Shot at the Olympic Stadium in Seoul during the BTS World Tour ‘Love Yourself’ to celebrate the seven members of the global boyband and their unprecedented international phenomenon.

When nomadic beekeepers break Honeyland’s basic rule (take half of the honey, but leave half to the bees), the last female beehunter in Europe must save the bees and restore natural balance.

A burning Godzilla, on the verge of meltdown, emerges to lay siege to Hong Kong. At the same time horrifying new organisms are discovered in Japan. These crustacean-like beings are seemingly born of the Oxygen Destroyer, the weapon that killed the original Godzilla.

Eliza manė, kad turi tobulą gyvenimą: idealų vaikiną ir daug žadančią baleto šokėjos karjerą. Tačiau viskas griūna tą dieną, kai ji pagauna jį apgaudinėjantį ją su savo scenos dubleriu; ir po to, kai ji patyrė traumą scenoje, atrodo, kad ji daugiau niekada negalės šokti. Širdį šildanti ir įkvepianti istorija, pasakojanti, kaip kartais blogiausia, kas gali nutikti, gali pasirodyti geriausia.

This biblical drama from the Catholic Marxist director focuses on the teachings of Jesus, including the parables that reflect their revolutionary nature. As Jesus travels along the coast of the Sea of Galilee, he gradually gathers more followers, leading him into direct conflict with the authorities.

In the fifth film of the Lone Wolf and Cub series, Ogami Itto is challenged by five warriors, each has one fifth of Ogami's assassin fee and one fifth of the information he needs to complete his assassination.

Didžiojo nuosmukio metu viską praradusi, vieniša moteris leidžiasi į kelionę po Jungtinių Amerikos valstijų vakarus, gyvendama tarsi šių dienų klajoklė – savadarbiame namelyje ant ratų. Po ekonominio mažo Nevados miestelio žlugimo, Fern susipakuoja savo mantą į furgoną ir leidžiasi į kelią, tyrinėdama gyvenimą už įprastos visuomenės ribų, kaip šiuolaikinis klajoklis. Trečiajame režisierės Chloé Zhao vaidybiniame filme vaidina tikri klajokliai - Linda, Svankė, Bobas – kaip Fern mentoriai ir bendražygiai, nukeliantys ten, kur niekada nebuvote, supažindina su nuostabiais žmonėmis, apie kuriuos mažai ar nieko nežinojote, ir palieka jus kupinus jausmų, kurių galbūt nejutote, bet džiaugiatės šia kelione ir joje pasikeitėte. Vienas iš dalykų, kuriuos šiame gyvenime labiausiai mėgsta klajokliai, yra tai, kad nėra galutinio atsisveikinimo. Sutinki šimtus žmonių ir niekada neatsisveikini. Klajokliai tiesiog sako „pamatysiu tave kelyje“.

A promising teenage dancer enrolls at a prestigious ballet school while grappling with her gender dysphoria.

When Jack and Sally announce that they're splitting up, this comes as a shock to their best friends Gabe and Judy. Maybe mostly because they also are drifting apart and are now being made aware of it. So while Jack and Sally try to go on and meet new people, the marriage of Gabe and Judy gets more and more strained, and they begin to find themselves being attracted to other people.

Journalists Ichiro Sakai and Junko cover the wreckage of a typhoon when an enormous egg is found and claimed by greedy entrepreneurs. Mothra's fairies arrive and are aided by the journalists in a plea for its return. As their requests are denied, Godzilla arises near Nagoya and the people of Infant Island must decide if they are willing to answer Japan's own pleas for help.

At the turn of the century, all of the Earth's monsters have been rounded up and kept safely on Monsterland. Chaos erupts when a race of she-aliens known as the Kilaaks unleash the monsters across the world.

Turtingas buvęs narkotikų baronas Frenkas Vaitas paleistas iš kalėjimo grįžta pas senus savo draugužius. Pamatęs, kokioje tragiškoje būklėje jo gimtasis rajonas, Frenkas nusprendžia, kad atėjo metas atsilyginti visuomenei už savo negerus darbus ir sumąsto gete pastatyti daugybę milijonų kainuosiančią nemokamą ligoninę.

Vaikystėje išgelbėta legendinio žudiko Mūdžio ir prisijungusi prie šeimos verslo, Ana yra meistriškiausia pasaulyje samdoma žudikė. Tačiau kai Mūdis, kuris jai buvo tarsi tėvas ir išmokė viską, ką reikia žinoti apie išgyvenimą, yra žiauriai nužudomas, Ana prisiekia atkeršyti. Kai paieška atveda prie mįslingo žudiko, jų akistata, kaip katės ir pelės, tampa mirtina. Šioje dvikovoje laukia ne tik muštynės ar gaudynės, bet ir tikras peilių bei kulkų lietus.

Peppino, a retired hitman for the Camorra, has now fully passed on his job and know-how to his single son, Nino. But when Nino is brutally assassinated, the old man is back in business to take revenge. Aside his everlasting love Rita and his longtime henchman Totò, Peppino will go to any lengths, even if it means bringing the Camorra down.

Gilles, who operates a money losing garage, teams up with his friends Max, who operates a scrap yard, and lawyer Xavier to open a brothel catering to women. They get the idea from Gilles' secretary Irma, a former prostitute. They are assisted in the implementation by Max's wife Juliette and Sabine who is mad for Gilles. Unfortunately Gilles has fallen for Florence the daughter of the conservative Prime Minister and his wife. When the Prime Minister tries to shut down the brothel Gilles decides to stand against him in the election.

A Catholic New Yorker falls in love with a girl and wants to marry her, but he struggles to accept her past and what it means for their future.

Follow the evolution of a small time juvenile delinquent hood to a big time racketeer. Based on the famous 1950 Brinks Robbery in Boston that netted the crooks $2.5 million. The story delves into the psychology of the perpetrators, as well as the intricate mechanics of the hold-up.

A duo of Edgar Allan Poe adaptations about a greedy wife's attempt to embezzle her dying husband's fortune, and a sleazy reporter's adoption of a strange black cat.

Narrowly escaping death, outlaw Johnny Madrid goes on the run with the hangman's sensuous daughter Esmeralda by his side.

Seven years after the events of the first film, Samantha Darko finds herself stranded in a small desert town after her car breaks down where she is plagued by bizarre visions telling of the universe's end. As a result, she must face her own demons, and in doing so, save the world and herself.