Betmens uzvarējis cīņā savu pretinieku Džonatanu Kreinu, turpina kārtības uzturēšanu Gotemā ar leitenantu Gordonu.

A samurai answers a village's request for protection after he falls on hard times. The town needs protection from bandits, so the samurai gathers six others to help him teach the people how to defend themselves, and the villagers provide the soldiers with food.

In the slums of Rio, two kids' paths diverge as one struggles to become a photographer and the other a kingpin.

Four prison inmates have been hatching a plan to literally dig out of jail when another prisoner, Claude Gaspard, is moved into their cell. They take a risk and share their plan with the newcomer. Over the course of three days, the prisoners and friends break through the concrete floor using a bed post and begin to make their way through the sewer system -- yet their escape is anything but assured.

Tabloīdu žurnālists Marčello Rubīni pavada savas dienas, dzenoties pakaļ slavenībām un skandāliem, bet naktis – skaistām sievietēm, dzenot izmisumā savu uzticīgo un greizsirdīgo draudzeni Emmu. Kad Romā kā jaunā slavenību laikmeta simbols ierodas kinozvaigzne Silvija, Marčello viņā saskata ideālo sievieti, tomēr tā izrādās ilūzija. Tāpat īstu laimi nenes sakars ar bagāto un cinisko miljonu mantinieci Madalēnu. Septiņu dienu un nakšu laikā Marčello satiek krāšņu 60. gadu Romas personāžu plejādi, kas stāstu par viņa dzīvi un laimes meklējumiem pārvērš aizraujošā un sirreālā pasakā.

Disgruntled Korean War veteran Walt Kowalski sets out to reform his neighbor, Thao Lor, a Hmong teenager who tried to steal Kowalski's prized possession: a 1972 Gran Torino.

The spoiled daughter of a Georgia plantation owner conducts a tumultuous romance with a cynical profiteer during the American Civil War and Reconstruction Era.

Apbruņojies ar skaidru vīziju un dzelžainu plānu, Ričards Viljamss ir apņēmības pilns ierakstīt savas meitas Venusu un Serenu vēsturē. Meitenes trenējas Kalifornijas nolaistajos tenisa kortos Komptonā gan lietū, gan saules svelmē, un viņas veido gan tēva nelokāmā apņēmība, gan mātes līdzsvarotā plānošana un asā intuīcija, kas ļauj pārspēt šķietami nepārvaramus šķēršļus un piepildīt no viņām gaidīto.

Akbar, 18, has been held in a rehabilitation centre for committing murder at the age of sixteen. Now, Akbar is transferred to prison to await the day of his execution. A’la, a friend of Akbar, tries desperately to gain the consent of Akbar’s plaintiff so as to stop the execution.

Grave robbing, torture, possessed nuns, and a satanic Sabbath: Benjamin Christensen's legendary film uses a series of dramatic vignettes to explore the scientific hypothesis that the witches of the Middle Ages suffered the same hysteria as turn-of-the-century psychiatric patients. But the film itself is far from serious-- instead it's a witches' brew of the scary, gross, and darkly humorous.

Atgriezies Asgardā, lai atrastu noslēpumaino ienaidnieku, kurš meklē Bezgalības Akmeņus, Tors uzzina, ka viņa brāļa Loki rīcība ir pietuvinājusi karaļvalsti briesmīgam notikumam - Ragnarjokam. Leģenda vēsta, ka tas nozīmē pēdējo kauju, pēc kuras Asgarda tiks iznīcināta. Toram nāk palīgā Halks un viņiem abiem būs lemts sastapties aci pret aci ar visu deviņu pasauļu ļaunāko ienaidnieku.

After moving to a new town, troublemaking teen Jim Stark is supposed to have a clean slate, although being the new kid in town brings its own problems. While searching for some stability, Stark forms a bond with a disturbed classmate, Plato, and falls for local girl Judy. However, Judy is the girlfriend of neighborhood tough, Buzz. When Buzz violently confronts Jim and challenges him to a drag race, the new kid's real troubles begin.

Jack Terry is a master sound recordist who works on grade-B horror movies. Late one evening, he is recording sounds for use in his movies when he hears something unexpected through his sound equipment and records it. Curiosity gets the better of him when the media become involved, and he begins to unravel the pieces of a nefarious conspiracy. As he struggles to survive against his shadowy enemies and expose the truth, he does not know whom he can trust.

Gwynplaine, son of Lord Clancharlie, has a permanent smile carved on his face by the King, in revenge for Gwynplaine's father's treachery. Gwynplaine is adopted by a travelling showman and becomes a popular idol. He falls in love with the blind Dea. The king dies, and his evil jester tries to destroy or corrupt Gwynplaine.

Stāsts par Ukbālu, par divu bērnu tēvu, kas iztiku pelna ar nelegālu biznesu. Apjaušot nāves nenovēršamību, viņš mēģina sakārtot savu dzīvi.

An ethical Baltimore defense lawyer disgusted with rampant legal corruption is forced to defend a judge he despises in a rape trial under the threat of being disbarred.

After a giant dinosaur skull is stolen, the head of the Chinese secret police decides to assign the case to the force's most incompetent reject: a rural butcher who stands around all day drinking martinis (shaken, not stirred). With a trunkload of insanely useless gadgets and a contact who constantly tries to kill him, the young agent must locate the skull and find out just what is going on here.

In 1933 New York, an overly ambitious movie producer coerces his cast and hired ship crew to travel to mysterious Skull Island, where they encounter Kong, a giant ape who is immediately smitten with the leading lady.

When the trail goes cold on a murder investigation of a policeman, an undercover narcotics officer is lured back to the force to help solve the case.

Viesnīca "Kliņģerīte" nebūtu eksotiska, ja diviem nepazīstamiem cilvēkiem neliktu apmesties vienā numurā, un tā nekļūtu par vislabāko viesnīcu, ja no šāda pavērsiena neiznāktu nekas labs.