Pre päťročného Jacka je izba celým svetom. Je to miesto, kde sa narodil, vyrastá a kde žije v bezpečí so svojou mamou Joy. Spolu si čítajú, učia sa, hrajú sa. Poznanie o svete Jack nadobúda prostredníctvom niekoľkých detských kníh a detských televíznych seriálov. Všetko, čo je mimo izbu, je fiktívne, len izba je skutočná. V noci ho mama vždy ukladá do bezpečia šatníka, v ktorom má zaspať skôr, než príde Starý Nick, ich väzniteľ. Izba je pre Jacka domovom, ale pre jeho mamu väzením, v ktorom ich Starý Nick drží už viac ako sedem rokov. Vďaka odhodlaniu, vynaliezavosti a vriacej materskej láske sa Joy podarilo vytvoriť pre Jacka život, v ktorom si neuvedomuje limity ich väzenia. Joy však vie, že takto to nemôže byť nastálo. Vymyslí preto odvážny plán úteku, v ktorom sa spolieha na statočnosť svojho syna a nutnú dávku šťastia...

During her wedding ceremony, Rachel notices Luce in the audience and feels instantly drawn to her. The two women become close friends, and when Rachel learns that Luce is a lesbian, she realizes that despite her happy marriage to Heck, she is falling for Luce. As she questions her sexual orientation, Rachel must decide between her stable relationship with Heck and her exhilarating new romance with Luce.

Tala, a London-based Palestinian, is preparing for her elaborate Middle Eastern wedding when she meets Leyla, a young British Indian woman who is dating her best friend. Spirited Christian Tala and shy Muslim Leyla could not be more different from each other, but the attraction is immediate and goes deeper than friendship. But Tala is not ready to accept the implications of the choice her heart has made for her and escapes back to Jordan, while Leyla tries to move on with her new-found life, to the shock of her tradition-loving parents. As Tala's wedding day approaches, simmering tensions come to boiling point and the pressure mounts for Tala to be true to herself.

The film tells the story of Malony and his education as he grows from a six-year-old into an 18-year-old. A minors’ judge and a caseworker work tirelessly to try to save the young offender.

An inspirational speaker becomes reinvigorated after meeting a lively woman who shakes up his mundane existence.

After they meet at their parent's engagement party, Mia and Frida are intrigued by and attracted to one another, despite Mia's own upcoming engagement to Tim. Mia must decide whether to continue her life with Tim or to follow her heart with Frida.

Jules Dalyová je mladá žena, ktorá prišla o sestru a švagra, a teraz sa stará ako poručníčka o ich deti - Maddie a Mila. Popritom pracuje ako predavačka v starožitníctve. V jeden nešťastný deň Jules vyhodia z práce, Milo ukradne DVD a Maddie rozhnevá opatrovateľku. Jules je v zúfalej situácii, keď sa odrazu u nej objaví sluha starého otca detí, vojvodu z Castlebury. Svojho času vydedil syna, pretože sa chcel oženiť s nemajetným a obyčajným dievčaťom. Šľachtic by však rád videl svoje vnúčatá a chce, aby u neho na zámku strávili Vianoce. Jules len neochotne súhlasí a spolu s deťmi odcestuje do Castlebury Hall. Trojica sa tam okrem svojrázneho personálu zoznámi so zatrpknutým vojvodom a jeho synom, princom Ashtonom, ktorý sa Jules okamžite zapáči. Ashton sa však má čoskoro zasnúbiť s lady Arabellou Marchand du Belmontovou.

In 1856, two women forge a close connection despite their isolation on the American frontier.

In 1840s England, palaeontologist Mary Anning and a young woman sent by her husband to convalesce by the sea develop an intense relationship. Despite the chasm between their social spheres and personalities, Mary and Charlotte discover they can each offer what the other has been searching for: the realisation that they are not alone. It is the beginning of a passionate and all-consuming love affair that will defy all social bounds and alter the course of both lives irrevocably.

Socialite Vita Sackville-West and literary icon Virginia Woolf run in different circles in 1920s London. Despite the odds, the two forge an unconventional affair, set against the backdrop of their own strikingly contemporary marriages.

A young autistic woman runs away from her caregiver in order to boldly go and deliver her 500-page Star Trek script to a writing competition in Hollywood. On an adventure full of laughter and tears, Wendy follows the guiding spirit of Mr. Spock on her journey into the unknown.

An unexpected affair quickly escalates into a heart-stopping reality for two women whose passionate connection changes their lives forever.

In 1971, a young woman moves from the French countryside to Paris and begins a passionate love affair with a feminist leader.

Set during a sultry summer in a French suburb, Marie is desperate to join the local pool's synchronized swimming team, but is her interest solely for the sake of sport or for a chance to get close to Floriane, the bad girl of the team? Sciamma, and the two leads, capture the uncertainty of teenage sexuality with a sympathetic eye in this delicate drama of the angst of coming-of-age.

Joan Jett and Cherie Currie, two rebellious teenagers from Southern California, become the frontwomen for The Runaways -- the now-legendary group that paved the way for future generations of female rockers. Under the Svengali-like influence of impresario Kim Fowley, the band becomes a huge success.

With a reputation for seducing members of the opposite sex, regardless of their marital status, a notorious womanizer discovers a beauty who seems impervious to his charms. However, as he continues to pursue the indifferent lady, he finds himself falling in love.

Sabine De Barra (Kate Winslet), žena živiaca sa ako kvetinárka a záhradníčka je nečakane poctená životnou úlohou. Má vytvoriť zlatom lemovanú záhradu vo Versailles, ktorá by sa tvorila srdce celej kompozície a stala sa tak centrom dvora kráľa Ľudovíta XIV (Alan Rickman). Dokáže zvládnuť túto náročnú výzvu, prekonať tiene svojej minulosti a zabezpečiť budúcnosť pre seba a muža, ktorého miluje?

Hoci v dome, kde žije a kde sa o ňu stará jej mexická slúžka Silvana, nie je obkľúčená duchmi svojej tragickej minulosti, ktorá sa jej s každým pohybom odzrkadľuje v bolestivom úškľabku na tvári, hľadá Claire Bennett útechu a psychickú podporu v Skupine chronických bolestí, ktorej stretnutia pravidelne navštevuje. Tu spoznáva i nešťastný osud končiaci tragickou samovraždou iba tridsaťjedenročnej Niny Collins, korá svojím egoistickým činom zruinovala život svojmu mužovi Royovi a ich synčekovi Caseymu. Zapíjajúc antidepresíva a lieky, ktoré zmierňujú jej bolesť alkoholom, Claire čoraz väčšmi prenasleduje duch nebohej Niny, s manželom ktorej postupne nadväzuje bolestivý vzťah...

Two women -- a restaurateur and an architect -- have a seemingly idyllic romantic relationship, until the latter encounters a man she had a fling with.

Dissatisfied with the dishonesty they see in dating, strangers Naima and Sergio make a pact to spend 24 straight hours together in an attempt to fast forward their relationship.