在京都居住的内向男高中生直实 的面前,突然出现从10年后穿越而来26岁的自己。未来的直实告诉他,自己不久便会与琉璃 相爱,可是之后烟花大会时她却会因为一场事故意外离世。 为了拯救爱人,16岁的直实卷入了这场现实与虚拟的记忆世界,经历了一系列超乎想象的事情。即使世界毁灭,我也想再见你一面。



2008年小甜甜布兰妮(Britney Spears)疑因失婚﹑被前夫瓜分财产及争取儿子抚养权,并受到媒体24小时跟踪及骚扰,终被压力击倒以致被法院判定精神失常,需由亲父杰米(Jamie Spears)监管。自此布兰妮便失去自由,展开长达13年,一周工作七天,朝八晚六,犹如活在地狱般的生活。而在9月29号上架的纪录片《父女之战:解放布兰妮》(Britney vs Spears),通过记者珍妮·埃利斯和导演艾琳·李·卡尔的独家采访,将揭开这位美国天后为争取个人自由,与爸爸杰米对薄公堂背后不为人知的秘密。

Three robbers on the run to a new life cross their way with a woman and her son and with the tragic curse they're bringing. On their trail, the mob boss they worked for and a mysterious secret organization of unscrupulous men. During this crazy epic ride to hell, a jealous girlfriend and an former-cop and his brisk methods will join them. At stake, the child's life and the future of the world.

A doomed love affair blooms against the beautiful and exotic backdrop of the deserts of India in this romantic drama. Samantha Hartley (Kelli Garner) is a woman in her early twenties who travels to Rajapur in India to visit a resort where her mother stayed years ago. While tracing the steps of her mother, Sara (Lynn Collins), Samantha learns the true story about her mother's stormy marriage to Jeremy (Justin Theroux), a charming but moody alcoholic. Only a few days after their wedding, Sara began to wonder if marrying Jeremy was a mistake, and while visiting India on their honeymoon, Sara met Jai Singh (Manoj Bajpai), a handsome and sensitive widower living in Rajapur. Jai Singh, who speaks fluent English, soon strikes up a friendship with Sara that quickly grows into a romance, but both are aware of the transgressive nature of their love, and their affair takes a tragic turn, leaving its scars on all parties involved.




A short, graphically dynamic work contrasting contradictory views of perception and interpretation, by way of society's assumptions vis-a-vis phallocentrism and fetishism.

A bartender and a domestic helper of Filipino origin living in Hong Kong find themselves falling in love, but they each have different plans for their future.

Dating within different cultures and being open to all religions, Ethan must deal with constant roadblocks. From First Nations to South American, his journey to find love in Toronto is nothing but complex. He faces discrimination and depression but always remains optimistic.

A bookshop renowned for its rare works is mysteriously and filled with copies of a book entitled 1, which doesn't appear to have a publisher or author. The strange almanac describes what happens to humanity in a minute. A police investigation begins and the bookshop staff are placed in solitary confinement by the Bureau for Paranormal Research. As the investigation progresses, the situation becomes more complex and the book becomes increasingly well-known, raising numerous controversies. Plagued by doubts, the protagonist has to face facts: reality only exists in the imagination of individuals.

The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..

Ugo Fantozzi has been ejected from Heaven and is sent back to Earth for a short period of time until the staff in Heaven can get Fantozzi a place there. Fantozzi goes through a variety of unfortunate experiences, such as rescuing his retro punk granddaughter Uga, and having to pay a vast telephone bill due to frequent chat line conversations. He ends up getting arrested instead of his ex-boss, who was originally charged with corruption. Just as he is about to enjoy the World Cup Final with Italy, he is called back into Heaven. Can he find peace once again?



1988年的万圣节,杀人魔王迈克尔•梅尔被警察射伤,几经周折,他逃到一条河边,并得到一位好心人的救治。一年时光转瞬即逝,伤愈的迈克尔如同僵死复苏的毒蛇一般杀掉救命恩人,并决定再次前往哈登菲尔德,向甥女杰米(Danielle Harris 饰)复仇。   一年前,杰米因攻击养母及经历了舅舅迈克尔的追杀噩梦而患上失语症,如今正在当地的儿童医院接受康复治疗。虽然失去说话能力,杰米却神奇地拥有了与迈克尔心灵相通的能力。主治医生卢米斯(Donald Pleasence 饰)意识到了这点,他决定利用这个能力和迈克尔做个了断……

In a desolate place called the Badlands, four men stand off with guns drawn, their fingers ready at the trigger. Among them are a fugitive seeking redemption, a son out to avenge his father's murder, a loyal servant with a secret and a murderous criminal hired to kill with a vengeance. This is their story...in a place where revenge, deception and cruelty are a way of life.

在外科医院院长尼克(朱利安·山德斯 Julian Sands 饰)的眼中,风情万种的海伦娜(雪琳·芬 Sherilyn Fenn 饰)是自己的缪斯,可是对于这个追求者,海伦娜并没有放在心上。为了将海伦娜留在身边,尼克设计让她错过了航班,没想到聪明的海伦娜察觉了尼克的阴谋,却在逃跑的途中发生了车祸。从昏迷中醒来的海伦娜发现自己失去双腿,而站在自己面前的,正是罪魁祸首尼克,尼克向海伦娜解释截肢是为了保住她的性命,而海伦娜并不相信。就这样,两人扭曲的关系开始了。在一次企图用手掐死尼克的行动后,海伦娜失去了她的双臂,至此她彻底沦为了一个丧失一切行动能力的摆设,生活起居皆由尼克照料。