Ahnus ja klassiline diskrimineerimine ohustavad vastloodud häid suhteid jõuka Parki pere ja vaese Kimi pere vahel. Kimide poeg kutsutakse eraõpetajana Parkide juurde koduõpetajaks. Ja ta oskab kogu oma pere nende juurde tööle smugeldada aga ilma et Parkid teaksid et nad on sugulased.

Kinnisvaraametnik Marion Crane põgeneb koos rahapaki ja lootusega alustada uut elu ning satub Batesi motelli. Seda juhib Norman Bates, kes hoolitseb oma liikumisvõimetu ema eest.

The story of J. Robert Oppenheimer's role in the development of the atomic bomb during World War II.

The Theory of Everything is the extraordinary story of one of the world’s greatest living minds, the renowned astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, who falls deeply in love with fellow Cambridge student Jane Wilde.

In the not so distant future, Theodore, a lonely writer, purchases a newly developed operating system designed to meet the user's every need. To Theodore's surprise, a romantic relationship develops between him and his operating system. This unconventional love story blends science fiction and romance in a sweet tale that explores the nature of love and the ways that technology isolates and connects us all.

On 2019. aasta Los Angeles - kahvatu neoonvalgustatud, ülerahvastatud tänavatega linn, kus pidevalt sajab happevihma. Detektiiv Rick Deckard peab tabama ja hävitama 4 replikanti, tehislikult loodud inimest, kes põgenesid maavälisest kolooniast, kaaperdades laeva, et tulla maa peale oma loojat otsima.

Elliot Ness, an ambitious prohibition agent, is determined to take down Al Capone. In order to achieve this goal, he forms a group given the nickname “The Untouchables”.

Batman has not been seen for ten years. A new breed of criminal ravages Gotham City, forcing 55-year-old Bruce Wayne back into the cape and cowl. But, does he still have what it takes to fight crime in a new era?

"Avatar" on lugu endisest mereväelasest Jake Sully'st, kes sai vigastada lahingus ja on halvatud vööst allpool. Ta otsustab osaleda Avatari programmis, mis peaks andma talle tagasi terve keha. Ta reisib Pandorasse, külluslikku vihmametsa, mis on täidetud uskumatute eluvormidega - mõned ilusad, mõned hirmutavad. Pandora on koduks ka Na'videle, humanoididele, keda inimesed peavad primitiivseks, aga tegelikult on nad evolustiooniliselt palju rohkem arenenud kui inimesed. Üle kolme meetri pikad, sabadega ja läikiva sinise nahaga, elavad Na'vid harmooniliselt oma maailmas. Kui aga inimesed hakkavad Pandorat kahjustama, et leida väärtuslikke mineraale, ohustab see Na'vide elu, ja nad on sunnitud näitama oma sõjalisi võimeid.

A fading actor best known for his portrayal of a popular superhero attempts to mount a comeback by appearing in a Broadway play. As opening night approaches, his attempts to become more altruistic, rebuild his career, and reconnect with friends and family prove more difficult than expected.

In 1979, a group of college students find a Sumerian Book of the Dead in an old wilderness cabin they've rented for a weekend getaway.

Sellest ajast saati, kui Brian ja Mia aitasid Domil vahi alt põgeneda, on nad pidevalt pidanud piire ületama, et end seadusesilmade eest varjata. Saabudes Rio de Janeiros, ei lähe neil kaua aega, kui taas on kõik pea peale pööratud, mistõttu otsustavad nad teostada ühe viimase tööotsa, mis peaks neile garanteerima nende vabaduse. Ent selleks peavad nad vastu astuma üliohtlikule ärimehele ja Rio de Janeiro juhile Hernan Reyesile, kes soovib nende surma. Kuid Hernan pole ainukene, kes neid leida ihkab...

Doug MacRay oleks võinud omal ajal valida teise tee, kuid temast sai professionaalsete pangaröövlite jõugu juht ja aju. Järjekordse röövi käigus võtab jõuk kaasa pantvangi, pangas töötava Claire Keesey. Sellest hetkest muutub kõik, sest Doug armub koheselt Claire'i ning hakkab otsima võimalust oma elus uus lehekülg pöörata. See aga pole niisama lihtne, sest FBI agent Frawley jõuab jõugule üha lähemale...

Growing up poor in Madras, India, Srinivasa Ramanujan Iyengar earns admittance to Cambridge University during WWI, where he becomes a pioneer in mathematical theories with the guidance of his professor, G.H. Hardy.

Nothing is as it seems in this riveting World War 2 thriller as a wary soldier goes to investigate a mysterious German monarch at his secluded mansion, leading him into a web of deceit and a dangerous love affair with a local Jewish woman.

The true story of the 1973 tennis match between world number one Billie Jean King and ex-champ and serial hustler Bobby Riggs.

A horde of rampaging warriors massacre the parents of young Conan and enslave the young child for years on The Wheel of Pain. As the sole survivor of the childhood massacre, Conan is released from slavery and taught the ancient arts of fighting. Transforming himself into a killing machine, Conan travels into the wilderness to seek vengeance on Thulsa Doom, the man responsible for killing his family. In the wilderness, Conan takes up with the thieves Valeria and Subotai. The group comes upon King Osric, who wants the trio of warriors to help rescue his daughter who has joined Doom in the hills.

Kate and Charlie like to have a good time. Their marriage thrives on a shared fondness for music, laughter… and getting smashed. When Kate’s partying spirals into hard-core asocial behavior, compromising her job as an elementary schoolteacher, something’s got to give. But change isn’t exactly a cakewalk. Sobriety means she will have to confront the lies she’s been spinning at work, her troubling relationship with her mother, and the nature of her bond with Charlie.

Xander Cage is left for dead after an incident, though he secretly returns to action for a new, tough assignment with his handler Augustus Gibbons.

Frances Ferguson, the eponymous character at the center of Bob Byington’s new film, is discontent. Like a lot of us, she does a bit of “acting out” and pays the price —an arrest, a trial, incarceration. And then a new identity, one that’s not terribly comfortable. Nick Offerman narrates this deviant comedy, based on actual events.