Delves deep into the anxiety, thrill and uncertainty of six aspiring animation artists as they are plunged into the twelve-week trial-by-fire that is the NFB's Hothouse for animation filmmakers.

Fight Club Rush 10 is a Fight Club Rush event on Nov 20, 2021 at Vasteras Arena, Vasteras, Sweden.

Irelands Number 1 comedian Tommy Tiernan’s live stand up show Ok Baby filmed at this years (2007) Bud Light Comedy Revue at the Iveagh Gardens, Dublin with extra bonus material This performance was filmed in July 2007. In typical Tommy Tiernan style it’s not for the faint hearted or ‘easily offended’ – wicked, wild and ferociously funny, nothing is sacred. Chapters: Opposite of Mass Farmer Time Touch Me Outdoor Lover Man Dark Matter Hot Rain No God….T-Rex

Four women are waiting for the blue circle and a possible change of their lives.

Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino, co-creators of the hit television series, Avatar: The Last Airbender, reflect on the creation of the masterful series.

People is a film shot behind closed doors in a workshop/house on the outskirts of Paris and features a dozen characters. It is based on an interweaving of scenes of moaning and sex. The house is the characters' common space, but the question of ownership is distended, they don't all inhabit it in the same way. As the sequences progress, we don't find the same characters but the same interdependent relationships. Through the alternation between lament and sexuality, physical and verbal communication are put on the same level. The film then deconstructs, through its repetitive structure, our relational myths.

Fleeing heartbreak in the big city, Ichiko returns to Komori, her rural hometown. She battles summer's rain and humidity, bakes her own bread, grows hothouse tomatoes and tills the fields. During autumn, the time for pickling and preserving fish and sweet potatoes, Ichiko begins reaping rice and recalls her departure five years before.

Tichá, zanedbávaná dívka je poslána od své nefunkční rodiny na léto k příbuzným. V jejich péči rozkvete, ale v domě, kde nemají být žádná tajemství, jedno objeví.

After the massacre of his village, Zhang Xiaofan is taken in by the Qing Yun Sect where he begins his journey of cultivation. When he finds out the truth behind the deaths of his parents, he succumbs to his rage and demonic tendencies and becomes the enemy of Qing Yun Sect.

Barbie se představuje v roli Blair Willowsové, dobrosrdečné dívky, která dostala možnost chodit do školy pro princezny. V téhle neobyčejné škole se princezny učí společenské tance, pravidla správného stolování i královského chování. Blair si všechny předměty hned oblíbí a zamiluje si kouzelné skřítky – pomocníky i své nové kamarádky, princezny Hadley a Delanca. Když ale Blair začne jejich královské učitelce připomínat princeznu, jež se z království ztratila, učitelka udělá všechno proto, aby si Blair nemohla činit si nárok na trůn. Blair, Hadley a Delanca budou muset objevit zakletou korunu a odhalit skutečnou identitu Blair v tomto kouzly nabitém princeznovském příběhu!

Řidič se po neobvyklé dopravní nehodě stane součástí podivného testu - postmoderní pomsty. Krátká anekdota o tom co se odehrává v některých autoopravnách, proč jsou tyto autoopravny tak zchátralé, proč mnohá vrakoviště působí tak podezřele? Je vůbec možné nashromáždit takové množství zničených vozů v podobných areálech normální cestou? Proč když jedete vozem kolem nich máte pocit že zvolna zarůstají travou a zdají se dávno opuštěny? Co se stalo s jejich majiteli? Co se stalo se zákazníky, kteří čas od času dovnitř vstoupí? Pozor, některé autoservisy jsou možná pasti!

Gaukhar is pregnant, and Aidar seems to have finally found a common language with his wife's brothers. But everything changes when the main character is faced with an unusual illness. Kuvad's syndrome - an imaginary pregnancy in men - can completely destroy Aidar's plans and even his marriage.

Locked away from society in an apartment on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, the Angulo brothers learn about the outside world through the films that they watch. Nicknamed ‘The Wolfpack’, the brothers spend their childhood reenacting their favorite films using elaborate home-made props and costumes. Their world is shaken up when one of the brothers escapes and everything changes.

Jim is a test pilot. His wife Ann and best friend Gunner try their best to keep him sober. But the life of a test pilot is anything but safe.

Od doby, kdy Sarah Connorová zabránila dnu zúčtování, změnila budoucnost a přepsala osud lidské rasy, uplynuly už více než dvě dekády. Zbrusu nový smrtící Terminátor, Rev-9 se vrací v čase, aby dohonil a zabil Dani Ramosovou, která žije obyčejný život v Mexico City se svým bratrem a otcem. Daniino přežití závisí na jejím spojenectví s dvěma bojovníky – Grace, vylepšenou super bojovnicí z budoucnosti a bojem posilněnou Sarah Connorovou.

In the absence of Behzat Ç., a superintendent named Himmet gets replaced as the president of the murder Bureau. When the murder of minister of Interior makes a big impact, Himmet decides to take advantage of it and he makes his team help the fight against terrorism bureau.

Dana Carvey headlines his first HBO solo special, taped before an audience in San Francisco. Features Carvey's characters and impressions, as well as stand-up material about his own life.

Michiko lost her dad in a car accident when she was 10 years old. After the car accident, Michiko has lived with her mother Kyoko. Michiko, now in her 2nd year of high school, gets a cell phone from her mother as a birthday present. Michiko is so excited to have her very first cell phone. Soon afterwards, she is forced into joining social networking site "AvaQ" by classmate, and queen of the classroom, Taeko.

David McDoll is a selfish and wealthy man living an enviable lifestyle in his large villa and collecting fancy cars. However, his life is about to be changed forever when he inherits his six grandchildren. His glamorous lifestyle quickly becomes complete chaos. But he will learn a valuable lesson that teaches him about placing family first and discovering a newfound appreciation for life.