تابع الرحلة الأسطورية لبول أتريدس وهو يتحد مع تشاني وفريمن أثناء وجوده في طريق حربي للانتقام من المتآمرين الذين دمروا عائلته. في مواجهة الاختيار بين حب حياته ومصير الكون المعروف ، يسعى بولس إلى منع مستقبل رهيب لا يستطيع التنبؤ به سواه.

هاتش مانسيل ، أب في الضواحي ، زوج مهمل ، لا يوجد جار - "لا أحد". عندما اقتحم لصان منزله في إحدى الليالي ، اشتعل غضب هاتش المجهول منذ فترة طويلة ودفعه إلى طريق وحشي يكشف الأسرار المظلمة التي حارب لتركها وراءه.

يدور العمل حول المدرس (بول هونهام) حاد الطباع والذي يكرهه كل طلابه وزملائه، وفي عطلة رأس السنة يتقاطع طريقه مع الطالب المشاغب (أجنوس)، وسرعان ما تتطور الأمور بينهما إلى صداقة غير متوقعة.

An alcoholic falls in love with and gets married to a young woman, whom he systematically addicts to booze so they can share his "passion" together.

After a botched robbery results in the brutal murder of a rural family, two drifters elude police, in the end coming to terms with their own mortality and the repercussions of their vile atrocity.

في فيلم الإثارة النفسية للمخرج إدغار رايت ، تمكنت Eloise ، مصممة أزياء طموحة ، بشكل غامض من دخول الستينيات حيث واجهت المغنية الرائعة ساندي. لكن البريق ليس كل ما يبدو عليه وأحلام الماضي تبدأ في التصدع والانقسام إلى شيء أكثر قتامة.

The young artist Wanda Leibovitz comes to Paris, hoping to forget unfortunate love. Soon after arrival directly at the station Wanda meets the mysterious old woman suggesting to rent at it the room (whom the old woman, allegedly, held ready for the now deceased sister). Wanda doesn't know yet that this room will change all her life shortly after it slightly opens a mysterious forbidden door.

Wyatt and Billy, two Harley-riding hippies, complete a drug deal in Southern California and decide to travel cross-country in search of spiritual truth.

قبل سنوات من تحوله إلى رئيس مستبد في بانيم، تدور الأحداث حول كوريولانوس سنو في سن الثامنة عشر، حيث يبحث عن المجد بعد اختياره ليكون مرشدًا لدورة ألعاب الجوع العاشرة.

Blessed with a keen sense of smell and cursed with a philandering pornographer husband, a parasitic mother, and a pair of delinquent children, the long-suffering Francine Fishpaw turns to the bottle as her life falls apart -- until deliverance appears in the form of a hunk named Todd Tomorrow.

الزوج والزوجة - قيب وأديلايد ويلسون - يأخذان أطفالهما إلى منزلهم الشاطئي متوقعين الاسترخاء مع الاصدقاء. ولكن مع هبوط الليل، يتحول صفاءهم إلى توتر وفوضى عندما يصل بعض الزوار المروعين بدون دعوة.

Antonio, a former shipyard worker, leads a mild and peaceful life: he plays bowls with friends, takes care of his elderly mother, has an ex-wife with whom he is on excellent terms and Emilia, his only and beloved daughter When Emilia announces to him one day that she has decided to get married, Antonio is filled with joy, he can finally fulfill his dream by giving her the reception they have always dreamed of together being able to count on the savings of a lifetime.However, the bank of which he has always been a client seems to be hiding something, the employees are suddenly elusive and the director inexplicably changes constantly.The task of paying for his daughter's wedding will prove increasingly difficult and Antonio will discover, against his will, that those who keep our treasures don't always keep our dreams as well.

تخرج قاتلة محترفة تلقت تدريبًا عسكريًّا من مخبئها لحماية ابنتها التي لم تقابلها قط من فتك مجرمَين عديمَي الرحمة يسعيان للانتقام.

Having recently found God, self-effacing young nurse Maud arrives at a plush home to care for Amanda, a hedonistic dancer left frail from a chronic illness. When a chance encounter with a former colleague throws up hints of a dark past, it becomes clear there is more to sweet Maud than meets the eye.

In 1970s London, Scotland Yard orchestrates the downfall of mob boss Vic Dakin after he crosses the line by blackmailing Members of Parliament.

In the near future where emotions have become a threat, Gabrielle finally decides to purify her DNA in a machine that will immerse her in her past lives and rid her of any strong feelings. She then meets Louis and feels a powerful connection, as if she had known him forever.

Two young people go missing after a rave party in the woods. Meda and Rio, a man defeated by life and an uncompromising captain, are the two cops leading the investigation. It’s an old nightmare coming back to haunt the people from the small village near the forest but, this time, the monster has chosen the wrong person.

A rookie cop goes undercover to infiltrate a gang of car thieves led by smooth and charming Ted. The rookie becomes too involved and starts to enjoy the thrill and lifestyle of the game, and becomes romanticly involved with the leaders sister.

Jess Franco's version of the Bram Stoker classic has Count Dracula as an old man who grows younger whenever he dines on the blood of young maidens.

Photographic documentation of a Space Shuttle launch plays a critical role in the engineering analysis and evaluation process that takes place during each and every mission. Motion and still images enable Shuttle engineers to visually identify off-nominal events and conditions requiring corrective action to ensure mission safety and success. This imagery also provides highly inspirational and educational insight to those outside the NASA family. As the Shuttle Program draws to completion, its launch imagery is more comprehensive and spectacular than ever before. This compilation of film and video presents the best ground-based Shuttle motion imagery from the STS-114, STS-117 and STS-124 missions. Rendered in the highest definition possible, this production is a tribute to the dozens of men and women of the Shuttle imagery team and the 30 years of achievement of the Space Shuttle Program.