"Animal Adventures: Save The Forest" portrays Softie and her friends as they fight to save their home from a garbage invasion by an automated factory. This 3D animated film highlights adventure, friendship, and environmental protection.

On July 9th GCW presents Fight Club Houston straight from Premier Arena in Houston, Texas. The lineup is almost completed, check it below: AJ Gray vs Bryan Keith Nick Gage vs Sadika Joey Janela vs Dante Ninja Mack vs Jack Cartwheel Effy vs Gino Jimmy Lloyd vs Carter Lucha Scramble .... more to be added soon!

Japan ist ein Land voller Gegensätze: Technische Errungenschaften stehen alten Traditionen gegenüber. Neben Millionenstädten findet man unberührte Natur, in der eine Vielzahl von Arten ihr Zuhause haben. Die Makaken sind eine dieser besonderen Arten. Die kleinen Schneeäffchen schaffen es als einzige Primaten neben dem Menschen, unter extremsten Klimabedingungen zu überleben. Ihre Zeit vertreiben sie sich unter anderem mit Schneeballschlachten und Bädern in den heißen Quellen.

After a lion kills the village leader, the expected rains fail to arrive, so a group of warriors are sent to hunt the lion down and kill it in hopes that the rains will come at last.

경찰의 '정상작전'으로 간부들이 대량 검거된 후, 오토모구미가 세력을 회복하면서 히로시마 야쿠자 조직은 야마모리구미, 우치모토카이, 오토모구미의 3파 대립 구도가 됐다. 하지만 그들은 경찰의 눈을 피하기 위해 야마모리 요시오를 회장으로 하는 정치결사 '텐세이카이'를 발족시켰다. 텐세이카이 2대 회장 타케다 아키라 시절, 반주류파 오토모, 하야카와 등의 반발에 부딪혔고, 이로 인해 혼란이 가중됐다. 결국 마츠무라 야스가 3대 회장에 추천되자 오토모, 하야카와 파벌이 반발하며 내분이 심화됐다. 한편 히로노부는 수감 중 과거 항쟁을 기록한 수기를 남기며, 출소 후 마츠무라를 만나 히로시마 지배권 재건을 모의했다. 이에 타케다와 마츠무라 파벌 간 충돌이 벌어지고, 히로노부구미도 텐세이카이에 가맹하며 우시마조직과 대립하게 되는 등 격렬한 내전이 전개됐다.

We've sought ease, comfort and wealth - but are people happier with more money? What is the science behind a good life? Following several people over a typical year, "A Small Good Thing" looks at the simple sources of human happiness.

We see how a man, who has no memory of his past, deals with his past when he finds out about it.

At the times of World War II, accomplished painter and translator Aram flees Istanbul due to political offenses. When he is trapped at the USSR-Georgia borders, his flight turns into a remembrance of things past...

A man named Valentine is alone on Valentine's Day., and it drives him mad. Meanwhile, other couples are experiencing their own problems.

While a child sleeps her puppet dog creates a magical circus for her.

Smoky Gap Railroad president Murray Lemantier is fed up with a bandit gang led by Buck Andrade constantly holding up his train and getting away with it. He hires ace detective David Cassidy to track down and get Buck, dead or alive. However, when Buck goes to see his dying mother she makes him promise to reform, and he does. Cassidy, though, doesn't care about that and tries to arrest him. Buck decides to do something that will once and for all show everyone that he has indeed reformed--especially Faith Lawson, a pretty station agent he's in love with.

Interstellar expedition equipped by "pioneers"(soviet scouts) reached Alpha Kassiopea and found that smart robots took control on hole planet. Their only goal - to make happy , as they understand, their masters. Happines was, actually, sutisfactions of primitive needs, and removing "disturbing" emotions like love, responsebility etc. A many years ago they succeded to reach this goal and all aborigines died out. A very little amount of people escaped from "total happening" and their descendants orbiting the planet in a big orbital station for many generations. Brave soviet pioneers land on a planet, destroy robots and bring it back to their residents

A newly married couple wake up to find a door has appeared in their living room tempting them to open it and discover the mystery inside.

This very brief cartoon from Japan whose title translated means "The Monkey Fleet" and runs little more than a minute has the Asian monkeys battling octopuses as they both go underwater with the simian animals riding in submarines shooting their torpedo bullets at the sea creatures.

Dr. Helen Caldicott is the most prominent anti-nuclear activist in the world. She's been featured on CNN, 60 Minutes, CBC and Democracy Now. In the 80s, Helen Caldicott campaigned against nuclear weapons testing in the pacific (still responsible today for the majority of tritium we're exposed to), and against the notion of a winnable nuclear war. She was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts. She has always made inaccurate statements regarding civilian nuclear power. But, since the Fukushima-Diachii radiation release has caused (and is projected to cause) zero fatalities... http://www.unis.unvienna.org/unis/en/... ...her tone has changed when speaking to supporters. This has not been acknowledged by prime-time media, as they continue to use her as a source. Any person or media outlet should check Caldicott's history of statements (on any subject) against a domain expert before using her as a source.

After being unemployed for several months, Hernán attends a job interview to apply for a position in a call center.

Henry, an accomplished film director loses sight of what's essential in life and decides to revisit his humble roots.