In 2026, four years after the infamous Sword Art Online incident, a revolutionary new form of technology has emerged: the Augma, a device that utilizes an Augmented Reality system. Unlike the Virtual Reality of the NerveGear and the Amusphere, it is perfectly safe and allows players to use it while they are conscious, creating an instant hit on the market. The most popular application for the Augma is the game Ordinal Scale, which immerses players in a fantasy role-playing game with player rankings and rewards. Following the new craze, Kirito's friends dive into the game, and despite his reservations about the system, Kirito eventually joins them. While at first it appears to be just fun and games, they soon find out that the game is not all that it seems...

A decade after a tragic mistake, family man Chas Chandler and occult detective John Constantine set out to cure his daughter Trish from a mysterious supernatural coma.

Pahamaineisten konnien jälkikasvu palaa "Isle of the Lost" -saarelle värvätäkseen uuden porukan "pahiksien" lapsia liittymään "hyviksiin" ja tulemaan Auradonin kuningaskuntaan heidän kanssaan...

Robin is sent by Batman to work with the Teen Titans after his volatile behavior botches up a Justice League mission. The Titans must then step up to face Trigon after he possesses the League and threatens to conquer the world.

Vuotuiset rantakemut tietävät kolmen päivän hauskanpitoa. Pian jengi kuitenkin saa huomata, että kummitusmerirosvot pilaavat loman kuin loman alta aikayksikön! Scooby-Doon porukka yhdistää voimansa uusien ystäviensä kanssa päihittääkseen nuo aavemaiset tappelupukarit ja pelastaakseen kemut.

Noni on musiikkimaailman uusin supertähti, mutta kuuluisuuden paineet tuntuvat liiallisilta... kunnes hän tapaa Kazin, komean ja kunnianhimoisen poliisin, jonka tehtävänä on suojella Nonia. Noni ja Kaz rakastuvat nopeasti ja syvästi Nonin ja Kazin isän protesteista huolimatta. Kazin rakkaus voi olla se puuttuva pala, joka antaa Nonille rohkeutta löytää oman äänensä ja vapautua taiteilijana.

Agent Coulson stops at a convenience store and deals with a coincidental robbery during his visit.

A social worker is coming to Gru's house to check if it's suitable for children. Margo, Edith, Agnes and the Minions must take care of the situation.

For ages, Odin has protected his kingdom of Asgard. But every winter, the All-Father must rest and regain his strength for one week. During this time, all of Asgard's foes (including trolls, giants, dark elves, and demons) try to claim the realm for their own, but they are always stopped by Odin's son, the mighty Thor, albeit with the loss of many brave Asgardian warriors. Loki, god of mischief, has kidnapped Dr. Bruce Banner and brought him to Asgard with the help of Amora, once Thor's lover, now the supervillain known as the Enchantress. Loki makes Banner angry and he changes into the Hulk. The Enchantress then casts a spell over the Hulk which separates Banner from his monstrous alter-ego and grants Loki control over the Hulk's body.

Jess joins her friends at a party in a dilapidated mansion hosted by the mysterious Seth. When odd things begin to happen to Jess and her friends, the Phantom Stranger intervenes to save her from a dreary fate.

Jouduttuaan traagiseen lento-onnettomuuteen toisilleen tuntemattomat mies ja nainen yhdistävät voimansa selviytyäkseen lumihuippuisen vuoren äärimmäisistä olosuhteista. Kun he ymmärtävät, että apua ei ole odotettavissa, he aloittavat pelottavan matkan loputtoman erämaan halki. Kaksikon kannustaessa toisiaan eteenpäin heidän välilleen syttyy odottamaton vetovoima.

Elsa, Anna and friends search for the Northern Lights.

16-year-old Kelly quits an elite gymnastics program and moves to Australia. To help out a new friend and show up an old rival she re-enters competitive gymnastics, she'll have to find a way to move forward while making amends with her past.

Olaf is on a mission to harness the best holiday traditions for Anna, Elsa, and Kristoff.

Benny and Claire, a down-on-their-luck couple, find a discarded Chitauri weapon referred to as 'Item 47'.

Sabrina travels to Australia's Great Barrier Reef with her best friend Gwen, a fellow witch from England, for a week-long vacation where they try to help protect a hidden mermaid colony whose habitat is threatened by ocean pollution, and by a local marine biologist determined to find the colony as his claim to fame. While Sabrina finds romance with a "merman" from the mermaid colony, Salem the cat finds a possible romance with another witch-turned-into-a-cat, named Hilary, but finds Sabrina's problems interfering with his plans.

Reissatessaan Berliinissä australialainen valokuvajournalisti Clare tapaa karismaattisen paikallisen miehen Andin. He ihastuvat välittömästi toisiinsa, ja seurauksena on intohimontäyteinen yö. Seuraavana aamuna tapahtumat saavat pahaenteisen käänteen, kun Clare herää ja huomaa, että Andi on lähtenyt töihin ja lukinnut hänet asuntoonsa. Clare pitää tapahtunutta vahinkona, mutta Andi ei aio päästää häntä menemään. Enää koskaan.

When a group of elite online gamers each receive a mysterious invitation to trial a state-of-the-art virtual reality video game, it’s a dream come true and impossible to resist. Arriving at the test site, the group step into hi-tech gear and prepare for a revolutionary, next-level gaming experience that brings modern warfare to life with frightening realism. At first it’s a unique and exhilarating experience. But what starts out like a dream encounter with cutting edge technology quickly takes a turn for the sinister. Once the group are attacked by enemy combatants, they soon realize this is no game after all. Make a mistake here and you pay with your life. Now these masters of the shoot ‘em up will have to fight for survival within a game gone bad, but this time it’s for real.

Megin tutkijaisän kadottua alkaa Meg jo huolestua. Mutta hän saa pian selville, että isä on jossain päin universumia ja hän lähtee avaruuteen etsimään isäänsä.

The rats and mice, made intellectually superior in the original Secret of N.I.M.H., return to Thorn Valley to groom their destined leader - young Timmy Brisby.