When a horticulturalist-astronaut crashes onto a desolate planet, he encounters an ethereal visitor and discovers the joy of building a new life—realizing the universe has delivered something astonishing.

A recap of Kimetsu no Yaiba episodes 11–14, with new footage and special end credits. Tanjiro ventures to the south-southeast where he encounters a cowardly young man named Zenitsu Agatsuma. He is a fellow survivor from Final Selection and his sparrow asks Tanjiro to help keep him in line.

Groot sets out to paint a family portrait of himself and the Guardians, only to discover just how messy the artistic process can be.

A man lurks the night alleys, killing people at random, he feels nothing, no emotion, and no pain; when he meets a graceful widow he must confront what it means to be human.

Groot discovers a miniature civilization that believes the seemingly enormous tree toddler is the hero they’ve been waiting for.

Policijski poročnik po imenu Franco Amore je noč pred svojo upokojitvijo poklican, da razišče kraj zločina, kjer je bil med ropom diamantov ubit njegov najboljši prijatelj in dolgoletni partner Dino.

Groot investigates a spooky noise that’s been haunting the Quadrant, which leads to an intense dance off.

Do, who doesn't take much consideration about his marriageis circled with so many debts. He lied to his mother in law to get some money. Do and his wife eventually got a divorce and Do moved out to Kuala Lumpur to start a new life. Re on the other hand has a wife who is working at a night club whereas he stays at home and takes care of the house chores. Due to re's negligent behaviour his wife's money was stolen and he was told to leave the house bringing him dragging himself to the big city. Mi, a bachelor who is head over heels with the girl who is staying across his house often loans him some money. While Mi was out looking for a job he helped out capturing the theif who snatched a lady's handbag alongside with Re and Do who was in the area and helped out as well. They became close friends since then.

Legendarna komedija zmešnjav z Louisom de Funèsom. Ambicioznega žandarja Cruchota premestijo v Saint-Tropez na francoski rivieri. Tam se spusti v vojno z nudisti na plaži in z najstniško hčerjo, ki se prijateljem zlaže, da je njen oče milijonar z jahto. Cruchot se zaplete v njeno laž in se predstavlja kot lastnik jahte. Ko se pojavijo pravi lastniki, pa se izkaže, da niti oni niso to, za kar se izdajajo!

A couple of high school graduates spend one final night cruising the strip with their buddies before they go off to college.

A disgruntled couple sets on a road trip, as the boyfriend is hiding something mysterious from his girlfriend. The suspicion grows bigger when she begins to fear her boyfriends next move.

When a golden opportunity arises to boost the fortunes of a forgotten fishing town, its residents set out to trick their way to making it happen.

Ameriško raketo v vesolju zajame neznana vesoljska ladja. Američani za ugrabitev obtožijo Ruse, zato se svetovni supersili znajdeta na robu jedrske vojne. Britanska vlada je medtem prepričana, da je za vse skupaj kriv nekdo drug, saj vesoljska ladja pristane na japonskem ozemlju. Tajni agent 007 James Bond (Sean Connery) mora zdaj zaustaviti človeka, ki si je zamislil in izpeljal vesoljsko ugrabitev, svojega dolgoletnega sovražnika in vodjo zločinske organizacije SPECTRE Ernsta Blofelda (Donald Pleasence). Ta je odločen zanetiti svetovno vojno iz velikanskega skrivnega štaba, ki ga je ustvaril v mirujočem vulkanu. Ko se odštevanje začne, Bond združi moči z japonsko agentko Kissy Suzuki (Mie Hama), da bi skupaj preprečila svetovno katastrofo.

Južnoameriški preprodajalec mamil Franz Sanchez (Robert Davi) hudo poškoduje Bondovega prijatelja Felixa Leiterja (David Hedison). S tem si nakoplje jezo najboljšega tajnega agenta na svetu. James Bond (Timothy Dalton) kljub nasprotovanju svojih nadrejenih Sanchezu priseže maščevanje, zato odpove službo pri britanski tajni agenciji, s čimer pa izgubi tudi dovoljenje za ubijanje. Da bi dobil v pest neusmiljenega vodjo mednarodnega mamilarskega kartela, se poveže s čedno ameriško agentko Pam Bouvier in Sanchezovo zapeljivo ljubico Lupe. Toda medtem postane agent na begu pred vsemi. V filmu igrajo tudi Carey Lowell, Talisa Soto in Anthony Zerbe.

Računalniški magnat Max Zorin (Christopher Walken) je ustvaril program, s katerim namerava sprožiti potres v Kaliforniji in tako onesposobiti svojo konkurenco. Naloga tajnega agenta 007 Jamesa Bonda (Roger Moore) je ta, da ga zaustavi, vendar mu na poti stoji Zorinova postavna in smrtonosna sodelavka May Day (Grace Jones). Bondu nalogo otežuje še dejstvo, da je Zorin inteligenten psihopat, ki je bil deležen tudi urjenja pri ruski tajni službi KGB. Ampak slavnemu agentu z licenco za ubijanje na pomoč priskoči čedna geologinja Stacey Sutton (Tanya Roberts), ki ima z Zorinom tudi sama neporavnane račune. Bond in Stacey bosta morala preživeti eksplozijo, požar in poplavo ter končni obračun na slovitem mostu Golden Gate v San Franciscu.

Režiser temačnih akcij Mortal Kombat, Alien proti Predatorju in Dirka smrti nadaljuje zgodbo o temačni bližnji prihodnosti, ko svet po izbruhu skrivnostnega virusa preplavijo zombiji. Neustrašna bojevnica Alice nadaljuje svojo pot iskanja preživelih in brezupnega boja z dvolično organizacijo Umbrella, ki skuša s srhljivimi poskusi ustvariti popolnega vojaka. S pomočjo upornikov se Alice odpravi v Los Angeles, ki je preplavljen s krvoločnimi zombiji, edini način preživetja pa je neusmiljen boj na življenje in smrt.

Nekdanji marinec se mora boriti proti svoji vesti in kodeksu časti, ko je prisiljen delati za mafijo.

The members of the Lambda Lambda Lambda fraternity travel to Fort Lauderdale for a fraternity conference. They'll have to beat off the attacks of their rival frat, the Alphas, if they want to maintain their self-respect -- and, of course, if they want to get anywhere with the pretty girls!

When Santa Claus decides to retire and pass on his magic bag of Christmas surprises to a new Saint Nick, he enlists the aid of a hilarious assortment of characters. A perky teen runaway and hapless taxi driver Ernest P. Worrell must convince a skeptical kiddie-show host to take over the post of Father Christmas.