An exclusive interview with Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, in which he talks in-depth to Tom Bradby, journalist and ITV News at Ten presenter, covering a range of subjects including his personal relationships, never-before-heard details surrounding the death of his mother, Diana, and a look ahead at his future. The 90-minute programme was broadcast two days before Prince Harry’s autobiography ‘Spare’ was published on 10 January.

Dragon is now transferred to be the police head of Sai Wan district, and has to contend with a gangster kingpin, anti-Manchu revolutionaries, some runaway pirates, Manchu Loyalists and a corrupt police superintendent.

Two characters on a Noh stage dramatize the rite of love and death of Lieutenant Shinji Takeyama and his wife Reiko.

Explore the myths and legends that inhabit the real world of Harry Potter. Follow award-winning documentary filmmakers as they offer insights to witches, wizards, Greek gods, ancient Celts, ghosts, magical creatures, alchemy, and ancient spells. Narrated by British actor Hugh Laurie, this fascinating documentary brings new dimensions to the historical and scientific world behind the Harry Potter series.

In order to boost circulation of his newspaper, Lord Rawnsley announces an air race and offers £10,000 to the first person who can fly across the English Channel. But one of the participants, Percy, plots to sabotage his competitor's planes. Will Percy triumph?

After falling in love, three roommates experience changes in their lives.

Rozdielne svety sa odohrávajú v súčasnom Grécku a pozostávajú z troch samostatných príbehov, z ktorých každý sleduje príbeh lásky cudzinca a Gréka. Každý príbeh predstavuje inú generáciu, ktorá sa zamilovala v búrlivom období sociálno-ekonomických nepokojov, ktoré zachvátili celú južnú Európu, a na samom konci sa spoja do jedného. Podobne ako trojdielne umelecké dielo, v ktorom je každá časť naozaj trochu samostatná, ale skutočný účinok majú až vtedy, keď sa na ne pozerá ako na celok. Film sleduje tŕnistú cestu hrdinov za láskou a problémy, ktoré sa v ich svete objavujú. Napriek tejto krutej realite je Grécko stále miestom, kde existuje pravda, krása a ľudskosť. A kde láska prekvitá aj v tých najtemnejších časoch.

Celebrities re-create an original episode each from "All in the Family" and "The Jeffersons."

Alice Tate, mother of two, with a marriage of 16 years, finds herself falling for a handsome sax player, Joe. Stricken with a backache, she consults herbalist Dr. Yang, who realizes that her problems are not related to her back, but in her mind and heart. Dr. Yang's magical herbs give Alice wondrous powers, taking her out of her well-established rut.

Judyta is a middle-aged housewife whose peaceful life suddenly falls apart due to divorce. But soon she finds the strength to carry on fighting for her happiness, a place in the sun and love of her life.

Život môže byť veľmi ocamelý pre jedinú jednokolku v obchode s bicyklami. Preto jednokolka Red sníva o klaunovi, ktorý na ňom jazdí tú najlešiu šou. Ale potlesk sa mení na plieskanie daždových kvapiek o okná výkladu, keď realita prekryje sen. Red sa smutný vracia do kúta čakať na svoj skutočný osud.

Jessie is an aging career criminal who has been in more jails, fights, schemes, and lineups than just about anyone else. His son Vito, while currently on the straight and narrow, has had a fairly shady past and is indeed no stranger to illegal activity. They both have great hope for Adam, Vito's son and Jessie's grandson, who is bright, good-looking, and without a criminal past.

After working with the bank for a long time, Julien decides to open a restaurant with his best friend. Unfortunately, when the bank refuses to grant him a loan, he comes up with a plan.

Charley Pearl, wealthy heir and gadabout, is slated to marry Adele, the daughter of a Hollywood tycoon. But, during a wild bachelor party in Las Vegas, Charley strikes up a flirtation with nightclub crooner Vicki Anderson that soon leads to her bedroom. When the couple are discovered by Vicki's beau, infamous gangster Bugsy Siegel, he makes a surprising pronouncement -- they'd better marry, or Charley is a dead man.

Mahoney síce starú partiu z akadémie opustil, no háklivý černoch Hightower, uletený imitátor Jones, drobná Hooksová, fanatický pištoľník Tackleberry, energická Callahanová, veliteľ Lassard a ambiciózny kapitán Harris so svojím poskokom Proctorom zostali. Všetci sa tentoraz vydajú na prázdniny do Miami Beach, kde sa koná kongres policajných náčelníkov. Lassard má byť pred svojím odchodom do dôchodku vyhlásený za policajta storočia. Harris sa chce postarať o to, aby bol namiesto neho zvolený za veliteľa policajnej akadémie práve on.

Cassidy Merteuilová, vzdialená sesternica Kathryn Merteuilovej, pricestuje do kalifornskej Santa Barbary, aby tu študovala na prípravke vysokej školy. Náhodou sa v kampuse stretne s bývalým priateľom zo strednej školy, Jasonom Argyleom. Ten ju zoznámi so svojím spolubývajúcim Patrickom Bateso. Obaja bohatí mladíci nemajú iný záujem, len zvádzať svoje spolužiačky, doslova sa pretekať, kto z nich bude úspešnejší v ničení ich životov. Jasonovi sa poľahky podarí zviesť Sheilu Wrightovú , ktorá chodí s Michaelom Cattrallom, Patrick sa zase vyspí s Alison Lebrayovou, ktorá je tiež zadaná. Oboch mladíkov však ľahké koristi nudia, a tak sa stavia o cenu najvyššiu, o Cassidy. Netušia, že krásna, chladná a vypočítavá dievčina vie o manipulácii v láske, potešení a bolesti oveľa viac, ako oni dvaja dokopy.

A timid young grad student madly in love with her scientist boss offers her body to his research.

Pletichářská tchýně Beatrice Stanhope nehodlá připustit, aby neohrabaný Král džungle navždy zůstal s její dcerou a vnukem. Do jejích černých plánů se tedy náramně hodí Uršulin bývalý snoubenec Lyle. Chce, aby její dceru zhypnotizoval, donutil ji opustit George a proměnil džungli v rašeliniště. Kvůli Uršulině záchraně putují George, Ape, Shep a Tookie do Las Vegas. Spolu s ní pak spěchají domů, aby zabránili Lylovi zničit jejich džungli. Svokra Beatrice Stanhope nechce pripustiť, aby neohrabaný Kráľ džungle navždy zostal aj s jej dcérou a vnukom. Do jej zákerných plánov preto veľmi dobre zapadne Uršulin bývalý snúbenec Lyle. Chce, aby jej dcéru zhypnotizoval, donútil ju opustiť Georga a premenil džungľu v rašelinisko. Kvôli Uršulinej záchrane preto odcestuje George, Ape, Shap a Tookie do Las Vegas...

2006 was one of the deadliest Everest seasons on record. Experienced mountaineer Lincoln Hall was invited to join an expedition as a high altitude cameraman. It was his second attempt to summit the mountain, having turned back just short 22 years earlier. Shortly after reaching the summit, Hall began to behave irrationally, suffering from lack of oxygen. Aided by his loyal Sherpas for over 9 hours, he eventually collapsed and they declared him dead. His family were informed and the news hit headlines. But something happened that night that science cannot explain. The next morning Lincoln Hall was found alive by approaching climbers and his dramatic rescue began. Never before has a man been declared dead so high on Everest and survived. This is the remarkable true story of Lincoln Hall’s extraordinary journey back from beyond.