Pat Metheny Group. Now if you were a fan, I wouldn't need to say any more. That name is a synonym of great jazz music and professional musician who has something on their heart.

Graduation Work of Inoue Ryo which won the Toronto Japanese Short Film Festival award in 2011. Little Red Riding Hood is eaten by a wolf and decides to help four fairies that live inside of it cure its disease.

Go behind the stage with the gothic/metal band Type O Negative. See hilarious tounge-in-cheek humor from all 4 members (also has footage of Sal Abruscato). Also see a huge toilet paper fight with the crowd as Pantera plays on stage. You thought these guys were dark and mysterious? Think again.

Young Irish immigrant, Alan Cooke contemplates the great metropolis New York City, and the very meaning of home itself. A vivid moving and poetic portrayal of life in contemporary New York featuring a host of celebrities, native New Yorkers and immigrants via candid interviews.


Fresh out of the academy, White Cop experiences his first taste of Aboriginal community life, as Black Cop puts him to the test.

The “scattered factory” expands. This journey recounts how, among abandoned buildings, mines transformed into tourist attractions, factories in Eastern Europe that have been reconverted to produce Italian cars, and the transformation of industrial cities and towns such as Sesto San Giovanni (the former Stalingrad of Italy) and Lumezzane (the “workshop” city of the Brescia area). The places, the images, the sounds. The director takes note and recounts by blending telephone calls, conferences, poems, old movies, commercials on Yugoslavian TV, Russian ballets, experimental performances. One sole flow that expands into multiple senses and directions. Just like a factory.

Someone begins taunting Aurora Teagarden with cryptic clues left at crime scenes, so the librarian-turned-crime buff attempts to figure out who is behind the creepy “game.” But when the people closest to Aurora become targets, the game takes on a much more dangerous edge as it points to a planned murder. The 10th installment in Aurora Teagarden Mysteries.

Renowned psychologist Susanne (Signe Egholm Olsen) is caught in a living nightmare when her new client (Anton Hjejle) turns out to be a wanted serial killer.


Largely considered to be the greatest American author, Mark Twain is celebrated in this exhaustive documentary by filmmaker Ken Burns.

A former alcoholic returns home after ten years in prison for the murder of her husband. As her recollection of the murder returns, things take a different turn.

  本片根据法国女作家葛朋畅销小说“安琪丽Angelica”改编(共有5集)曾获德国金像奖,此为第四集。 Angélique离开了国王和宫廷,试图找到她的丈夫Joffrey de Peyrac。在地中海,她登上了一艘很快遭到巴巴多斯海盗袭击的厨房。Angélique跳下船,却不知道海盗?首领,营救者,实际上是佩拉克。被一个叫德斯克莱恩维尔的男人救了出来,她不得不反抗他的进攻。愤怒的他决定在坎迪亚奴隶市场把她卖掉。

One evening close to Christmas, the tree, having seen the splendidly trimmed Christmas trees standing in the windows of nearby houses, and longing to be as beautiful as they are, begs the boy to trim it too. But the boy has neither ornaments nor money to buy any, in fact he has nothing. How can he make this withered, shriveled tree look beautiful, there in the middle of a filthy, freezing pavement? And yet this night will prove to be a very different night from every other. It will be a night when dreams come true, a night of enchantment and magic.

Back from a tour of duty, Kelli struggles to find her place in her family and the rust-belt town she no longer recognizes.

  本片根据法国女作家葛朋畅销小说“安琪丽Angelica”改编(共有5集)曾获德国金像奖,此为第五集,大结局。 Angélique被绑架,并被带上了由d‘Escrainville指挥的一艘船。乔弗里·德·佩拉克紧随其后出发,两艘船展开了一场残酷的战斗。德埃斯克莱恩维尔被击败后投降,但昂热利酒已经被送到奴隶市场,并被卖给摩洛哥苏丹的后宫。尽管国王很有魅力,昂热利奎还是反抗。她被判公开鞭打。与此同时,佩拉克继续寻找她。

在拯救公主,寻找到真爱并且稳定住了Far far away王国后,并且有了“小史莱克”后,我们的史莱克成了一个居家好男人。自然的,随着时间的飞逝,史莱克开始怀恋自己的本性“怪物”的一面。他又开始向往那些真正怪物过的生活。于是史莱克被格林童话中的著名角色小精灵Rumpelstltskin 所欺骗,与他签订了一份协议,使自己陷入了另外一个版本的Far far away王国的世界里。在那里Rumpelstltskin是国王,史莱克也得到了真正怪物的“对待”,被追杀,更重要的是,在这个世界里史莱克和菲欧拉没有相遇过。在认清事实后,史莱克终于决定为挽回自己本应有的“真爱”而奋斗!

Set in the year 2065 and tells the story of a man who enters an old holographic booth, intending to take a nap, but accidentally activating the resident sexual hologram.

From a historic genocide trial to the overthrow of a president, the sweeping story of mounting resistance played out in Guatemala’s recent history is told through the actions and perspectives of the majority indigenous Mayan population, who now stand poised to reimagine their society.