When the contestants at a way-cool snowboarding contest are suspiciously sidelined, Scooby-Doo and the kids investigate - and discover the chilling fact that There's No Creature Like Snow Creature! Then, there's dino-sized mystery afoot in Costa Rica when a fearsome Giganotosaurus jumps off a movie screen and goes on a rampage of 3-D Struction! Next, in Space Ape at the Cape the gang tangles with an extra-scary extraterrestrial who's monkeying around with an important rocket launch. And there's a Big Scare in the Big Easy when the Mystery Inc. crew unearths spooky doings at a haunted New Orleans cemetery!

Frenka Herberta zinātniskās fantastikas romāna „Kāpa” ekranizējuma otrā daļa vēsta par Pola Atreidesa mītisko piedzīvojumu, viņam apvienojoties ar Čani un fremeniem atriebības vadītā cīņā pret sazvērniekiem, kas iznīcināja viņa ģimeni. Nonākot izvēles priekšā starp mūža mīlestību un pasaules likteni, viņš cenšas novērst nākotnē gaidāmus draudus, ko spēj saskatīt tikai viņš.

A pragmatic U.S. Marine observes the dehumanizing effects the U.S.-Vietnam War has on his fellow recruits from their brutal boot camp training to the bloody street fighting in Hue.

Narkotikas.Tās iznīcina prātu, ķermeni un dvēseli.Tikko tu pierod pie tām, tu kļūsti atkarīgs.Četras dzīves.Četri narkomāni.Četras neveiksmes.Darot visu pēc vislabākās sirdsapziņas, lai gūtu sekmes dzīvē, bet ciešot briesmīgu neveiksmi, četri cilvēki kļūst atkarīgi no narkotikām.Par spīti viņu tiekšanai pēc kā cēla, viņi padodas savam kaitīgajam ieradumam.Skatoties, kā narkomāni pamazām zaudē kontroli pār sevi, mēs kļūstam par lieciniekiem pretīgākajām un netīrākajām, tur mājojošajām sabiedrības padibenēm.Tas ir šokējoši un pārsteidzoši, bet to obligāti vajag redzēt gan narkomāniem, gan no narkotikām neatkarīgiem cilvēkiem.

In early-1970s Las Vegas, Sam "Ace" Rothstein gets tapped by his bosses to head the Tangiers Casino. At first, he's a great success in the job, but over the years, problems with his loose-cannon enforcer Nicky Santoro, his ex-hustler wife Ginger, her con-artist ex Lester Diamond and a handful of corrupt politicians put Sam in ever-increasing danger.

During America’s Civil War, Union spies steal engineer Johnny Gray's beloved locomotive, 'The General'—with Johnnie's lady love aboard an attached boxcar—and he single-handedly must do all in his power to both get The General back and to rescue Annabelle.

In Naples, Professor Bellavista is a retired man, passionate about the philosophy and thought of Ancient Greece. Every day, in his luxurious apartment, he teaches his lessons of life to the poor-nothing (his friends), who are dazzled by his reasoning. One day, however, the quiet life of the building of Bellavista will be disturbed by the arrival of a director of Milan. Between Naples and Milan there contrast, because the Neapolitans are accustomed to enjoy a quiet life, always based on the "philosophy of pleasure and delay", while the northern Italians are very strict and punctual.

Will Kane, the sheriff of a small town in New Mexico, learns a notorious outlaw he put in jail has been freed, and will be arriving on the noon train. Knowing the outlaw and his gang are coming to kill him, Kane is determined to stand his ground, so he attempts to gather a posse from among the local townspeople.

Klusā un laimīgā priekšpilsētā, starp mājām, ko ieskauj balti krāsoti žogi un ziedoši rožu krūmi, izceļas kāda melna māja ar nekoptu zālienu. Kopā ar savu palīgu armiju, tajā mīt Gru. Viņš gatavojas veikt lielāko zādzību pasaules vēsturē. Viņš plāno nozagt mēnesi (jā, mēnesi!) studijas Universal jaunajā piedzīvojumu animācijas filmā „Nejaukais es”!

On a golden afternoon, young Alice follows a White Rabbit, who disappears down a nearby rabbit hole. Quickly following him, she tumbles into the burrow - and enters the merry, topsy-turvy world of Wonderland! Memorable songs and whimsical escapades highlight Alice's journey, which culminates in a madcap encounter with the Queen of Hearts - and her army of playing cards!

After years of war, the Federation and the Klingon empire find themselves on the brink of a peace summit when a Klingon ship is nearly destroyed by an apparent attack from the Enterprise. Both worlds brace for what may be their deadliest encounter.

A collection of brass and string instruments band together to form a grand symphonic orchestra, then embark on a mission to find the evil doctor who stole some of their other instruments and musical notes so he could build the perfect instrument.

Anakin Skywalker, a young slave strong with the Force, is discovered on Tatooine. Meanwhile, the evil Sith have returned, enacting their plot for revenge against the Jedi.

Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the Enterprise-D find themselves at odds with the renegade scientist Soran who is destroying entire star systems. Only one man can help Picard stop Soran's scheme...and he's been dead for seventy-eight years.

Sam Flynn, the tech-savvy and daring son of Kevin Flynn, investigates his father's disappearance and is pulled into The Grid. With the help of a mysterious program named Quorra, Sam quests to stop evil dictator Clu from crossing into the real world.

Pastāv uzskats, ka Logana mutācijas sekas ir ne tikai pārcilvēciskas spējas, bet arī lāsts. Lai atbrīvotos no šī sloga, Logans ir kļuvis par vienpati un klejotāju, kura dzīvesveids sastāv no kautiņiem un vēlmes aizmirsties.

En route to the honeymoon of William Riker to Deanna Troi on her home planet of Betazed, Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise receives word from Starfleet that a coup has resulted in the installation of a new Romulan political leader, Shinzon, who claims to seek peace with the human-backed United Federation of Planets. Once in enemy territory, the captain and his crew make a startling discovery: Shinzon is human, a slave from the Romulan sister planet of Remus, and has a secret, shocking relationship to Picard himself.

Three friends leave their village for a retirement home travelling the countryside

Jaunlaulātie Bella Svonna un Edvards Kaleins dodas pavadīt kaislīgu un bezrūpīgu medusmēnesi Riodežaneiro, bet rezultātā sākas dažādu neparedzētu notikumu virkne. Bella atklāj, ka ir mātes cerībās un viņai nākas izvēlēties starp savu un gaidāmā bērna dzīvību, kas grauj viņu no iekšpuses, kā rezultātā Bella katru dienu kļūst arvien vārgāka un bezspēcīgāka. Kad Bellas dzīvība ir tikpat kā izgaisusi, Edvards piepilda viņas vēlmi kļūt nemirstīgai.

Mašīnas, kas pārvalda nākotni, pret Džonu Konoru sūta neapturamo terminatoru T-X, un tā ir sieviete. Ceļā ir arī cits terminatora modelis CSM-101