A young engineer on holiday gets involved with a boy who has a strange relationship with the wind. Their close friendship arouses suspicion in the small town. When the boy disappears, the engineer is accused of murdering him.

1952: Bishop Bilodeau visits a prison to hear the confession of Simon, a boyhood friend jailed for murder 40 years ago. However, once there, Bilodeau finds himself forced to watch a play put on by Simon and the other inmates depicting the two men's youths. As the play progresses, the tragic truth of Simon's crime comes to light.

Oppenheimer este un thriller epic filmat în IMAX® care aruncă publicul în paradoxul palpitant al omului enigmatic care trebuie să riște să distrugă lumea pentru a o salva. Filmul spune povestea fizicianului J. Robert Oppenheimer și a rolului pe care l-a avut în dezvoltarea bombei atomice.

A tale of the tender relationship between a twelve-year-old boy and the fourteen-year-old upperclassman who is the object of his desire, all set within the rigid atmosphere of a Jesuit-run school.

Paul Atreides, un tânăr strălucit și talentat născut cu un mare destin, dincolo de capacitatea lui de înțelegere, trebuie să călătorească pe cea mai periculoasă planetă din univers pentru a asigura viitorul familiei și poporului său. Pe măsură ce forțe malefice intră în conflict pentru monopolul asupra celei mai de preț resurse a planetei - o marfă capabilă să descătușeze cel mai mare potențial al umanității, doar cei care își pot învinge frica vor supraviețui.

Adventurous filmmaker Carl Denham sets out to produce a motion picture unlike anything the world has seen before. Alongside his leading lady Ann Darrow and his first mate Jack Driscoll, they arrive on an island and discover a legendary creature said to be neither beast nor man. Denham captures the monster to be displayed on Broadway as King Kong, the eighth wonder of the world.

În anul 1969, o nouă lume se întrevede pe platourile de filmare de la Hollywood, iar noua realitate îi cam prinde pe picior greșit pe vedeta TV Rick Dalton și dublura care îi interpretează cascadoriile, Cliff Booth. În timp ce aceştia se străduiesc să se afirme în noul context, actrița Sharon Tate, vecina lui Dalton, este implicată într-o poveste suspectă, legată de crimele odioase ale clanului Charles Mason.

An aspiring writer goes to the airport to pick up a high school friend returning from a trip to Africa but is disheartened to see her with another man.

Several friends travel to Sweden to study as anthropologists a summer festival that is held every ninety years in the remote hometown of one of them. What begins as a dream vacation in a place where the sun never sets, gradually turns into a dark nightmare as the mysterious inhabitants invite them to participate in their disturbing festive activities.

In his delirium from his return from war, Francesco Bernardone goes back in his memories to the days when he lived for parties and carnal pleasures. He slowly recovers, but after the illness he is no longer the Francesco that everybody knew. Instead of spending hours in taverns, he meditates on the beauty of God's creatures, soon renouncing his riches and his family with plans to rebuild an abandoned church and his life.

În Veneția de după cel de-al Doilea Război Mondial, Poirot, acum pensionat și trăind în propriul exil, participă cu reticență la o ședință de spiritism. Dar când unul dintre invitați este ucis, rămâne la latitudinea fostului detectiv să descopere din nou criminalul.Acest al treilea lungmetraj din noua serie de filme cu Hercule Poirot este bazat pe romanul "Hallowe'en Party", de Agatha Christie.

When a disc containing memoirs of a former CIA analyst falls into the hands of gym employees, Linda and Chad, they see a chance to make enough money for Linda to have life-changing cosmetic surgery. Predictably, events whirl out of control for the duo, and those in their orbit.

Hunter, este o gospodină însărcinată, căsătorita recent cu Richie, un bărbat dintr-o familie înstărită care preia funcția de CEO al corporației din Manhattan a tatălui său. Fiind singură acasă, Hunter începe din ce în ce mai mult să consume obiecte necomestibile periculoase. Când soțul și familia sa află, ea trebuie să se confrunte cu secretul întunecat din spatele noii obsesii.

At the edge of a grand estate, near a crumbling old mansion lies a strange stone building with just a single room. In the room there lies a bed. Born of demonic power, the bed seeks the flesh, blood and life essence of unwary travelers… Three pretty girls arrive on vacation, searching for a place to spend the night. Instead, they tumble into nightmares – and the cruel, insatiable hunger of the Bed!

A young man agrees to support his ex lover during an HIV test. What starts out as an awkward reunion, soon becomes something more tender. Is there still hope for reconciliation?

Kitty runs a brothel in Nazi Germany where the soldiers come to "relax". Recording devices have been installed in each room by a power hungry army official who plans to use the information to blackmail Hitler and gain power himself. A girl named Margherita discovers the little ploy and with Kitty's help plans to take on the dangerous task of exposing the conspiracy.

After breaking up with her boyfriend, Lillian moves in with married couple Julia and Don only to overhear them arguing in the night. The front door slams as Don moves out, and the following days sees Lillian, selfish and irresponsible, having to earn her keep by cooking for Julia, a reclusive, distrustful writer who rarely emerges from her room. Though communicating largely through notes, the odd couple gradually forge a bond and help one another to negotiate the foibles, phobias and obstacles that have long hindered their happiness.

Scott gets a visit from Connor which brings his past back to haunt him, but will it change his future?

While conducting a pagan ritual in the woods with her friends, Kirsten inadvertently awakens the spirit of a demonic Christmas elf involved in a neo-Nazi plot to bring about the master race. After the rent-a-Santa in her department store is murdered, an unemployed, alcoholic ex-cop takes the job and the two set out to unravel the mystery.

After taking a wrong turn, a young man somehow falls into a mysterious cave and becomes hopelessly lost. As he searches for a way out, the journey he experiences forces him to confront the deepest parts of himself.