Francesca (M. Streep) je bila udana za Richarda Johnsona (J. Haynie) i s njim je živjela na osamljenoj farmi u okrugu Madison, savezna država Iowa. Nakon njezine smrti krajem osamdesetih njezina djeca Caroline (A. Corley) i Michael (V. Slezak) otkriju da je u svom dnevniku opisala sudbonosnu ljubav s fotografom magazina "National Geographic" Robertom Kincaidom (C. Eastwood). Ta je veza trajala samo četiri dana. Sve se dogodilo u ljeto 1965. dok su muž i djeca bili na velikom sajmu države Iowe. Kincaid je svojim malim kamionom zalutao tražeći mostove okruga Madison koje je trebao snimiti za "National Geographic". Zaustavio se pred Francescinom kućom i ona mu je pokazala put. Sprijateljili su se, a odmah i duboko zaljubili jedno u drugo. Okolnosti im neće omogućiti da vezu nastave.

Senior year of high school takes center stage as Lara Jean returns from a family trip to Korea and considers her college plans — with and without Peter.

Biography of Loretta Lynn, a country and western singer that came from poverty to fame.

Chris Neilson dies to find himself in a heaven more amazing than he could have ever dreamed of. There is one thing missing: his wife. After he dies, his wife, Annie killed herself and went to hell. Chris decides to risk eternity in hades for the small chance that he will be able to bring her back to heaven.

Nerdy high schooler Ronald Miller rescues cheerleader Cindy Mancini from parental punishment after she accidentally destroys her mother's designer clothes. Ronald agrees to pay for the $1,000 outfit on one condition: that she will act as though they're a couple for an entire month. As the days pass, however, Cindy grows fond of Ronald, making him popular. But when Ronald's former best friend gets left behind, he realizes that social success isn't everything.

Po povratku s natjecanja avion urugvajske ragbijaške ekipe pokvari se visoko nad Andama i sruši na nepristupačno područje. Unatoč hladnoći koja lomi kosti i malim izgledima da će ih spasioci uopće primijetiti, mladi se preživjeli ragbijaši svom snagom bore za život, prisiljeni na odluke za koje nikad nisu ni slutili da bi im jednog dana mogle odlučivati o životu. Jedino što momci imaju njihova je volja za životom i borilački duh, ali hoće li to biti dovoljno?

With the occasion all but overshadowed by her sister's upcoming wedding, angst-ridden Samantha faces her 16th birthday with typical adolescent dread. Samantha pines for studly older boy Jake, but worries that her chastity will be a turnoff for the popular senior. Meanwhile, she must constantly rebuff the affections of nerdy Ted, who is unfortunately the only boy in school who seems to take an interest in her.

Two childhood paranormal incidents have convinced schoolteacher Faith Corvatch that her true love is a guy named "Damon Bradley," but she has yet to meet him. Preparing to marry podiatrist Dwayne in 10 days, Faith receives a phone call from Dwayne's old classmate named Damon Bradley who is on his way to Venice. Faith tries to catch him at the airport but just misses him so she impulsively decides to fly to Venice hoping to finally encounter the man of her dreams; accompanying her on the trip is her sister-in-law and childhood best friend, Kate, who has just left her husband, Faith's brother Larry.

Kad se bizarna obitelj doseli u njegovo susjedstvo, Ray Peterson sumnja da su dio kulta ubojica i angažira susjede da pomognu u istrazi.

Mlada, ambiciozna djevojka Alex (Jennifer Beals) žarko želi postati plesačka zvijezda. Financijski problemi prisiljavaju je da danju radi u čeličani u Pittsburgu, dok je noću egzotična plesačica. Njezin dečko, istovremeno i šef, Nick (Michael Nouri) pomaže joj u ostvarenju sna. Alex želi biti primljena na prestižnu baletnu akadamiju. Pobijesni kada sazna da njezin dragi povlači veze iza njenih leđa. Alex muče i unutarnji problemi. U potrazi je za vlastitim identitetom i prihvaćanjem ljubavi i u borbi s vlastitom tvrdoglavošću.

Dok se druže nakon škole, Charlie i njegovi prijatelji otkrivaju sjedište najmoćnijeg superheroja svijeta ispod njegove kuće. Kada zlikovci napadnu, oni se moraju udružiti kako bi branili štab i spasili svijet.

An illiterate cook at a company cafeteria tries for the attention of a newly widowed woman. As they get to know one another, she discovers his inability to read. When he is fired, she takes on trying to teach him to read in her kitchen each night.

Odlučna u namjeri da stvori odnos iz snova sa svojim davno nestalim ocem, Daphne odlazi u London, gdje ubrzo otkrije da je njezin otac visoko pozicionirani političar lord Henry Dashwood. Njezino pojavljivanje u visokom društvu stvori uzbunu koja prijeti uništavanju Henryjeve političke karijere pa Daphne, ne želeći ugroziti očevu kampanju za nadolazeće izbore, potiskuje svoju prirodno živahnu osobnost i baca se u vrtlog formalnih britanskih društvenih događanja. Uz pomoć šarmantnog i snalažljivog lokalnog glazbenika Iana, Daphne nastoji dokazati da ljubav može pobijediti sve, ali ubrzo shvati da joj se ne sviđa osoba u koju se sama pretvorila...

Darcy has always worked hard to prove herself and be successful on her own terms, even choosing to start her own company, rather than work with her father. Returning to her hometown for Christmas, Darcy reconnects with an old rival, restaurant owner Luke, and they are forced to plan a charity event together. As Darcy spends time with her family and Luke, she starts to realize what matters most in life and sets out to mend her relationship with her father, and possibly fall in love.

100 years ago, titans suddenly appeared on Earth. Soon, human civilization veered on collapse due to the titans. Humans then built a giant wall to defend themselves. Within the giant walls, humans lived in peace, but, 100 years later, the giant wall is broken.

Urnebesna SF komedija prati prijatelje iz susjedstva koji organiziraju vlastitu grupu za održavanje reda i mira u susjedstvu, prvenstveno kako bi se makli iz dosadne obiteljske svakodnevice. Međutim, nakon što pukim slučajem otkriju kako vanzemaljci namjeravaju napasti zemlju, prisiljeni su krenuti u akciju…

Kad Jessie Houston (S. Stone) unajmi poznatog pustolova Allana Quatermaina (R. Chamberlain) da joj pomogne osloboditi njezinoga oca, profesora i znanstvenika arheologa iz ruku opasnih zlikovaca i ne sluti u kakve će brojne pustolovine zajedno upasti. Oca, naime, drže Turčin Dogati (J. Rhys-Davies) i njemački pukovnik Bockner (H. Lom) koji od njega traže da ih uz pomoć tajanstvenoga pisma uklesanog na drevnoj figurici odvede do prebogatih rudnika biblijskoga kralja Solomona. Na svom zadatku Jessie i Allan idu iz jedne opasnosti u drugu: jedno ih domorodačko pleme želi baciti krokodilima, pleme ljudoždera s njima ima vlastite planove.

College buddies chip in and promise that the group's last unmarried man will collect a cash pot. Seven years later, the kitty is worth $500,000 -- money Michael needs to pay a gambling debt. Problem is, the only other single guy is a hopeless womanizer!

An anthology feature film that puts a uniquely dark and original spin on some of the most iconic and beloved holidays of all time by challenging our folklore, traditions and assumptions.

The story of Martha Moxley, a 15-year-old girl murdered in Greenwich in the 1970s. Her murder went unsolved for 25 years.