When one of America's most promising young gymnasts, Samantha Wick, is cut from the Olympic team, she decides to follow her dreams of horseback riding by joining a girls horse camp. With financial troubles threatening to shut the camp down, Samantha uses her gymnastic prowess to start a horse-dancing team to raise money and save the camp!

Does infinity exist? Can we experience the Infinite? In an animated film (created by artists from 10 countries) the world's most cutting-edge scientists and mathematicians go in search of the infinite and its mind-bending implications for the universe. Eminent mathematicians, particle physicists and cosmologists dive into infinity and its mind-bending implications for the universe.

Ran’s secret past revealed! Ten years ago, something happened between her mom and dad. Now, plagued by nightmares, Ran is starting to remember… Meanwhile, a murderous card dealer breaks out of jail to seek revenge. His target: Ran’s father. Can Conan stop him in time and save his girlfriend’s family?

Hardin Scott ja Tessa Young jatkavat elämää eronsa jälkeen. Hardinin sortuessa vanhoihin huonoihin tapoihin, uudella itseluottamuksella varustettu Tessa pääsee työharjoittelijaksi unelmiensa työpaikkaan Vancen kustantamoon. Työpaikalla Tessa tutustuu komeaan työkaveriin Trevoriin, joka on juuri sellainen kundi, jota Tessan tulisi oikeasti tapailla. Trevor on älykäs, hauska, komea ja vastuullinen, mutta Tessa ei saa silti ajatuksiaan irti Hardinista. Hän on kaikesta tapahtuneesta huolimatta Tessan elämän rakkaus. Edes kaikkien parisuhteen vastoinkäymisten ja väärinymmärysten jälkeen, Tessa ei saa tunteitaan kuriin. Hän toivoo, että osaisi vain kävellä suhteesta pois. mutta se ei ole lainkaan helppoa. Suhteen myllerryksessä Hardin ja Tessa haluavat taistella vielä yhteisen tulevaisuuden puolesta. vaikka koko muu maailma näyttäisi olevan sitä vastaan.

An ad executive and a fashion designer-blogger don't believe in love, so they place a bet to make the other fall head over heels - with unusual tactics.

Gwen has just discovered, that she's the final member of the secret time-traveling Circle of Twelve. Now she has to juggle with constant trips to the past, her relationships with Gideon and figuring out dark secrets surrounding the Circle.

On the eve of Y2K, orphaned 12-year-old Beverly discovers a broken mixtape crafted by her teen parents. Raised by her grandmother – who struggles talking about her late daughter – Beverly sees the mixtape as a chance to finally learn more about her parents.

Paha saapuu mainelaiseen pikkukaupunkiin Derryyn aina 27 vuoden välein. Lähes kolmekymmentä vuotta sitten sen kohdanneet luusereiden klubin jäsenet palaavat nyt kotikaupunkiinsa tarkoituksenaan tuhota kammottava Pennywise-klovnina esiintyvä muotoaan muuttava hirviö, joka saalistaa Derryn lapsia.

Ash, Pikachu, and their friends come to a desert city by the sea. Here they meet the Mythical Pokémon Hoopa, which has the ability to summon things—including people and Pokémon—through its magic rings. After a scary incident, they learn of a story about a brave hero who stopped the rampage of a terrifying Pokémon long ago. Now, the threat that has been bottled up for years is in danger of breaking loose again.

Isabella runs her own salon and isn’t afraid to speak her mind, while Prince Thomas runs his own country and is about to marry for duty rather than love. When Izzy and her fellow stylists get the opportunity of a lifetime to do the hair for the royal wedding, she and Prince Thomas learn that taking control of their own destiny requires following their hearts.

A nightmarish evening unfolds for David, a former New York Times journalist, when he and his strange new neighbor Robert, accidentally hit a girl on her bike. Buzzed and disoriented, David lets Robert convince him to flee the scene and leave the girl for dead, in order to protect his career. Robert shows no remorse, and in the name of friendship he does unspeakable things to protect the secret. Now that the police are full-on hunting for the hit-and-run killer, things begin to spiral out of control when David’s local newspaper sends him to cover the story where he meets the deceased girl’s sister Vanessa. Despite the circumstances, and her deep desire to find her sister’s killer, the two immediately have a romantic connection, which surprises and haunts David, while pushing Robert to take brutal steps to keep his new friend to himself.

The Isle of Koumi, a beautiful island in the Pacific Ocean. On the island, people pass an old legend down from generation to generation that there was the Seabed Palace, an ancient ruin at the bottom of the sea, where the treasure of female pirates Anne Bonny and Mary Reed was left. When Conan and his friends visit Koumi while on vacation, they meet some suspicious treasure hunters.

Tässä smurffiseikkailussa salaperäinen kartta johdattaa Smurffiinan ja hänen parhaat ystävänsä Välkyn, Tohelon ja Pattismurffin kilpajuoksuun taianomaisia otuksia vilisevän Kielletyn metsän halki löytääkseen kadonneen kylän ennen ilkeää Velhoa. Toiminnan ja vaaran täyteinen matka johdattaa smurffinelikon smurffihistorian suurimman salaisuuden jäljille!

The world's greatest blue sapphire, the "blue lapis fist", said to have sunk in a pirate ship in the late 19th century, on the coasts of Singapore. A local millionaire plots to retrieve it, and when it's exhibited in an exhibition at the Singaporean Marina Sands hotel, a murder takes place.

Aurora suffers an attempt murder sent by her husband Jose, for giving birth to a dead and deformed child, eaven though she survives Aurora is haunted by her dead child and obliged by an old man, she digs her own tomb... When life seems like eternal hell, Aurora listens to a song that unleashes her most profound feelings for revenge.

Topher Grace näyttelee epäonnistunutta Broadway-tähteä, joka on alkanut näyttämömestariksi. Jotta "One Hit Wonderin" ensi-ilta onnistuisi, hänen täytyy keskustella, kehua ja tehdä kompromisseja omaperäisten ja impulsiivisten näyttelijöiden kanssa.

Schools out, and Fred Figglehorn's dream of water slides, horseback riding and monkey butlers during the summer turns into a nightmare of gruel and poisonous berries when his mom signs him up to an unsanitary camp.

Ihmiskunnan rippeet pakenevat kuolevalta maapallolta avaruusaluksella muutaman tuhannen onnekkaan matkustajan voimin kohti Uutta Maata. Valitettavasti ihmiset eivät ole ainoat matkustajat aluksella. Muotoaan muuttava olento on päässyt mukaan ja sen ainoa tavoite on tappaa mahdollisimman monta ihmistä. Miehistön on ajatteltava nopeasti tuhotaakseen tämä matkustajiin levinnyt uhka, ennen kuin se tuhoaa ihmiskunnan viimeisetkin eloonjääneet.