Leonardo is a blind teenager dealing with an overprotective mother while trying to live a more independent life. To the disappointment of his best friend, Giovana, he plans to go on an exchange program abroad. When Gabriel, a new student in town, arrives at their classroom, new feelings blossom in Leonardo making him question his plans.

Iz perspektive osmogodišnjeg dječaka koji je uvelike zaštićen od stvarnosti Drugog svjetskog rata, svjedoci smo zabranjenoga prijateljstva koje će nastati između Brune, sina nacističkog zapovjednika, i Schmuela, dječaka Židova koji je zarobljen u koncentracijskom logoru. Iako dječake fizički razdvaja bodljikava ograda, njihovi će životi postati nezaobilazno isprepleteni. Izmišljena priča o Bruni i Schmuelu, pričana iz neobične perspektive, baca svjetlo na brutalnost, bezosjećajnost i razorne posljedice rata. Njihovo će nas tragično putovanje podsjetiti na milijune nevinih žrtava holokausta.

In the days following the surrender of Germany in May 1945, a group of young German prisoners of war is handed over to the Danish authorities and subsequently sent to the West Coast, where they are ordered to remove the more than two million mines that the Germans had placed in the sand along the coast. With their bare hands, crawling around in the sand, the boys are forced to perform the dangerous work under the leadership of a Danish sergeant.

A drama centered on a rebellious girl who is sent to a Southern beach town for the summer to stay with her father. Through their mutual love of music, the estranged duo learn to reconnect.

Ex-con Zeki Müller goes undercover as a teacher at a below average Gymnasium to find money he'd stashed prior to incarceration.

Uspješna trenerica boksa, Sienna Lane, otkriva da je njen dečko, aktuelni prvak, varao s njenom sestrom. Odluči se osvetiti i pristaje trenirati jedinog čovjeka koji je sposoban da ga svrgne sa trona: njegovog glavnog protivnika Kaydena.

In Bodeen, Texas, Land Of The Dragon, an indie-rock loving misfit finds a way of dealing with her small-town misery after she discovers a roller derby league in nearby Austin.

The retelling of France’s iconic but ill-fated queen, Marie Antoinette. From her betrothal and marriage to Louis XVI at 15 to her reign as queen at 19 and ultimately the fall of Versailles.

Advice columnist Dan Burns is an expert on relationships, but somehow struggles to succeed as a brother, a son and a single parent to three precocious daughters. Things get even more complicated when Dan finds out that the woman he falls in love with is actually his brother's new girlfriend.

U obitelji pred Božić nastane potpuni kaos kad roditelji uslijed rijetkog kozmičkog događaja zamijene tijela sa svojom djecom tinejdžerima.

Iskre lete kad gorljiva odvjetnica bez novca preuzme šarmantnog klijenta koji želi tužiti aplikaciju za spojeve koja korisnicima garantira ljubav.

Jay, a failed musician, walked out of his family and now earns a living as head bartender in a trendy London pub. Every Wednesday afternoon a woman comes to his house for graphic, almost wordless, sex. One day Jay follows her and finds out about the rest of her life. This eventually disrupts their relationship.

Though Rachel is a successful attorney and a loyal, generous friend, she is still single. After one drink too many at her 30th-birthday celebration, Rachel unexpectedly falls into bed with her longtime crush, Dex -- who happens to be engaged to her best friend, Darcy. Ramifications of the liaison threaten to destroy the women's lifelong friendship, while Ethan, Rachel's confidant, harbors a potentially explosive secret of his own.

Josie Geller, a baby-faced junior copywriter at the Chicago Sun-Times, must pose as a student at her former high school to research contemporary teenage culture. With the help of her brother, Rob, Josie infiltrates the inner circle of the most popular clique on campus. But she hits a major snag in her investigation -- not to mention her own failed love life -- when she falls for her dreamy English teacher, Sam Coulson.

Forced to face the cruel side of life, a devastated, bankrupt merchant chances upon the enchanted castle of a hideous creature, the mere sight of it chills the bone to the marrow. There, a fate worse than death awaits the poor father-of-six, who, after plucking a sweet-scented rose from the repulsive master's verdant garden, must do the impossible: permit his compassionate daughter, Belle, to take his place and pay for the sins of her parent. Now, an impenetrable mystery shrouds the haunted mansion, and, as repugnance gradually turns into affection, only true love could break the spell.

Ako želite zaboraviti naporan radni dan, najbolje je prepustiti se prekrasnom otočju Fidži te snimateljskoj ruci legendarnog Nestora Almendrosa. "Plava laguna" je nježna, senzualna priča o seksualnom buđenju mladića i djevojke koji odrastaju na samotnom otoku. Nakon brodoloma u južnom Pacifiku, dvoje djece, Emmeline (Brooke Shields) i Richard (Christopher Atkins) te brodski kuhar Paddy (Leo McKern) jedini su preživjeli. No Paddy uskoro premine, stoga su Richard i Emmeline naglo prisiljeni naučiti sve o preživljavanju na pustom otoku, stotinama kilometara daleko od civilizacije. I dok godine prolaze, dječak i djevojčica postaju mladić i djevojka, a otkrivanje vlastite seksualnosti donosi im veliku prekretnicu u obliku djeteta, o čijoj brizi novi roditelji ne znaju gotovo ništa. Povrh svega, na otoku se skriva velika opasnost, koje Richard i Emmeline nisu svjesni...

On a road trip, Nic and two friends are drawn to an isolated area by a computer genius. When everything suddenly goes dark, Nic regains consciousness – only to find himself in a waking nightmare.

Two first-year students at Oxford University join a secret society and learn that their reputations can be made or destroyed over the course of one evening.

Nakon što na poslu počini skupu pogrešku Adam Cassidy suočava se nemilosrdnom predsjednikom kompanije, Nicholasom Wyattom. On ga neće uništiti samo pod jednim uvjetom: Adam mora postati korporativni špijun. Odjednom dobiva raskošan ured, vozi skupe automobile... ali konce igre vuče Wyatt kojeg ništa ne može spriječiti u multimiljunskoj utrci u kojoj planira pobijediti!

Becca, an anxious, non-vampire teen is torn between two boys. Before she can choose, Becca must get around her controlling father, who treats her like a child. Meanwhile, Becca's friends contend with their own romantic issues – all of which collide at the prom.