Zgodba o fantastični preobrazbi mladenke, ki se osvobojena predsodkov svojega časa zavzema za žensko enakost in svobodo. Mlado Bello Baxter k življenju obudi genialni in ekscentrični znanstvenik dr. Godwin Baxter. Toda lačna znanja in izkušenj Bella pobegne na razburljivo medcelinsko pustolovščino z razuzdanim odvetnikom Duncanom Wedderburnom...

Animirani film temelji na Nintendovi franšizi video iger Mario. Vodovodar po imenu Mario s svojim bratom Luigijem potuje skozi podzemni labirint in poskuša rešiti ujeto princeso.

Za božične praznike leta 2022, ko ves svet gleda finale svetovnega prvenstva v Katarju, se od nikoder pojavijo ljudje iz prihodnosti s sporočilom, da čez 30 let človeštvo izgublja vojno z nezemljani. Tako je edino upanje za preživetje človeštva, če se v prihodnost pošlje vojake in civiliste, ki bi se pridružili vojni. Dan Forester je profesor biologije na srednji šoli, ki je kot eden mnogih vpoklican, da se pridruži boju v prihodnosti. Odločen, da reši svojo hčerko, se skupaj z znanstveniki in vojaki odpravi spremeniti usodo sveta.

Zgodba opisuje komandirja ameriške mornarice na prvi plovbi prek Atlantika kmalu po vstopu ZDA v drugo svetovno vojno v začetku leta 1942, med katero je zadolžen za varovanje konvoja trgovskih ladij pred napadi nemških podmornic.

Nadaljevanje je postavljeno v leta po začetni smrtonosni invaziji na dom, kjer Norman Nordstrom (Stephen Lang) živi v tihi tolaži, dokler ga pretekli grehi ne dohitijo.

Kaj is a stubborn man with a great deal of pride. The former chef lives in a council flat. He has wasted his life and is now on a council job training scheme for the long-term unemployed, where he refuses to let the foreman of the activation project boss him about. When Kaj's daughter, with whom he has not been in touch for nineteen years, moves into the same council estate on the run from her violent husband, a change comes over Kaj. His initial instinct is to avoid her, but by chance he ends up helping to look after Jonas, her six-year-old son. For the first time for years Kaj need not survive on his own devices. Now he has responsibilities and a family of his own.

The teenage son of two fathers makes a documentary film about his parents but is surprised when a real-life plot twist occurs in his family.

SpektakularnA priredba priljubljene istoimenske videoigre o skupini vojakov, ki se znajdejo v boju proti ogromnimi in krvoločnimi pošastmi z drugega sveta. Ko se odpravijo na reševalno misijo, v kateri poskušajo najti pogrešane vojake, poročnico Natalie Artemis in njeno skupino marincev odnese v alternativni univerzum. Medtem ko poskušajo najti pot domov, se morajo spopasti z ogromnimi krvoločnimi pošastmi, v bitki za preživetje pa jim pomaga skrivnosten lovec z vrhunskimi borbenimi sposobnostmi.

Stig is a 15-year-old pupil of 37-year-old teacher Viola. He is attracted by her beauty and maturity while she is drawn to him by his youth and innocence, a relief from her drunk and miserable husband.

Claude in Marie Verneuil bosta kmalu praznovala 40. obletnico poroke. Ob tej priložnosti se njihove štiri hčerke - Isabelle, Odile, Ségolène in Laure - odločijo organizirati veliko zabavo presenečenja v družinskem domu v Chinonu. Prav tako se odločijo, da bodo povabile vsakega od staršev svojih mož - Rachida Benassema, Davida Benichouja, Chao Linga in Charlesa Koffija.

Napeta kriminalka o dveh detektivih, ki poskušata izslediti serijskega morilca. Med forenzičnim opravkom v Los Angelesu se osramočeni bivši policist Joe Deacon – Deke pridruži naredniku Jimu Baxterju na lovu za blaznim serijskim morilcem, ki terorizira mesto. Dekeov občutek za malenkosti se izkaže za srhljivo natančnega, toda lov na zločinca kmalu razburka stare, davno zakopane skrivnosti iz njegove preteklosti.

In 1920s New York City, a Black woman finds her world upended when her life becomes intertwined with a former childhood friend who's passing as white.

A brother and sister's journey into the jungle to find their missing father.

A woman escapes from the man who is about to rape her, but leaves her purse behind. Afraid that her attacker might come after her, she goes to the police, but with no proof of the incident, they can do nothing. In fact, the man does use the information in her bag and comes to her apartment with the intent of rape, but she sprays him in the face with insect repellent, and then holds him captive. She is then faced with deciding whether to go to the police who might not believe her and release him, or to kill him.

A lovelorn paramedic rescues a woman left for dead after a deadly assault. When she refuses to go to the hospital, he takes her in, nurses her back to health and soon falls in love with her. Before long the mysterious woman suffers withdrawal symptoms, leaving the paramedic to believe his newfound love is a drug addict. Coming home to find a blood-drained corpse on his floor, he learns she does indeed have an addiction problem but it's not to drugs...

In this magical, enchanting fairy tale we follow a young girl who, in search of her long-lost father, discovers a charming hidden cottage inhabited by the beautiful Snow White and the seven dwarves. With her newfound friends by her side, they embark on a spell-binding adventure to find her missing father and discover whether 'happily ever after' really does exist.

When cop David is injured in a drug bust gone wrong, his partner Cal chases the two criminals who shot him. They all land at a remote farm owned by troubled vet Eric, and as Cal and Eric plot their defense, more of the gang arrives - along with a wounded David. Outnumbered, the three heroes must use stealth, smarts, and good shooting to take down the drug-dealing mob.

A wealthy teen and his friends attending an elite private school uncover a dark conspiracy while looking into a series of strange supernatural events.

Sneaking out. Hooking up. Melting down. The cast and crew of a blockbuster action franchise attempt to shoot a sequel while quarantining at a posh hotel.

A homicidal turkey axes off college kids during Thanksgiving break.