Mystery Inc. is summoned to investigate occurrences in a haunted villa, where a black knight terrorizes anybody who tries to get close to treasure hidden by the former owner of the building.

Kathleen Madigan drops in on Detroit to deliver material derived from time spent with her Irish Catholic Midwest family, eating random pills out of her mother's purse, touring Afghanistan, and her love of John Denver and the Lunesta butterfly.

يكتشف غروت حضارة مصغرة تعتقد أن طفل الشجرة الذي يبدو ضخما هو البطل الذي كانوا ينتظرونه.

يبحث غروت في ضوضاء مخيفة كانت تطارد الرباعي ، مما يؤدي إلى رقصة مكثفة.

يحتاج الجميع إلى بعض الوقت بمفردهم للاسترخاء والاغتسال ، لكن الأمور تسير بشكل مختلف تماما عندما تكون طفلا صغيرا في فلورا كولوسي.

A millionaire realizes he really wants to live after he has hired an assassin to kill him.

بعد أحداث "حراس المجرة المجلد 1" ، أصبح بيبي غروت مستعدا أخيرا لمحاولة اتخاذ خطواته الأولى من وعاءه - فقط لتعلم أن عليك المشي قبل أن تتمكن من الركض.

A teen's life turns upside down when her boyfriend impregnates both her and a new student at school.

In a future where Mars is terraformed and colonized by the best humanity has to offer, two very different college students wind up joining forces and sneak onboard a space shuttle to the red planet in order to be united with their significant others.

A young working girl with a blue-collar background is surprised when her new fiancé announces he is actually a prince of a small sovereign country in Europe. After the couple quickly takes off to spend the holidays at his family’s sprawling, royal castle, she must work hard to win over her disapproving and unaccepting future mother-in-law—the Queen—and find out if love truly can conquer all.

New summer adventure of the Crocodiles, who set up their detective skills to find out who is behind the accidents of the factory where Ollie and Mary's parents work , which could mean the closure of the plant, the move of the family and the dissolution of the gang.

Celebrities re-create an original episode each from "All in the Family" and "The Jeffersons."

علاقة لورا وماسيمو معلقة في الميزان وهما يحاولان التغلب على قضايا الثقة بينما يعمل ناتشو العنيد على دفعهما بعيدا.

Inventor Goro Ibuki creates a humanoid robot named Jet Jaguar. It is soon seized by an undersea race of people called the Seatopians. Using Jet Jaguar as a guide, the Seatopians send Megalon as vengeance for the nuclear tests that have devastated their society.

Forky shares his thoughts on what makes a good friend based on his limited exposure to the world inside Bonnie’s house.

في الجزء الثالث من هذه السلسلة، يحاول بنهيد أن يدمر مكعب البازل تمامًا حتى لا يعود إلى الجحيم من جديد، ولكن تأتي محققة صحافية استقصائية لتقف في طريقه.

الفتاة (سيندي كامبل) تعمل الآن كمحررة صحفية، وهناك شريط فيديو غامض تتحرى عنه، هذا الشريط كل من يشاهده يتعرض للموت في خلال سبعة أيام، وعندما تشاهده (سيندي) تسعى لإنقاذ حياتها، بعدما شاهدت الشريط بنفسها، وذلك فى إطار كوميدي.

Victoria is a young mother trying to put her dark past as a Russian drug courier behind her, but retired cop Damon forces Victoria to do his bidding by holding her daughter hostage. Now, Victoria must use guns, guts and a motorcycle to take out a series of violent gangsters—or she may never see her child again.

Ichiro Miki is a child living in the industrial district of Kawasaki, where his parents' constant struggle to make ends meet often leaves the schoolboy alone. Constantly teased by a bully nicknamed Gabara, his only friends are toy consultant Shinpei and fellow classmate Sachiko. Ichiro turns to escapist dreams of Monster Island where he befriends the equally bullied Minilla.

Ellie, a recovering drug addict, has just moved to a new city with her two teenage children. She has struggled to stay sober in the past and is determined to make it work this time, finding a stable job and regularly attending her meetings. Unfortunately, new friends, a new job, and the chance of a new life, can’t keep Ellie from slipping once again. Her life changes when she meets Christopher – a different kind of addict – which forces her daughter and son to accept a new version of Ellie.