The scares start in Hawaii, where Scooby-Doo and Shaggy are scarfing down the surf-and-turf menu until a giant serpent tries to swallow them faster than you can say She Sees Sea Monsters by the Seashore. In Uncle Scooby and Antarctica, a friendly penguin invites the Mystery, Inc. crew to visit his polar home, which happens to be haunted by an ice ghost! Then, the gang meets music group Smash Mouth while visiting Australia's Great Barrier Reef to watch Shaggy and Scooby compete in a sand castle contest in Reef Grief! Just when they think it's safe to go back in the water... it isn't.

Mickey and his friends take a close look at important street safety situations and tips.

Kathleen Madigan drops in on Detroit to deliver material derived from time spent with her Irish Catholic Midwest family, eating random pills out of her mother's purse, touring Afghanistan, and her love of John Denver and the Lunesta butterfly.

A thrilling journey through legends, belief and folklore, this film goes behind the scenes with the British Library as they search to tell that story through objects in their collection, in an ambitious new exhibition: Harry Potter: A History Of Magic. J.K. Rowling, who is lending unseen manuscripts, drawings and drafts from her private archives (which will sit alongside treasures from the British Library, as well as original drafts and drawings from Jim Kay) talks about some of the personal items she has lent to the exhibition and gives new insight into her writing, looking at some of the objects from the exhibition that have fired her imagination.

Shadyside, rok 1978. Škola sa končí a letné aktivity v tábore "Nightwing" práve začínajú. Lenže v okolí sa potuluje miestny psychopat, ktorý je posadnutý túžbou zabíjať.

A millionaire realizes he really wants to live after he has hired an assassin to kill him.

When his sister disappears after leaving their home in hopes of singing stardom, Luis tracks her down and discovers the grim reality of her whereabouts.

V roku 1969 nórska vláda oznámila objav jedného z najväčších svetových ropných polí v susednom Severnom mori, čím začala prosperujúce obdobie ťažby na mori. O päťdesiat rokov neskôr sa začnú prejavovať dôsledky pre životné prostredie – na dne oceánu sa otvorila trhlina, ktorá spôsobila zrútenie plošiny. Tím výskumníkov, vrátane Sofie, ktorá obsluhuje ponorku, sa ponáhľa, aby hľadal nezvestných a posúdil príčinu škôd. Zistia, že je to len začiatok možnej apokalyptickej katastrofy. Po evakuácii ostatných vrtných plošín však Sofiin milujúci spoločník Stian uviazne v hlbinách mora. Sofie sa musí ponoriť a použiť všetky prostriedky na to, aby ho, aby ho zachránila.

It's 1975, and Martin is a teenager looking to break out of a stifling home environment ruled by his alcoholic father and long-suffering mother. When Martin's pal Micke suggests they get jobs together as waiters at a resort off the Swedish coast, Martin is all for it, but before long Micke finds better things to do and Martin is left on his own. The presence of pretty fellow server Jenny is a major consolation, but to his surprise, guileless Martin is soon chosen as the protégé of Gösta, the resort's short-tempered manager. Gösta clearly likes Martin and makes him his right hand man, which gives Martin a crash course in the seedy side of life when he discovers Gösta has a number of other business interests, not all of which are legal or ethical.

This time the "amici" (friends) are just four: Necchi, Meandri, Mascetti and Sassaroli. Nevertheless they are older they still love to spend their time mainly organizing irresistible jokes to everyone in every kind of situation. Mascetti is hospitalized in a geriatric clinic. Of course the place become immediately the main stage for all their jokes. After some jokes they decided to place an ultimate incredible and farcical joke to the clinic guests.

Celebrities re-create an original episode each from "All in the Family" and "The Jeffersons."

A plane containing a highly classified government project crashes outside of a small town in the US. Realizing the level of danger, the government tries to secretly fix the problem. As tensions grow, the situation gets out of control, and civilians from the town find themselves facing their worst nightmare: a genetically enhanced killing machine that doesn't know how to stop.

Forky zdieľa svoje myšlienky o tom, čo robí dobrého priateľa, na základe jeho obmedzenej skúsenosti zo sveta v dome Bonnie.

Hrdina španielskeho filmu, bývalý policajt Torrente, sa presťahoval do letoviska Marbella. Keďže prišiel o všetky peniaze, nezostáva mu nič iné, len sa vrátiť k svojej bývalej profesii. Pri vyšetrovaní prípadu narazí na horúcu stopu - mestu hrozí teroristický útok raketovými granátmi, za ktorým stojí zločinec Spinelli. Torrente a jeho partner Cuco sa musia poponáhľať, kým nie je neskoro. Režisérom filmu je Santiago Segura, ktorý si v ňom aj zahral.

Gabriel Tancredi je bývalý mariňák, ktorý sa stal mafiánom. Keď sa dvaja policajti stanú nechcenými svedkami neúspešného pokusu o vraždu, dostane príkaz od svojho neľútostného bossa Arnolda Solomona, aby svedkov zlikvidoval. Gabriel sa však rozhodne vzoprieť a úlohu nesplniť, aby zachránil život policajtke Vanesse Flynnovej. Neuposlúchnutie príkazu mafie je porušením kódexu, ktorý sa trestá guľkou, a tak sa Gabriel a jeho blízki ocitnú v ohrození života.

Pinhead is set loose on the sinful streets of New York City to create chaos with a fresh cadre of Cenobitic kin.

Several little boys run along a pier, then jump into the ocean.

Ichiro Miki is a child living in the industrial district of Kawasaki, where his parents' constant struggle to make ends meet often leaves the schoolboy alone. Constantly teased by a bully nicknamed Gabara, his only friends are toy consultant Shinpei and fellow classmate Sachiko. Ichiro turns to escapist dreams of Monster Island where he befriends the equally bullied Minilla.

Red, a shy orphan who spent most of his childhood in a girly bar, grew up to be the town's best fixer. When a rich kid was gunned down in a drug bust that went wrong, Red was hired by Art, a spoiled socialite, to fix the mess.