praeityje. Dabar herojė gyvena ramų, tylų gyvenimą, bando įgyvendinti savo svajonę ir tapti rašytoja. Tačiau kartą galvažudžių gauja susidoroja su jauna šeima, gyvenančia jos kaimynystėje. Tik jų mažasis sūnus išlieka gyvas, tačiau niekam nereikia net tokio jauno liudytojo. Herojė išgelbsti berniuką ir jie leidžiasi bėgti. Samdyti žudikai seka įkandin.

Talentingasis aktorius Antony Mileris nuolat priverstas kovoti su savo asmeninėmis problemomis ir priklausomybėmis, tačiau filmavimo aikštelėje niekas neabejoja jo talentu. Darbas praskaidrina niūrią Antony kasdienybę, bet neilgam.... Ilgos valandos filmavimo aikštelėje, filmuojant siaubo filmą, neatpažįstamai ima keisti Antony asmenybę. Jo elgesys pakinta, jis dažnai praranda sąmonę, mintys tampa nerišlios, o kūnas išsekęs. Tai, kas pradžioje atrodė, kaip geniali aktoriaus vaidyba, greitai virsta nepaaiškinamu siaubu, kuris stumia vyrą į dar gilesnę tamsą. Nebegalėdamas atskirti realybės nuo vaidmens, Antony praranda kontrolę, o jo dukra Lee susiduria su šiurpiu uždaviniu – surasti būdą, kaip išlaisvinti tėvą nuo jo kūną užvaldžiusios agonijos. Gal tik egzorcizmo apeigos išgelbės tėvo sielą, o gal atskleis tiesą, kuri gali būti baisesnė net už demonišką prakeiksmą.

This Christmas the pupils of St Bernadette's and their much-loved, madcap teacher Mr. Poppy are back for their biggest adventure yet involving fantastic flashmobs, excitable elves, Christmas carols and of course Archie the donkey! When their new teacher Mr. Shepherd loses his memory and forgets all about Christmas, as well as his fiancée Sophie and the whereabouts of the beloved Archie, it's up to the pupils of St Bernadette's to save the day. Led by the ever enthusiastic Mr Poppy, they embark on a Christmas journey like never before - but time is against them if they are to help Mr Shepherd get to New York in time for his magical yuletide wedding!

The SD Gundams are at it again: first with a race among all of the prior SD Gundam characters, then the SD Zeons run a space travel agency in the second episode.

Lin Xiao, Gu Li, Nan Xiang, Tang Wanru - these four best friends, after waving goodbye to their school campus and entering the workforce, they are faced with various challenges in their life: friendship, love, and career. Together, they become lost in life, having long forgotten their past courage.