عندما يبرز عدو غير متوقع ويهدد سلامة وأمن العالم، نيك فوري، مدير وكالة حفظ السلام الدولية المعروفة باسم .S.H.I.E.L.D ، يجد نفسه في حاجة إلى فريق يسحب العالم من حافة الكارثة. من مختلف أنحاء العالم، يبدأ جهد التوظيف!

يتم دعوة شاب عبقري للإنضمام الى مجموعة هاكر تخريبية تستعد نحو شهرة عالمية.

A psychiatrist, Martin Dysart, investigates the savage blinding of six horses with a metal spike in a stable in Hampshire, England. The atrocity was committed by an unassuming seventeen-year-old stable boy named Alan Strang, the only son of an opinionated but inwardly-timid father and a genteel, religious mother. As Dysart exposes the truths behind the boy's demons, he finds himself face-to-face with his own.

يواجه جندي بحرية سابق الفساد في بلدة صغيرة عندما تصادر سلطات إنفاذ القانون ظلمًا حقيبة النقود التي يحتاجها لدفع كفالة ابن عمه لإخراجه من السجن.

الجزء الثالث من سلسلة مارفل فائقة النجاح، تتبع القصة في الجزء الجديد توني ستارك/الرجل الحديدي أثناء مواجهته لعدو فائق ذو قدرات غير محدودة يدعى (ماندرين). يجد الرجل الحديدي عالمه يدمر بالكامل على يد هذا العدو، لكنه يقوم مجددًا ويبدأ السعي في مهمة مروعة للعثور على كل من كان له صلة بهذا.. وخلال هذه الرحلة تختبر صلابته وقوة معدنه الحقيقي، ويعتمد ستارك - الذي أصبح وحيدًا في مواجهة الخطر - على غريزته وعبقريته وآلاته لحماية أحباؤه المقربون.. وخلال المعركة يبدأ ستارك في الكشف عن إجابة السؤال الذي طالما أرقه لسنوات طوال: هل صنعته البذلة الحديدية، أم هو الذي صنعها؟

Bill is worried that he is 'different' to his sister and parents. They mix with other 'upper class' people while Bill is more down to earth. Even his girlfriend seems a bit odd. All is revealed when Bill returns home to find a party in full swing. Not for the weak of stomach.

عندما تصل آن وزوجها جورج وابنها جورجي إلى منزل عطلتهم ، يزورهم زوج من الشباب المهذبين واللطفاء على ما يبدو. مسلحين بابتسامات حلوة مخادعة وبعض مضارب الجولف ، شرعوا في ترويع وتعذيب العشيرة المتماسكة ، ومنحهم حتى اليوم التالي للبقاء على قيد الحياة.

تجتمع مجموعة من الأصدقاء لممارسة لعبة الـ(تاروت)، ويرتكب أحدهم خطأ بقواعد اللعبة مما يتسبب في استحضار روح شريرة تضع حياتهم جميعًا على المحك، وتتوالى الأحداث.

At a remote lake house in the Adirondack Mountains, a couple entertains an out-of-town guest looking for inspiration in her filmmaking. The group quickly falls into a calculated game of desire, manipulation, and jealousy, unaware of how dangerously intertwined their lives will soon become.

في ليلة الهالوين ، تجد امرأة شابة نفسها هاجس قاتل سادي يعرف باسم فن المهرج .

A young woman grieving the loss of her mother, a famous scream queen from the 1980s, finds herself pulled into the world of her mom's most famous movie. Reunited, the women must fight off the film's maniacal killer.

A rush-hour fender-bender on New York City's crowded FDR Drive, under most circumstances, wouldn't set off a chain reaction that could decimate two people's lives. But on this day, at this time, a minor collision will turn two complete strangers into vicious adversaries. Their means of destroying each other might be different, but their goals, ultimately, will be the same: Each will systematically try to dismantle the other's life in a reckless effort to reclaim something he has lost.

After being stung by a giant insect, Cooper learns that these bugs are attacking the whole city. He joins forces with the survivors Leechee and Sara in order to find a way to counter-attack.

The return of a vengeful ex-girlfriend sets into motion a series of gruesome events for a hapless Irish bachelor in director Robert Quinn's grim black comedy. Tommy (Andrew Scott) had thought he had seen the last of Jean (Katy Davis) after their recent breakup, but when she returns to stake her claim on Tommy's apartment, the confrontation that ensues makes their previous quarrels look petty by comparison. After leaving the apartment in the head of the fight to cool his head and gather his thoughts, he returns only to find that Jean has died and enlists the aid of his friend Noel (Darren Healy) in ditching the body and ensuring that no one ever finds out what happened.

In an attempt to pull her family together, Adèlle travels with her young daughter Sarah to Wales to visit her father. The morning after they arrive, Sarah mysteriously vanishes in the ocean. Not long after, a little girl bearing a striking resemblance to their missing daughter reveals that she has retuned from the dead — and that Sarah has been taken to the Welsh underworld.

لقد تطورت عملية الصيد. عندما يتسبب صبي صغير عن طريق الخطأ في عودة أكثر الصيادين فتكا في الكون إلى الأرض ، فإن طاقما من الجنود السابقين والعالم الساخط فقط هو الذي يمكنه منع نهاية الجنس البشري.

Teenage Marie lives on a small island with her father and catatonic mother. Virtually friendless and sullen, Marie begins to experience frightening changes in her body that mark her as a dangerous threat.

A desperate choice leads Jack down a path that leaves him beaten and bruised as he struggles against man, nature and his own insanity. Stranded in the middle of nowhere after barely surviving a horrific assault, Jack encounters one local after another and quickly learns that a sick game of cat and mouse is about to begin. Battling the deranged country psychos and the harsh landscape, Jack must go to extreme lengths to survive.

Angela is throwing a decadent Halloween party at New Orleans' infamous Broussard Mansion. But after the police break up the festivities, Maddie and a few friends stay behind. Trapped inside the locked mansion gates, the remaining guests uncover a horrifying secret and soon fall victim to seven vicious, blood-thirsty demons.

Bad things happen to bad people. That's what Ursula, the ring leader of a deranged group of street performers called "The Crows", always says. For no apparent reason, the gang starts to torment Mary and Judy: a young car driver and her dog. Her only crime was not paying attention to the annoying street performers. For Mary, the curtains of the most insane and dangerous show will rise - and fall. The Crows' show is not just about blood.