Thomas' Sodor Celebration! is a US VHS/DVD featuring seven eighth season episodes narrated by Michael Brandon and one song. It was released in the UK and Australia as Peep! Peep! Hurray! Three Cheers for Thomas. Lionsgate released the title for digital download in 2013.

زين ، صبي يبلغ من العمر 12 عامًا يسعى للبقاء على قيد الحياة في شوارع بيروت ، يقاضي والديه لأنهما جلباه إلى عالم غير عادل ، حيث أن كونك لاجئًا بدون وثائق يعني أنه يمكن بسهولة حرمانك من حقوقك.

غواصة ألمانية تطارد سفن الحلفاء خلال الحرب العالمية الثانية ، لكنها سرعان ما تصبح مطاردة. يحاول الطاقم البقاء على قيد الحياة تحت السطح ، بينما يمتد كل من القارب وأنفسهم إلى أقصى حدودهم.

A day in the life of an unfaithful married couple and their steadily deteriorating relationship in Milan.

تدور أحداث الفيلم في فترة ما قبل الحرب الأهلية الأمريكية حول رجلٍ أمريكي حر ذي بشرةٍ سمراء من أصلٍ أفريقي، يٌدعى سولومن، يعيش مع زوجته وأطفاله في نيويورك، ويكسب قوت يومه من النجارة وعزف الكمان. في أحد الأيام يتم اختطافه وبيعه في سوق الرقيق ليصبح من ذات اليوم عبدًا لمالك العبيد القاسي إدوين إب. يظل سولومن يناضل من أجل البقاء واستعادة حريته حتى يلتقي بمناهضٍ كندي للعبودية يُدعى باس، ومن هنا يبدأ سولومن في تغيير مسار حياته إلى الأبد.

لن تتوقف عند أي شيء. أم تعيش بهدوء مع ابنها. في أحد الأيام ، قتلت فتاة بوحشية ، واتهم الصبي بالقتل. الآن ، مهمة والدته هي إثبات براءته

Brash, loudmouthed and opportunistic, Kikujiro is the unlikely companion for Masao who is determined to see the mother he has never met. The two begin a series of adventures which soon turns out to be a whimsical journey of laughter and tears with a wide array of surprises and unique characters along the way.

بعد إجباره على العمل لدى زعيم جريمة ، يجد سائق فرار شاب نفسه يشارك في سرقة محكوم عليها بالفشل.

A romantic drifter gets caught between a corrupt tycoon and his voluptuous wife.

Geremia, an aging tailor/money lender, is a repulsive, mean, stingy man who lives alone in his shabby house with his scornful, bedridden mother. He has a morbid, obsessive relationship with money and he uses it to insinuate himself into other people's affairs, pretending to be the "family friend". One day he is asked by a man to lend him money for the wedding of Rosalba, his daughter. Geremia falls in love at first sight with the bewitching creature and and soon indulges in a "beauty and the beast" relationship...

Middle-aged suburban husband Richard abruptly tells his wife, Maria, that he wants a divorce. As Richard takes up with a younger woman, Maria enjoys a night on the town with her friends and meets a younger man. As the couple and those around them confront a seemingly futile search for what they've lost -- love, excitement, passion -- this classic American independent film explores themes of aging and alienation.

Poland, 1945. Mathilde, a young French Red Cross doctor, is on a mission to help the war survivors. When a nun seeks for her help, she is brought to a convent where several pregnant sisters are hiding, unable to reconcile their faith with their pregnancy. Mathilde becomes their only hope.

استنادًا إلى رواية جون إيرفينغ ، يروي هذا الفيلم حياة تي إس جارب ووالدته جيني. بينما يرى غارب نفسه كاتبًا "جادًا" ، تكتب جيني بيانًا نسويًا في وقت مناسب ، وتجد نفسها نقطة جذب لجميع أنواع النساء المنكوبات.

Five years after their summer together in Barcelona, Xavier, William, Wendy, Martine and Isabelle reunite.

A compilation film of the Ansatsu Kyoushitsu TV series, featuring anime-only epilogue scenes not originally in the manga.

In 1966, Deann Borshay Liem was adopted by an American family and sent from Korea to her new home in California. There, the memory of her birth family was nearly obliterated, until recurring dreams led her to investigate her own past, and she discovered that her Korean mother was very much alive. Bravely uniting her biological and adoptive families, Borshay Liem embarks on a heartfelt journey in this acclaimed film that first premiered on POV in 2000. First Person Plural is a poignant essay on family, loss and the reconciling of two identities.

Working as a prostitute since she was 16, Kam has witnessed the highs and lows of Hong Kong over the decades. Kamis now a “madam” who manages a stable of high-end prostitutes, entertaining and hosting parties for rich men. She has seen it all. On the surface she embraces the prosperity of the ‘New HK’ but like countless middle-class HK citizens, she laments the lossof the old Hong Kong that once belonged to the people. Over the hill mob boss, Gordon, was put behind bars before the Hong Kong Handover in 1997. Gordon’s appearance and mindset are still stuck in the colonial past. Recently released from prison, he is unable to cope with the New Hong Kong. His sole source of solace is his old flame, Kam.

A black police detective must solve a strange case of a kidnapped boy and deal with a big racial protest.

تتم برمجة النساء اللواتي يسعين للعلاج من مستشار العلاقات ، عبر آلة الحب ، لقتل زملائهن بوحشية عندما تؤدي استجابة منومة مغناطيسية إلى إثارة غضبهم القاتل.