A man is sent back and forth and in and out of time in an experiment that attempts to unravel the fate and the solution to the problems of a post-apocalyptic world during the aftermath of WW3. The experiment results in him getting caught up in a perpetual reminiscence of past events that are recreated on an airport’s viewing pier.

Ranskalainen näyttelijätär ja japanilainen arkkitehti tapaavat Hiroshimassa. Yhden yön aikana tämä pari kokee intohimoista rakkautta avaten elämänsä toisilleen. Rakastavaiset katoavat ikuisuiteen. He eivät voi jäädä, mutta eivät voi myöskään jättää toisiaan.

Joka tuuleen kylvää on Stanley Kramerin ohjaama yhdysvaltalainen draamaelokuva, joka kertoo Daytonin kuuluisasta evoluutioteorian vastaisesta ”apinaoikeudenkäynnistä” eli Scopesin oikeudenkäynnistä.

Punainen ympyrä alkaa kahden rikolliskohtalon yhteen liittämisellä: Corey vapautuu vankilasta, ja samaan aikaan komisario Mattei kuljettaa Vogel-nimistä murhaajaa. Vogel karkaa ja kätkeytyy Coreyn auton takakonttiin. Corey ja Vogel pelastautuvat Pariisiin ja ryhtyvät suunnittelemaan jalokiviliikkeen ryöstöä. He tarvitsevat avukseen tarkka-ampujan ja värväävät avukseen vielä entisen poliisin Jansenin, jonka kotitekoinen luoti avaa tien tarkasti vartioituun aarrekammioon. Samanaikaisesti komisario Mattein johtamat poliisivoimat yrittävät sinnikkäästi löytää ja napata Vogelin.

As the young girls have discovered the truth about the cruel fate of a magical girl, one magical girl after another is destroyed. Throughout it all, there is one magical girl who continues to fight alone - Homura Akemi. Puella Magi Madoka Magica the Movie Part II: Eternal is a retelling of the second half of the TV anime series.

When disaster hits the Titanic, the Doctor uncovers a threat to the whole human race. Battling alongside aliens, saboteurs, robot Angels and a new friend called Astrid, can he stop the Christmas inferno?

A young British widow rents a seaside cottage and soon becomes haunted by the ghost of its former owner.

Winner of four Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Actor, Sir Laurence Olivier’s Hamlet continues to be the most compelling version of Shakespeare’s beloved tragedy. Olivier is at his most inspired—both as director and as the melancholy Dane himself—as he breathes new life into the words of one of the world’s greatest dramatists.

An exiled filmmaker finally returns to his home country where former mysteries and afflictions of his early life come back to haunt him once more.

Ksenia ja Boris käyvät läpi repivää avioeroa. Mielipaha ja turhautuminen johtavat syyttelyyn ja jatkuvaan tappeluun. Kumpainenkin osapuoli on jo tahollaan aloittelemassa uutta suhdetta ja kiihkeän janoinen kääntämään elämässään kokonaan uuden lehden. Loistavaan tulevaisuuteen kiirehtivien vanhempien myrskyisän erokriisin keskellä heidän 12-vuotias poikansa Aljoša uhkaa painua unohduksiin. Todistettuaan taas kerran yhtä vanhempiensa tappeluista, poika katoaa. Kadonneen lapsensa etsinnöissä vanhemmat vasta kohtaavat kriiseistään kaikkein kovimman.

This film originated as a play in Paris. The story focuses on the one-day adventures of Bertrand Barnier played with a genius of French cinema, Louis de Funes. In the same morning he learns that his daughter is pregnant, an employee stole a large amount of money from his company, his maid is about to resign in order to marry a wealthy neighbor and his body builder is interested in marrying his daughter. The seemingly complicated story-line is full of comedy or errors and some of the most hilarious mime scenes of the French cinema.

A doctor treats a woman suffering from multiple personality disorder.

Gabby, the waitress in an isolated Arizona diner, dreams of a bigger and better life. One day penniless intellectual Alan drifts into the joint and the two strike up a rapport. Soon enough, notorious killer Duke Mantee takes the diner's inhabitants hostage. Surrounded by miles of desert, the patrons and staff are forced to sit tight with Mantee and his gang overnight.

Stop-motion photography blends with extreme slow-motion in Clair's first and most 'dada' film, composed of a series of zany, interconnected scenes. We witness a rooftop chess match between Marcel Duchamp and Man Ray, a hearse pulled by a camel (and chased by its pallbearers) and a dizzying roller coaster finale. A film of contradictions and agreements.

Marion is a woman who has learned to shield herself from her emotions. She rents an apartment to work undisturbed on her new book, but by some acoustic anomaly she can hear all that is said in the next apartment in which a psychiatrist holds his office. When she hears a young woman tell that she finds it harder and harder to bear her life, Marion starts to reflect on her own life. After a series of events she comes to understand how her unemotional attitude towards the people around her affected them and herself.

The frozen body of Paul Fournier is discovered in Greenland where he had disappeared during a scientific expedition in 1905. Perfectly conserved he is brought back to life in the 1960s. His descendants take care of him: to spare him the cultural shock they behave so to make believe it's 1905 and they are his cousins, uncle...

A group of rambunctious toddlers travel a trip to Paris. As they journey from the Eiffel Tower to Notre Dame, they learn new lessons about trust, loyalty and love.

The powers of good are pitted against the forces of evil as the Duc de Richelieu wrestles with the charming but deadly Satanist, Mocata, for the soul of his friend. Mocata has the knowledge and the power to summon the forces of darkness and, as the Duc de Richelieu and his friends remain within the protected pentacle, they are subjected to ever-increasing horror until thundering hooves herald the arrival of the Angel of Death.

Vauhdikkaassa koko perheen komediassa lomareissulle suuntaava perhe saa elämänsä yllätyksen, kun heidän täytyy ottaa mukaansa myös sukulaisten jättimäinen bernhardinkoira Beethoven. Etenkin äidin pinna kiristyy, kun asuntoautoon on pakattava lasten lisäksi myös lähes satakiloinen koira, joka sotkee kaiken ja syö kuin hevonen. Vielä enemmän harmia on kuitenkin perhettä seuraavasta rikolliskaksikosta. Onneksi Beethoven on kelpo vahtikoira, ja urheutensa ansiosta se valloittaakin vähitellen kaikkien sydämet.

Three brothers are reunited on the occasion of the death of his mother. The three are in a difficult stage of their lives due to economic difficulties: Bernard is a failed actor, Didier pretends to be a professor of philosophy when, in fact, is selling sex toys and Pascal lives off a rich sexagenarian. Accompanied by Sara, the teenage daughter of Bernard, they live surprising encounters while new problems appear.